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Retread standards

20th June 1981, Page 21
20th June 1981
Page 21
Page 21, 20th June 1981 — Retread standards
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IN LINE with its objectives of maintaining high quality in the products of its members and at the same time improving the image of retreaded tyres, the Retread Manufacturers' Association announced two new innovations at its annual lunch in London on Wednesday.

On the training side, the AMA, in conjunction with the Rubber and Plastics Processing Industrial Training Board and the City and Guilds Institute of London, is responsible for the introduction of a City and Guild Certificate in retreading technology, a syllabus for which has just been published.

A series of regional seminars is also being arranged to prepare operatives for courses which will be started shortly.

AMA members have to conform to strict standards to ensure a high level of quality — including compliance with British Standard AU 144b — and to ensure that retreads produced by members can be readily identified by members, the Association has introduced a tyre labelling scheme.

For car sizes there is a small label with the RMA logo, but a larger label designed for use on tyres also carries information related to important aspects of maintenance.