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Inter-state Buses : Tourists First
G OVERNMENT representatives of Austria, Belgium, Denmark. France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland took part in a recent international. conference at......
Farmers' Petrol Rebate , Grants '
D ETAILS of the scheme by which L./farmers will obtain a rebate on petrol expenditure were given by the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Tom Williams, in the House of Commons, last......
Facts About Petroleum
T HE first of . a series of scientific surveys being put out by the Association of Scientific Workers, 15, .Halfmoon Street, Piccadilly, London, W.1, deals with petroleum, a......
Assistant For Export Sales .
A N important vehicle manufacturer wishes to strengthen its export sales office at its factory. In this connection, there is a vacancy for a factory export sales assistant, with......
£2,700,000 For Bus Purchases
D URING the year ended May 31, 41 applications, amounting to . about £2.900,000, were received by, the Ministry of Transport from murriciPal authorities for sanction to borrow......
Stockport Fares Up
I T is understood that approval has been given to the application by Stockport Corporation for permission to raise all fares by id., to introduce a minimum, single fare of 1W.......
Cab Company Not Statutory Concern
P LEADING that it was a statutory undertaking and therefore not liable for profits tax, the London General Cab Co., Ltd„ last week unsuccessfully appealed against a decision of......
New Hydraulic Starter Demonstrated
r1RST described in "The Commercial s t Motor" on April 18, 1947, the Berger hydraulic engine starter is now being manufactured in this country under the name of Bryce-Berger by......