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21st June 1963
21st June 1963
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Page 1, 21st June 1963

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How Much?

B LUNT maybe, but ultimately this is the inevitable question when a commercial transaction is being negotiated. Whether it be a...

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Higher Night-duty and Subsistence Rates for Haulage Workers

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A N extra 3d. an hour (from 8d. to 11d.) on night-duty rates for work between 7 p.m. and 6...

T.R.T.A.'s Task in Licensing Inquiry

IF the rail closures in North Devon pro posed in the Beeching Report are fully implemented there will be an urgent need for the...

Vehicle Noise Limits Will be Reduced After Three Years

A NEW set of draft regulations aimed at the prevention of excessive noise from motor vehicles has been circulated to interested...

Page 9

Transport Ferry Sailings Increased A N increased service to the Continent

is being provided by the Transport Ferry Service, with effect from June 16. The number of sailings between Tilbury and...

Liberate E.E.C. Road Transport' Say Holland and Italy

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDE NT WHEN the E.E.C. Council of Ministers " met in Brussels on Friday to discuss the Commission's...


THE 1963 edition of " The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs" will be published next v.eck, price 4s. or 4s. 6d. post...

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GOODS TRANSPORT Maintenance Meeting

G OODS vehicle maintenance will be discussed at an open meeting of the West Midland Maintenance Advisory Committee at the...

R.H.A. and T.R.T.A. Fight Glasgow Bans

G LASGOW Corporation highways committee has Approved major restrictions in the • use of city-centre streets in an effort to...

New Post Office Fleet for East Anglian Parcels Experiment

T HE long-awaited experimental reorganization of the parcel post service in East Anglia will start on June 23. It was in•...

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Give Transport More Freedom, Says Mr. Whitaker to E.C.M.T.

I " AM firmly of the opinion that under present day conditions there are very strong arguments for giving all forms of...

'Mirrors-only' for L.D.O.Y. Reversing?

S UGGESTIONS that only rear-view mirrors should be used as a guide by drivers reversing their vehicles in the tests of the...


WHEN the latest Commer and Karrier WV forward-control goods chassis were introduced earlier this year (The Commercial Motor,...

R.H.A. Trophy for L.D.O.Y.

A NEW trophy presented by the Road PA Haulage Association will be held for one year by the best Aor B-licence vehicle driver...

Thatcham Driver Wins Reed Contest

F ORTY drivers from five depots of Reed Transport Ltd. took part in the company's Lorry Driver of the Year contest at...

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Political and liamentary

Weights Changes Rejected W HEN the House of Lords returned to the Wei g hts and Measures Bill after the Whitsun recess, Lord...

Rural Bus Problems

T HIS might be a g ood time to revise I the law controlling bus services, without going back to "internecine competition ",...

Offences to Count

A DRIVING offence committed before May 29, when the "three offences in three years" disqualification came into effect, will...

France's New Line on Weights and Sizes

F RANCE has dropped its adherence to the vehicle weights and dimensions limits agreed at the 1960 convention of the E.C.M.T. On...

'Cruiser' Tours Bid

L'OLLOWING a demand by passengers I for the "cruiser" type of Continental tour which involves spending no more than two nights...

Appeal Against C oach Tours Grant

A T Exeter last week Greenslades Tours Ltd. and Excelsior European Motorways, Bournemouth, appealed against a grant by the...

Contract-to-A Switch for One Only

IN a reserved decision this week, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, the North Western deputy Licensing Authority, granted one vehicle on A...

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Judgment Reserved in Jeory Appeal

'THE Transport Tribunal, sitting in 1 London last week, reserved judgment in an appeal by British Road Services, and the...

Transporter Application Adjourned A N application by Vehicle Clearances Ltd., of

London, for a new B licence to add 12 vehicles to its existing fleet of seven for the transport of cars was adjourned by Mr. D....

Continental Cam ping Tours Battle

A NEW venture by Wallace Arnold r -1 Tours was revealed by the company's traffic manager, Mr. G. Steele, at a hearing at Leeds...

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Those Incomplete Objection Forms

BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY T HE thorny question of whether incomplete objection notices nullify an objection has come up again, this...

An Unusual Challenge

—but circumstances were exceptional CiN the face of it, the report carried 'kJ in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor...


for a "small" I excursions-and-tours operator to complain that the larger companies are trying to put him off the road. Such a...

