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Vintner Has Nose For Fuel Savings
NOSE CONES manufactured by Hatcher Components Ltd, Framlingham, Suffolk, are being fitted to Gilbey Vintners Ltd's 250-vehicle delivery fleet. Fleet engineer Les Claxton claims......
Bare-faced Flushing
HIGH-PRESSURE water cleaning is claimed by Butterworth Systems (UK) of Croydon to deal with jobs normally tackled with chemicals, hand tools or dry sand blasters. It is capable......
Crack-proo Mirrors
TWO shatter-proof mirrors ha% been added to Spafax Ltd range of products, most 1 which are engineering col sumables supplied to factorie garages and engineering con panies. Both......
Small-scale Oil Meter
AN oil meter so compact that can be fitted into a vehicle's hp line has been introduced by th Ranger Instrument Company Basingstoke. The company claims that th Contoil VZO 4mm,......