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Better a Few Hoots THE over - anxious driver Than a Serious AcciA who is always sounding his dent horn is admittedly a...
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Of more oil torque. That Standard.produced 4,110 Ferguson tractors in Of a supersonic device which indicates ply-separtion in...
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/1 ODERN, efficient road haulage 1Y1 had been shackled to a rail transport system which the development of the...
A FTER it had been submitted that summonses relating to insurance, issued against a lorry driver and his mate, employed by the...
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B ECAUSE, in May, the South Wales Licensing Authority granted the Rhondda Transport Co., Ltd:, permission for a year from June...
hydraulic. fork trucks and 10 petrolengined works tractors. One of the fork trucks must be a 3-tonner, five must be 2-tonners,...
all the affiliates in Western Europe of the Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey), Esso Export Corporation, the Standard international...
%- 1 LASGOW'S experimental single deck trolleybus, with space for 20 seated and 40 standing passengers, will be shown on the...
A S a result of a visit to America earlier this year by Mr. Robert Barr, chairman and managing director of Wallace Arnold...
/JAY witnessed new peaks in proIV" duction and exports by the British commercial vehicle industry. Output rose to an average of...
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SIR JOHN ANDERSON has been elected president of the British Standards Institution for the coming year. • Ma. H. G. N. READ has...
NAORE than 1,500 services operated IN-lby Scottish bus companies owned by the British Transport Commission are the subject of...
R EPRESENTATIVES of London Transport drivers and conductors last week decided to refer to arbitration the proposal for a...
Pi A N entirely new range of mediumweight passenger-vehicle chassis and. new 6-ton and 7-ton goods chassis will be exhibited by...
WHILE the West Midland Licensing VI' Authority was hearing the application of Coventry Transport Committee for permission to...
A T Liverpool,' the corporation needs Pi 512 vehicles to deal with peak traffic and an average "of only 230 at . other times....
F CORMS on which to make claims under the Transferred Undertakings (Compensation to Employees) Regulations, 1950, together with...
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A DECISION to refuse an application for a licence on the ground of the applicant's previous conduct should be reached only...
F OUR television screens, two in the front bulkhead and two amidships on the luggage racks, have been installed in an A.E.C....
A LTHOUGH the vehicles of the I - 1 North Western Road Car Co„ Ltd., ran 500,000 more miles and carried 2,500,000 more...
T HE Road Transport Catering and Accommodation Joint Committee is to be reconstituted by its member organizations, the Road...
is to he made on August 17 by members of the Northwest centre of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers. Members of the...
40-seater bus can be arranged by University Motors, Ltd., London, S.W.I0, during the next fortnight.
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Doncaster Transport Committee is considering fitting automatically conironed doors to new trolleybuses. • An East Midlands...
A TROUBLE-FREE trip of nearly 2.000 miles from the Midlands to Land's End and John o'Groats was completed last week by a...
I N paying for haulage, the War Department has refused to take into consideration the higher costs that hauliers now incur....
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G OVERNMENT representatives of Austria, Belgium, Denmark. France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland...
D ETAILS of the scheme by which L./farmers will obtain a rebate on petrol expenditure were given by the Minister of...
T HE first of . a series of scientific surveys being put out by the Association of Scientific Workers, 15, .Halfmoon Street,...
A N important vehicle manufacturer wishes to strengthen its export sales office at its factory. In this connection, there is a...
D URING the year ended May 31, 41 applications, amounting to . about £2.900,000, were received by, the Ministry of Transport...
I T is understood that approval has been given to the application by Stockport Corporation for permission to raise all fares by...
P LEADING that it was a statutory undertaking and therefore not liable for profits tax, the London General Cab Co., Ltd„ last...
r1RST described in "The Commercial s t Motor" on April 18, 1947, the Berger hydraulic engine starter is now being manufactured...
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By a Special Correspondent B ELGIUM, having for long been faced With the roadve.riutrail . problem. has 'tended to subordinate...
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UAULIERS are warned by Mr. C. W. H. Sparrow, chairman of the Metropolitan and South Eastern Area of the Road Haulage...
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Political Commentary By JAN US R AISED eyebrows must have greeted the request by the chairman, at the annual luncheon of the...
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I ENJOYED driving the new Albion H.D. six-wheeler, first because of its easy handling, and, secondly, because of its ability to...
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P RICED at less than £1,000, a coach body produced by Nudd Bros. and Lockyer, Ltd., Ashby Road, Kegworth, near Derby, will meet...
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T HE article, " Vegetable Growers Need Their Own vehicles," by L. M. Marshall, published in your issue dated June 30, reads...
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Latil Tractor p OWERED by . a Latil 120 b.h.p. oil engine, and having a vertical steering column, ' two steering wheels and...
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M UCH correspondence followed a recent article of mine dealing with the problem of flat rates and exposing the folly of...
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I". A SIMPLE and efficient pump for producing high fluid-pressure forms the subject of patent No. 637,679, Which comes from...