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20th March 1964
20th March 1964
Page 1
Page 1, 20th March 1964

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Dodging the Issue

O of November 27, 1962, the Minister of Transport, Mr. Ernest Marples, told the House of Commons that "detailed surveys of...

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Bow Group Have Rates Formula

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT r - rHE Bow Group of Conservatives have I submitted a further memorandum to the Geddes...

Strike Warning by Scottish Union

. 1-1 A WARNING of strike action unless the conditions of long-distance road haulage drivers were improved was given by the...

Page 47

Five-day Week for London Markets ?

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT F AR-REACHING changes in the . pattern of deliveries to London's fruit and vegetable...


THE goods vehicle brake tests which, as reported in The Commercial Motor, March 6, are to be carried out by the Road Research...

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W. E. Macve Heads New B.R.S. Ferry Company

FOLLOWING the announcement early I in January that a new company, British Road Ferry Services Ltd, had been registered with a...

TWIN - AUGER DISCHARGE FOR SULKERS B ECAUSE even dischar g e rates of 25/30

tons per hour provided by a single au g er can prove too slow at some delivery points, the lower part of the lar g er...

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Mutual Smoke Scheme

A s forecast some months ago, the Road Haulage Association and Traders Road Transport Association have now started a joint...

Docks Liaison Needed

-1 — X A CALL for a series of meetings between dock representatives, road and rail transport authorities, and others...

UNFAIR ATTAC KS r I NE of the worst features the road

haulage industry had to put up with was the irresponsible person who wrote in the Press of such things as black smoke,...

Nationalization Doubts ?

QOME recent opinion surveys showed that any further spread of nationalization would be highly unpopular even amongst something...

T.R.T.A. Roads Inquiry

THE highways committee of the Traders Road Transport Association is to make an inquiry, into the need for new and improved...

"Free Terminals" Essential to Road-Rail Plans

F AR too many people had completely missed the full implications of the Beeching Report, said Mr. H. C. Johnson, chairman of...

Transport Research Studentship

A PPLICATIONS are now being invited for the Rees Jeffreys Studentship at the London School of Economics, University of London,...

Paying for Buses

P AY'vfENTS of about £40.000 a year will be made to bus operators for the provision of additional services in the areas...

New Signs Programme

B Y the end of 1967 all signs on Britain's most important roads will be in line with the recommendations of the Worboys...

Striking Figures' on Vehicle Duty

IF motor-vehicle duty had risen during the past 30 years in the Same proportions as the retail price index, the current rate...

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Would Transport be Investigated as a 'Service?'

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT IN its latest proposals for monopolies, mergers and restrictive practices, the Government has...

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New Dual-purpose Vehicles for Ribble

T HE 10 dual-purpose single-deckers for Ribble Motor Services Ltd., foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor of July 5, 1963, have...


CORAS IOMPAIR EIREANN has recently introduced the first of a batch of 13 new luxury coaches, mounted on Leyland Leopard 36-ft....

United's New Terminal and Timings

THE revision of long distance schedules and services by United Automobile Services Ltd., forecast in The Commercial Motor on...


THE transport committee of Cardiff City Council has authorized the fitting of a Ruston air-cooled six-cylinder diesel engine...

Emphasis on Scottish Transport T HE Scottish Council (Development and Industry)

has set up a transport and communications committee which will deal with all aspects of transport relevant to Scotland's...

Page 53

MR. HUMPIDGE WANTS SUBSIDIES N O central government had ever supported

public transport, said Mr. C. T. Humpidge, general manager of Sheffield Corporation Transport, on Tuesday; he thought that the...


A A DEMONSTRATION run in a Bristol RE 36-ft. coach was staged for the technical Press by Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd. this...


C.I.E. Fares Up: On Monday a 411. minimum fare was introduced on Coras lornpair Eireann buses in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway...

Page 54

Northern Refusals, Suspensions D ECISIONS in a series of long-steel cases

have been given by the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, who has refused applications for A licence variations...

Tribunal Rules on Booth Appeals

'THE Transport Tribunal, sitting in London, has upheld the appeal by Arthur T. Booth (Manchester) Ltd. against the revocation...

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Tribunal Upholds Appeal Against Dumpster Grant

PA A S a result of a decision by the Transport Tribunal in London last week, Cleansing Services (Southern Counties) Ltd. of...

LA. Offers McKe !vie 13 out of 37

A N application by McKelvie and Co. (Manchester) Ltd. for 37 vehicles, including 27 articulated, on A licence was resumed in...

Two 20-vehicle Bids , This Week

T THERE are two substantial applications notified in this week's As and Ds; both are for new B licences, and both seek the...

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Mr. Quin Wants Rates Details in Big Steel Traffic Bid

TH E importance of economic rates in the presentation of an application was raised in Glasgow on Friday when McKelvie and Co....

Tyre Developments for the Future

A PAPER was presented yesterday evening in London to The Institute of Road Transport Engineers by Mr. D. W. Badger, Development...

Six-vehicle E. Midland B Licence Refused

A N application by Young (Flitwick) Development Ltd., of Leighton Buzzard, for six vehicles on a new B licence, was refused by...

Powered Dollies Give Boost A NUMBER of " powered" dollies are

on trial with the Cummins Engine Co. in Western U.S.A. as boosters for the double-bottom-semi plus drawbar trailer combination,...

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L.C.C. Ambulance Show Extended

T HE London County Council's ambulance exhibition, which was to have closed earlier this week, is now being kept open by...

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ILLUSTRATED below is the first of a I batch of three mobile filling stations which European Petroleum Distributors Ltd. intends...


It Pays to Take Precautions THERE IS a tendency in goods vehicle repair to treat each item of unscheduled repair as a separate...

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and Publications Streamlined Mirrors T WO sizes of mirror have been added to the 1500 range of commercial-vehicle models made...

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By The Hawk Too Demanding ? Seems rather nice having an Act all to yourself stipulating that you payno rates. The Transport...

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England Beats Weymouth Bay to Win

Ir YMOUTHS weather luck with the weaer last year was not repeated this year. With uch an early date for the round—the site is...

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W HEN 1 discussed the changing pattern of transport catering with Mr. K. Hall, chairman of Motor Lodge Developments Ltd., a...

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N ON-SWISS exhibitors provide all the interest at this year's Geneva Motor Show, which remains open until 7 p.m. on Sunday....

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Stand and Deliver!

B ANDITS, posing as policemen, hi-jack £26,000 tobacco load near Market Harborough. Lorry driver offered £2,000 to " lose "...

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Is This a Pattern for Britain?

Tit work of the Interstate Commerce umission was the subject of last week's article. I would like to continue on this same...

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National Assistance for the Bus

Operator P W HAT promises to he the liveliest inquiry into a proposed railway closure yet to take place is due to be staged at...

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Sliding-canopy van for special equipment QUPPIJED to the S.E. Gas Board by P.-. ) L. F. Dove (C.V.) Ltd., an unusual vehicle...

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. • . a price barrier is not a satisfactory substitute for a licensing barrier'

N Y idea that the road haulage licensing system can be satisfactorily replaced by instituting control over rate-cutting has...

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Another Look at Articulation

T HE cost of operating articulated vehicles has been dealt with on several occasions in this series, not only in relation to...

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MONEY MATTERS P.M.T. Maintains Dividend

TW Ordinary stock of POTTERIES MOTOR TRACON (in which British Electric Traction Company has a controlling interest) is quoted...

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Handbrake Efficiency n URING the past few weeks, some of your correspond ents have expressed views regarding methods of...