Men in the News MR. ERNE,ST ANTROBUS, sales manager of H. and J. Quick, Ltd., has been elected a director.
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SIR JOHN ANDERSON has been elected president of the British Standards Institution for the coming year.
• Ma. H. G. N. READ has succeeded MR. C. G. G. DANDRIDGE as a director of the Trent 'Motor Traction Co., Ltd.
Ma. R. P. GRUNDY has joined Triplex (Northern), Ltd., as technical assistant to MR. H. IttsviN, director and general
manager. •
Ma. W. GILDON, chief purchasing officer of the B,E.T. Federation, Ltd., is to retire shortly. He will be succeeded by MR. K. C. WHEATLEY.
MR. F. S. RRIMELOW, chief assistant in Warrington . Transport Department, has been appointed deputy general manager of Middlesbrough Transport Department.
MR. J. MCV. WYLIa is the new representative of Heoley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.. in the South Glasgow district. MR. R. C. CATTERMOLE will represent the company in the north of the West Riding of Yorkshire.
MR. S. DAVIES has been appointed tis succeed MR. A. STRUTHERS as northern district manager of the southern division of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. MR. E. W. PETERS succeeds
• Mr. Davies as special representative,
giant tyres.
MR. PAUL WEF.KS LITCHFIF,LO. chairman of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., recently • completed 50 years of
service with the • concern. The 500.000.000th motor tyre was produced at the Goodyear Akron plant to Com memorate the event. •
CAPT. SIR IAN BOLTON, Bt.. 0.B.E., a chartered accountant and company director, has been reappointed a parttime member of the British Transport Commission. LT.-COL. STEVEN J. L HARDIE D.S.O., LL.D., chair?nan of the British Oxygen Co., Ltd., and its associated companies, has become a new part-time member.
MR. RAYMOND W. BIRCH, chairman of the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and other B.E.T. concerns, MR. GEORGE CARDWELL, chairman of the Road Passenger Executive, and MR. ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, a member of the Road Haulage Executive, are among those who have been elected to fill vacancies for ordinary members of the council of the Institute of Transport. MR. S. B. TAYLOR, deputy secretary of the British Transport Commission, has been elected an associate member. MR. W. HARRINGTON, manager of the London division of the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., is shortly to retire. He joined the concern in 1914. He will be succeeded by MR. W. H. CRITCHLOW.
MR. VICTOR DEACOCK, F.I.M.I., has joined Langney. Motors, Ltd., Eastbourne, as general service manager. Last March, he relinquished his position of service director of the Caterham Motor Co. group.
MR. G. PRIVE1FT has been appointed group supervisor, covering all depots of Hants and Sussex Motor Services, Ltd., and its associated companies. MR. K. CLEWLEY has succeeded Mr. Privett as manager of the Portsmouth area.
MR. G. MACKENZIE JUNNER has been reappointed president of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers. Executive officers are MR. .1. W. C. HEDGES, MR. G. CURTIS and MR. P. M. A. THOMAS. The treasurer is MR. A. H. DACK and the honorary secretary is MR. J. H. VINCENT. MR. C. E. SCANE was re-elected chairman of the Midlands Centre of the Institute at its recent annual general meeting.