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DLA against justice

21st February 1981
Page 15
Page 15, 21st February 1981 — DLA against justice
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THE SOUTH WALES Deputy Licensing Authority wenl against natural justice when hE granted a restricted Operator). Licence to a Gwent operator according to the Transport Tri, bunal.

The Tribunal was considerin an appeal by IsIwyn Borough Council against the DLA's deci sion to grant a one vehicle, on year restricted 0-licence to G. B Webb, of Blackwood, and hear( that the DLA had allowed M Webb to change the operatinc centre in the course of the publi( inquiry.

In his application last year, M Webb specified the Plas Inn a Blackwood as his operatin centre, and at a subsequent pub lic inquiry it became apparen that his only connection with th( inn was that he planned to part his vehicle there overnight.

Both the Council and the DU considered this an unsuitabli operating centre, but instead o refusing a licence, he gave M Webb leave to substitute hi home address as the operatim centre and granted a licenci then.

The Tribunal said the DLA ma, have put the Council at a disad vantage by taking this quick de cision, as it did not give it chance to consider whether o not it wanted to object to thi new operating centre.

"In our view, it was contrary ti natural justice to do this, and w therefore allow the appeal a this ground," said Tribune president George Squibb.

The Tribunal added that it wa up to Mr Webb to make a fres application for an 0-licence if h wanted to pursue the matter.