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Knight Of The Road
1E PRIVATE sector of haulage has been recognised in the Queen's rthday honours list with the award of a knighthood to Transport welopment Group chairman James Duncan. Sir James......
Fa Ch O Tests O Complex
0-YEARLY or six-yearly cks on tachographs should be necessary, the Freight nsport Association has told Department of Transport. has said that EEC Regulation 3/70, which covers......
York Cures Cordon Blues
THE YORK CORDON died, or at least passed into a deep coma last week, when North Yorkshire County Council's Highways and transportation committee agreed to take no further action......
Tiny Has Big Ideas
BRITISH businessman "Tiny" Rowland wants to go into the transport business in a big way. His company Lonrho is involved in talks on buying a stake in West Germany's biggest......
For Whom The Toll Bills
OPERATORS who want receipts for tolls paid on the Humber Bridge will have to pay in advance and buy vouchers in books of 20. Because the toll collection system is computerised,......