Eleven General Goods Vehicles Sought in West
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1--X A B-LICENCE switch constitutes this week's largest application to be notified. Whittons Trimsport Ltd., of Cullompton (Devon) has applied to the Western Authority for permission to vary an A licence by the addition of 11 vehicles, now on B, to carry general goods "normally within 350 miles."
Another substantial bid is published in the Western "As and Ds" by J. Parsons (Glos.) Ltd., of Gloucester who want to convert contract A vehicles to B's for the carriage of solid fuels for several named customers within a radius of 120 miles. The vehicles are currently based in the South Wales Area.
In the East Midlands, G. W. Canning and Co., of Broughton Astley, seeks a B licence variation involving six vehicles to he used to carry road and building materials within 90 miles.
Other contract and B licence transfer requests sought are as follows:— Contract A to A lie.: North Western: J. Procter and Son Ltd., Bolton; J. D. Howells, Machynlleth. West Midland: S. Jones, Ironbridge. South Wales: D. M. Edwards (Pontyclun) Ltd., Pontyclun. Metropolitan: E. Donald, Epsom, Contract A to B lie.: North Western: B. E. Thelwall, Crewe. East Midland: Wigelsworths Transport Co. Ltd., .Scunthorpe; R. J. Ross, Skegby. West Midland: M. S. Wright, Much Wenlock. South Wales: J. P. Quinn, Haverfordwest; H. F. Tucker, Newbridge; J. H. Evans Whitchurch: D. S. Nicholls, Cardiff. Western: Torbay Tarmacadam and Asphalt Co., Kingskerswell; H. J. Hamblin Du rrington.
C lie. to B lie.: Northern: Associated Tees-Side Stores Ltd., Middlesbrough; Road Materials (Middlesbrough) Ltd., Middlesbrough. East Midland: Murphy's Quality Coals, Leicester; Wigelsworths Transport Co. Ltd., Scunthorpe. South Wales: C. Morgan and L. Rosser, Llanelly. Western: W. Woolaway and Sons (Readymix Concrete) Ltd., Barnstaple; Mrs. 1, K. Weathcrall, Bere Alston; E. M. Frankham, Charficld; J. Parsons (G I os) Ltd., Gloucester.
APPLICATIONS (June 12, 1963)
J. Alderson. Crook, new A lie.. 1 T (610. Mainly road and building mats.. livestock, agric. produce and requisites. furniture, timber, foodstuffs and coal for N.C.B. Mainly Tyneside, Tem. side and Wearside. Of granted A lic, with different user will be surrendered.)
Bell Bros. (Ashington) Ltd.. Ashington, A var.. add I veh. MIL (Van.)
Robson'a Border Transport Ltd., Carlisle. A var., add I art, (hi).
Skittle C. Cook Ltd.. Conseil, A var.. add 4 art (43t 70. Overall length exceeding 35 ft.
A. Stevens and Co. (111nolage) Ltd., Middlesbrough, A var.. add 2 an. fait). Overall lengths exceeding 35 ft.
R. J. Allisoo. Longtown. new B lic.. I T (31 180. Lime, mats, and plant for site preparation and construction of roads and buildings within 1 An miles.
Associated Tees-side Stores Ltd., Middlesbrough, new B tic., 5 veh. (110 (vans). Furniture and household appliances within 250 miles. (Veh, specified in C IM.)
Road Materials (MkIdlesbrough) Ltd., Middlesbrough, B var., add 5 T (190. Chemicals in bulk. mats, and plant for site Preparation and construction of roads and buildings within 50 miles, demolition and salvage mats. for Dorman Long (Steel) Ltd., Dorman Long (Chemicals) Ltd.. Dorman Long (Bridge and Engineering Ltd.) within 20 miles. Dieh. at present specified in C
Devises's Transport Ltd., Shildon. B var., add 2 art. (71t) and I itch. (4t).
