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?striction Atchdogs
f readers can rest assured that ! watchdogs are already 3ping a close watch on the !aping proliferation of lorry trictions (Editorial, May 16). :very proposal — they 3rage 3040......
He Goods Still, Of Course, Re To Be Delivered So
arators often have to make isiderable and expensive arational changes to comply. 3ecause the goods have to get ough, the local authority lcerned can then hail the )eriment as a......
Why No Hino Road Test In Cm?
I AM SURE that as publishers of Europe's leading journal on the cv industry, you consider it your duty to keep your readers as well informed as possible. For this reason, no......
Less Of The Royals —it's Ryland
I READ with great interest the news report in CM, May 30 headed "Bad maintenance restricts 0-licence". Your report stated, "but when the firm became a subsidiary of the......
Problems With A Scania
THANK YOU for the opportunity to comment on Mr Cox's difficulties (CM May 30). There have indeed been some problems since his Scania LB 141 was delivered on October 3, 1980. The......