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Missing Out On Armitage
OME MPs seem completely to ave missed the point of the rmitage recommendations on eavier lorries and insist, desite proposals clearly to the conary, that axle weights and......
Charity Starts At Home
OHN GUTTRIDGE, chief inormation officer of the FTA, has leen having a verbal tussle with *ony Curtis, editor of Motor, vho hates lorries and wants to ee more goods transferred......
Fire Engine Sets Them Alight
AN ERF fire engine with Perkins V8 engine received a hostages' welcome in Kenya when thou sands of people turned out for a civic reception given by Nathan Kahara, mayor of......
Strange Fruits Of Research
GLOBE artichokes, according to a French Government report, are a promising source of fuel for motor vehicles. Other crops that might be converted by hydrolysis or fermentation......
Signs Of The Times
BECAUSE there is never likely tc be a universally understooc standard language, says the British Standards Institution, signs and symbols are increasingly being used to preseni......