APPLICATIONS (him 12. 1963)
C. P. Marshall (Transport) Ltd., Ashbyville (Scun thorpe). A var., add 3 veil, (301 9c), Normal operations of additional vch, to read: Petroleum Products, bulk liquids. 150 miles. Of granted 2 itch. with conditions: Petroleum products and bulk liquids within 150miles to customers where there are no direct rail connections will be removed from B lic.) H. D. Foster, Barton-on-Humber. new B lic.„ 1 art. (4t I9c) (low-ldr.). HCAVY plant and machinery within 35 miles.
Walkers Transport. Birchover (nr. Matlock). new B lic., 1 vets. (OD. Tarred and dry stone for constructional purposes as required.
Murphy's Quality Coals. Leicester. new B lie., vets. (3)1). Coal and coke, quarry mats., earth moving in connection with the construction of the M1 motorway; all within 30 miles. (SPecilled in C hr.) B. Beardsley. Nottingham. new B lic.. 1 vett.
(It Sc).I Small removals within 59 miles.
G. A. Cox, Whetstone (Leics). new B lie.. l (31 lfic). Goods for T. Simpson and Co. (Leicester) Ltd. and subSidiary companies. T. Simpson and Co. iNottingham) Ltd. and subsidiary companies and Simmons Petroleum lid., Leicester and Heating and Engineering Equipment for F.S.S. Ltd. of 1 eicester.
G. W. Canning and Co., Broughton Astley (Leies), B var.. add 6 veh. (390. Road and building mats., with 90 miles.
Rohinsuns (Cressbrouk) Ltd., Cressbrook fru. Buxton), B var.. add 1 veh. (4)1). Cement to road construction and building sites, tarred and dry stone, all within 75 mites.
Wine%worths Transport Co. Ltd., Scunthorpe (Lines). B var., add 4 veh. (13t 16c). Sand for William Mason and Son (Sands) Ltd., as required: and sand and waste mats, within 5 miles. (H granted contract A lie. and C lie. will be surrendered.) R. J. Ross, Skegby (Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts), B Var., add 1 vch, (4t 4c). Sand and gravel for Hoveringham Gravel Company Ltd.. as required. thimble mats for McQuinn Bros., Mansfield within 10 miles. (If granted contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
APPLICATIONS (mane 13, 1963) It. and H. C. Sadler, Hereford, A var., add 4 veh. (2510 and 4 containers (70. Mainly livestock, aerie. goods and produce, meat and building mats. Herefordshire and adjoining Counties. Midlands and South Wales, (If granted 3 veh. on B lie, and 1 on short-term B lie. will be surrendered.) S. Jones, Ironbridge, A var., add I vett. (4t). Mainly solid fuels, lire clays and bricks. cerium slabs, timber, potatoes, glazed tiles, building and road making mats„ aerie, requisites, steel and metals. England and WaleS. (If granted contract A Iic, will be surrendered.) p. Fitigerald, Birmingham, new B lie.. 2 T. (84). Road making mats. for Leonard Leigh Ltd., within 35 miles,
M. S. Wright, Much Wenlock, new B lic„ 1 T. (610. Goods for Ridge Limestone Ltd.„ within West lock, within 150 miles; grain feeding stuffs and fertilizers for Marston Bros. Ltd.. Ludlow, within 100 miles; grain, limestone and basic slag for The Radnorshire Co. Ltd., Knighton, within 150 miles: grain, fertilizer and basic slag for Stubbs, Meeson and Co., Craven Arms, within 150 miles. (If granted contract A lie. will be surrendered.)
R. G. Spry, Brierley Hill, B var., add 1 T, (4t). Coal and coke for Alexander Costley (Foundry Division) Ltd., within 120 mites.
Morton's (Coventry) Ltd., Coventry, B var., add 1 veh. (231) (van). Goods for Massey-Ferguson Tractors Ltd.. Massey-Ferguson ((1.K.) Ltd.. MasseyFerguson-Butler Ltd., as required.
Donning and Son Ltd., Hednesford. 11 var., add 2 T. (14)0, Roadmaking and building mats, for members of the South Staffs Gravel Association, within 35 miles of Cannock, and for Dunning and Son Ltd., within 100 miles of Cannock.
H. W. Dotson, Shrewsbury. B var., add I T, (441). Roadmaking and building mars, for members of the South Staffs Gravel Association, within 35 miles of Cannock for all members, but 104 miles of Cannock for Dunning and Son Ltd.
