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Mutual Smoke Scheme
A s forecast some months ago, the Road Haulage Association and Traders Road Transport Association have now started a joint "mutual smoke scheme" whereby members are being......
Docks Liaison Needed
-1 — X A CALL for a series of meetings between dock representatives, road and rail transport authorities, and others interested in shipping traffic, was made by Mr. W. Farnorth;......
Unfair Attac Ks R I Ne Of The Worst Features The Road
haulage industry had to put up with was the irresponsible person who wrote in the Press of such things as black smoke, overloaded monsters and bad maintenance, claimed Mr. L. C.......
Nationalization Doubts ?
QOME recent opinion surveys showed that any further spread of nationalization would be highly unpopular even amongst something like half the supporters of the Labour Party, said......
T.r.t.a. Roads Inquiry
THE highways committee of the Traders Road Transport Association is to make an inquiry, into the need for new and improved roads in various parts of the country.......
"free Terminals" Essential To Road-rail Plans
F AR too many people had completely missed the full implications of the Beeching Report, said Mr. H. C. Johnson, chairman of the London Midland Railway Board, when he addressed......
Transport Research Studentship
A PPLICATIONS are now being invited for the Rees Jeffreys Studentship at the London School of Economics, University of London, for the 1964-65 session. Intended. to enable a......
Paying For Buses
P AY'vfENTS of about £40.000 a year will be made to bus operators for the provision of additional services in the areas affected by the 22 passenger railway lines whose closure......
New Signs Programme
B Y the end of 1967 all signs on Britain's most important roads will be in line with the recommendations of the Worboys Committee. On behalf of the Government, Earl Ferrers told......
Striking Figures' On Vehicle Duty
IF motor-vehicle duty had risen during the past 30 years in the Same proportions as the retail price index, the current rate would be £57 10s_ higher for a 2-ton lorry. £161......