W. E. Macve Heads New B.R.S. Ferry Company
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FOLLOWING the announcement early I in January that a new company, British Road Ferry Services Ltd, had been registered with a capital of £750,000 to handle the overseas traffic previously carried by British Road Services Ltd., details have now been given of the way in which the new company is organized.
British Road Ferry Services has taken over and will develop both branches of the general haulage company (British Road Services Ltd.) which are engaged in ferry business to the Continent and Ireland; it has also taken into its charge Ferry Trailers Ltd. and Irish Ferryways Ltd. but it will not be directly concerned with the ferry traffic of the AngloContinental Container and Pickfords companies of the T.H.C. The managing director of the new company is Mr. W. E. Macve, well known in the industry as divisional manager of B.R.S. North_ Western Division at Manchester, and formerly Transport Commissioner for the North West. The general manager is Mr. W. N. Cherry who has wide experience of ferry work as district manager, Preston district, British Road Services Ltd. Together with Mr. 3/bore and Mr. Cherry on the board of directors of British Ferry Services are Mr. W. E. Bates (traffic manager, B.R.S. Ltd.), Mr. R. G. Davies (Liverpool district manager, B.R.S. Ltd.), Mr. H. W. Elliott (managing director, B.R.S. (Pickfords) Ltd.), and Mr. T. G. Woollam (managing director, Anglo-Continental Container Services Ltd.). The new company has five branches, at Preston, Ardrossan, Larne, Belfast and Tilbury. Preston will control the services to and from Northern Ireland through the ports of Larne and Belfast and io and from Eire through Dublin and Drogheda. There will be daily sailings to and from Larne, Dublin and Drogheda, while the Ardrossan service will provide the link for traffic between Scotland and
Ireland and will run daily into Larne.
The Continental services branch will be based at Grays, Essex, controlling daily services to and from Rotterdam and Antwerp via Tilbury. The head offices of British Road Ferry Services Ltd. are at Shelley House, Noble Street, London, E.C.2, the secretary of the company and the registered offices being at the T.H.C. headquarters at Melbury House, Melbury Terrace, London, N.W.I. Although this is a new company the services themselves are well established, Irish services having been in operation for 15 years and the very fast-growing Continental ,roll-on/roll-off service since 1957. The new company offers a unitload service, either by semi-trailer, LancaSlire flat or container in Toads up to 16 ions on all its services.
Palletized Both Ways
AAXIMUM use of palletiz,ation is an ILI important feature of the redeveloped Heriot Brewery, Roseburn, Edinburgh, which United Caledonian Breweries Ltd. (a Charrington group company) has recendy brought into operation. Some 40 vehicles are loaded and unloaded daily at the brewery's bottle section. Empty bottles arriving from depots are already crated and fully palletized. After inspection, cleaning and refilling they are automatically crated and the crates moved by conveyor to a Lawrence automatic palletizer which handles four pallets every 10 min., or 22 tons an hour. Each wooden pallet, 40 in. square, contains 56 crates (of 1,344 bottles) and weighs 2,400 lb. loaded. Yale high-lift fork trucks are used to stack pallets in the S m.-bottle store tn. a height of 24 ft. The Yale machines also unload and reload a vehicle carrying eight pallets in 10 min.