R. I. Harris, Wolverhampton, B var., add 1 veh. (5t) (Transporter). Towing and transporting caravans as required with specially equipped transporter.
APPLICATIONS (lase 14, 1963) J. Procter and Son Ltd., Bolton, A var., add 1 art. (60. (If granted contract A lie, will be surrendered.) R. K. Somerset, Chapel-en-le-Frith, A var., add 1 veh. (51).
J. D. Howells, Machyrdieth, A var., add 3 veh. (15)0. Round timber of J. L. R. Gordon and Co, Ltd. (Powell Duffryn and Co. Ltd.), farm Produce and requisites; Wales, Border Counties, Lancashire, Midlands. (If granted contract A lie, will lie surrendered.) P. E. Blake, Northwich. A var., add I veh. (31), B. E. Thdwstl. Crewe. new B lie., 1 veh. (40.
Building and road making mars, to and from sites within 30 miles. (Veh. specified in contract A lie.) G. Fox, Bredbury, B var., add 2 veh. (61t). B.R.S. (Contracts) Ltd., Liverpool, B var., add 1 vett. (310 (van).
I.R.S. (Contracts) Ltd., Manchester. B var., add 1 veh. (314) (van).
APPLICATIONS (June 12, 1963) R. Wynn and Sons Ltd., Cardiff, A var., add 5 T. (2110. All goods-GB.
D. M. Edwards (Politician) Ltd., Pontyclun (Glarri). A var., add 2 veh. (70. Concrete products -South Wales and West of England. (If granted. contract A he, will he surrendered.)
J. R. Davies, Burton (Pemba), new a lic., 1 T. (40. Goods for Gwatia Fertilizers within 190 miles, sand and gravel from Dale, stone from Boshestnn to Regent Refinery at Pembroke.
J. P. avian, Haverfordwest, new B lie., 1 T. (440. Goods for Gwalla Fertilizers as required and new potatoes within 200 miles. (yeti, at present specified in contract A lie.)
C. Morgan and L. Rosser, 'Llanelly (Carms), new,
B lie., 2 vet]. (910. Scrap metal for Cox and Milks Ltd.. only from Fisher and Ludlow, Iselin Foe!, to the Steel Works in South Wales (2 veh. specified in C lie.) I. E. Evans, Llangain (Cams), new B lie., 1 veil. (310. All goods and livestock, within 50 miles.
H. F. Tucker, Newbridge (Mons), new B lie., 1 T. (414). Hardcore, building mats, and opencast coal. within 20 miles, and dolomite stone for Cwmlevshon Quarries Ltd.. Rudry, near Caerphilly (Clams) to the Steel Company of Wales Ltd., Abbey Works, Margarn, Port Talbot (Glans). (If granted, contract A Ile. will be surrendered.) J. H. Evans, Whitchurch (Clams), new B lie.. t veh. (310. Goods for Rimer Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Whitchurch, any distance. (If granted, contract A lie. will be surrendered.) Gregory Bros., Beaufort (Mons), B var., add 3 T. (120, Cr, within 25 miles of Ebbw Vale (Mons),
D. S. Nichols, Cardiff. B var.. add 1 T. (2)0. Goods for J. E. Evans and Co. (Cardiff) Ltd., and Wm. Briggs and Sons Ltd. (If granted. contract A lie. will be surrendered.)
Seenrienr Ltd.. Newport (Mons). B var.. add 2 Hiring Allowances (Vans) (310. Cash and valuables, within 30 miles.
APPLICATIONS (June 11, 19631 H. A. Bassett Ltd., Bristol. A var., add 3 veh. (100. (Vans.) G.g., mainly smalls Southern England.
Ittons Transport Ltd. CuHampton (Devon). A var., add 11 veh. (50E 116. G.g. normally within 354 miles, (Veh, at present specified in B lie.)