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A N interesting application has been made to the Air Transport Licensing Board by Cunard Eagle Airways Ltd., to vary certain...

Eleven General Goods Vehicles Sought in West

1-- X A B-LICENCE switch constitutes this week's largest application to be notified. Whittons Trimsport Ltd., of Cullompton...

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Customers Switch to Own Fleet

F OLLOWING the amendment of an application by Brewer and Turnbull Ltd., Blackpool, at Manchester last Monday, an objection by...

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Investment Injustices' Detailed by John Spencer Wills

A T the annual general meeting of B.E.T. Omnibus Services Ltd., in London, Mr. John Spencer Wills, chairman, reported that the...

Barr and Wallace Arnold Growth

lUIR. J. M. BARR, chairman of Barr IVI and Wallace Arnold Trust, denied in his annual report that the Becching rail proposals...

Flat-floor Atlanteans ?

QPEA KING in the Coventry City Council debate on Atlanteans versus Flectlines (reported in The Commercial Motor last week),...

North Western's 4-1m. Loss of Stage Passengers

T HE continuing loss of traffic on stage carriage services, the failure of the Chancellor to see the light with regard to the...

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Belfast Efficiency 'On High Level

A SURVEY of all aspects of the B e lf as t Corporation Transport Department, undertaken by Urwick, On and Partners Ltd.,...

Mr. R. J. Ellery has retired from the chairmanship of

the Public Transport Association, a position which he has occupied since May, 1961, His place has been taken by Mr. W. M....

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Hydrostatic Transmission Design for Buses

ri A COMPLETE detail design for a hydrostatic transmission intended for use in a motor bus has been completed and the basic...

Applying New Lubrication?

T HE news that two diesel-engine manufacturers are considering incorporating Glacier Metal Co.'s new Ramrod system of bearing...

Cheaper Petrol

C UTS in the retail price of some grades of petrol have been made by leading companies. Last Friday Shell-Mex and B.P....


WILLOWBROOK BODIES FOR SOUTH WALES. RENOWN S: Amongst bodywork orders recently received by Duple Group Sales Ltd. is one from...

Another Martin Walter Ambulance

rl A NEW ambulance based on the NEW .LIZ semi-forward-control chassis has been announced by Martin. Walter Ltd. The standard...

Unimog on Hire U NDER a new scheme introduced by the

commercial-vehicle division of Mercedes-Benz (Great Britain) Ltd., Unimog vehicles will be available for hire. The scheme...

New Overseas Service

IMPROVED service to overseas opera' tors is the aim of a team of service engineers formed by Leyland Motors Ltd. The engineers...

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Renault Estafette P.s.v. and Low-loader Goods Models

W HEN a new version of the Renault 15-cwt. van was exclusively described and illustrated in The Commercial Motor of May 31, it...

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Efficient Cleaners

D EMONSTRATIONS were given recently of Bendix cleaners which are now being produced and marketed by a newly formed Chemical...

covering Odd Scratches

A LTHOUGH primarily introduced for r - k cars, 0.25-pint tins of enamel introduced by Holt Products Ltd., New Addington,...

For Use with Fork Lift Trucks

A NEW light-alloy container which has been developed by Rollalong Ltd., Ringwood, Hants, in conjunction with Boss (Engineers)...

Holds It Firm

QCREWDRIVERS incorporating a 0, -/ spring-loaded sleeve over the shank, to hold the screw being inserted or removed firmly in...

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W HEN I tested the original 10/12-cwt.. version of the Renault Estafette early in 1961 (a test report appeared in The...

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Problems Posed by Snow and Dust

T HE irritation, danger and economic loss caused to the community through intense snowfalls such as those experienced in the...

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Accent on Security

T HREE security vehicles—two with bodywork by Glover, Webb and Liversidge Ltd.—were the main features of the International...

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A Bigger Show This Year

By A. J. P. WILDING 0 N Tuesday the second International Construction Equipment Exhibition opens at Crystal Palace, London. It...

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Bird's Eye View

IN a column of optimism and bonhomie such as this, I hesitate to broach a subject so potentially painful as that of money, or...

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M EASURING an increase in productivity may sometimes seem not much

less difficult than achieving it. In many industries it is related to the volume of production of the individual worker in a...

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Cost Charges Up to Date

By S. Buckley Assoc. Inst. T. T HE 1963 (47th) edition of "The Tables" is due to be published on June 26, price 4s. through...