A. J. Legg. Whitchurch, A var., add 1 veil. (3t I2c). Mainly road and building mats., clay. feedingstuffs and fertilizers normally within 200 miles. (Veh. at present specified in B lie.) W. Woolawny and Sorts (ReadymIx Concrete) Ltd., Barnstapte, new 13 lie., 4 veh. (22t 19c). (Truck Mixers.) Readymix concrete within 100 miles. (Vet, at present specified in C lie.) Mrs. I. K. Wentherall, Bere Alston (Devon). riew B tic., 1 veh. (7t 4c). Timber ex woods where felling and extraction is actually carried out within Iso mites with back loads from Newport and Bristol. (Velt at present specified in C lie.)
Torbay Tarmocadam and Asphalt Co., Kingskeeswell (Devon), new B lie.. 1 T. (3t He): Goods for E. and L W. Glendinning Ltd.' within 130 miles. (If granted contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
E. M. Flunkham. Chatfield (Clot), B var., add 1 T. (4)0. Quarried Mats, including tarmacadam within 150 miles.
H. J. Hamblin Ltd., Durrington (Wilts), B var., add 1 T. (3)0. Quarried mars, (excluding Mendip Area) within 60 miles. (Veh, at present specified in C lie.) 3. Parsons (Gies) Ltd., Gloucester, B var., add 7 T. (37t 7e). Solid fuels for Evans and Reid Coal
Co. Ltd„ Spencer Abbot Co. Ltd.. Darby and. Co, (Birmingham) Ltd., Andresve Bross of Haywards Heath, France, Fenwick, Hargreaves and Co. within 120 miles. (If granted veh, at present specified in contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
C. Rudrnm and Sons Ltd., Henbury (Giros). B var., add 3 T. (22t 11e). Road allocated solid Fuels ex N.C.B. Landsates within 150 mites. (Two veh. are at present specified in C tic.)
3. White, Weare (Sum), new B lie., 1 veh, (4t Sc) (includes container (18c). Gs. within 350 METROPOLITAN
APPLICATIONS (June 13, 1963) E. Collins, Hanworth (Middx.), new A lic., 4 veh, (91 18c). Gs„ mainly furniture and market produce, within 50 miles, with occasional longer journeys. (If granted A lie, granted to F. Collins with facilities: " Mainly market and nursery produce, within 20 miles and main airports" will he surrendered.) E. Donald, Epsom (Surrey), new A lie., 1 art. (41 18c). Mainly industrial heating and refrigeration fittings for Dunham Bush Ltd., and building mats. for ?itinerante Ltd., any distance. (If granted veh. will be deleted from contract A lie, head in South Eastern area granted to E. Donald.) F. Honey, Canning Town, E.16, new A lie,. 1 veh. (21 18e). G.g., England, Wales, Scotland, L'ubitt Town Transport Ltd., E.I4. A var.. add 5 veh. (61 I3c). G.g., G.B. (If granted B lic. with conditions "6g. within 20 runes of Canning Town Railway Station " will be surrendered.) A. Saunders rind Son fliarpeoden1 Ltd., Harpenden (Hens.), A var., add 7 veh. (270. Facilities for 2 eels. Furniture and effects as household removal contractor and furniture warehouseman within 250 miles. For other vehst Gs.. London and provinces. (If granted 8 lie, will not be renewed.) W. Sullivan Ltd., Holloway, N.7, A var., add 1 art. (6)0. Household removals, factory and office removals. g.g.. G.B.
Haulers Distributors Ltd., Welling (Kent), new B lie.. 1 veh. WO (van). Food products; S.E. London. Kent and Sussex.
T. Moore, Canning Town, E.16, new B lie., 1 veh. (45 20, Fruit and vegetables, within 80 miles of Plaistow Railway Station. (If granted B lie. with conditions "Fruit. vegetables and potatoes, within 10 miles will be surrendered.)
K. W. Jeffreys, Stanford-le-Hope (Essex). B var., add 2 T. (740. Building and-road making mats. within 34 miles of Stanford Church,
Leadenhag Transport Ltd., E,16, B var., add 2 art. (160.
F. Marshall and Sons Ltd., N,W.6, B van. add 1 • (3t 120) (van).
F. A. Redshaw, Heddesdon (Herts.), B var., add 1 T (40.
F. J. Smith, Tooting, S.W.17, B var.. add I veils (340. • G.g., within 250 miles.