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Requests in Six Areas
APPLICATIONS (May 12. 1965) R. Milne. South Shields. new A tic., 1 vets. (50: Steel for Jackson Harding Co.. Hebbum, and Brushing. Screening and Engineering Lid., Jarrow.
J. and A. Headline. Bishop Auckland. A var.. add 2 veh. (851). Cattle, farm produce and requisites 90 per cent. General haulage 10 per cent, 250 miles.. Of granted C lie, will be surrendered.) Econofreight Transport Ltd., Thornaby. new B lie., 15 T. (67t 17c). 1 art. (St 17c). G.g. within 30 miles; mats, and plant for site preparation and the construction of roads and buildings and other goods in bulk. Durham, Yorkshire. Cumberland, Northumberland and Westmorland. (If granted, B lic, in the name of D. Tarten Ltd. will be surrendered.) R. and V. Wood, Carlisle. B var., add 1 T. (440.
It. Nixon, Gateshead, B var., add 1 T. ((41). Mats, and plant for site Preparation and the coostruction of roads and buildings, food, aerie. produce and coal within 15 miles. Goods for Limmer and Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co. Ltd., as required.
APPLICATIONS (May 14„ 1965)
Edge Transport, Chester, A var., add I art. WO. Building mats., packing case and machinery; Cheshire. Midlands, South Wales. North East England and Londonarea.
A. Wood and Co. (Hauliers) Ltd., 'Salford, A var.. add 1 art. (414). (If granted. B lie. will be surrendered.) Corte Transport Ltd., Birkenhead. new B lie., 2 veh. (80. Aerie. lime in bulk from N. Wales Quarries to destinations within 50 miles.
F. J. Meadows, Fleetwood, new B tic., 2 T. (850. Lime and basic slag to farms in Lancs, for spreading on behalf of Ramsdens (Haulage Contractors) Ltd.
S. Scott and Sons Ltd.. Oldham. new B tic.. 3 veh. (1450; 1 trl. (3(1): 3 art. (2550. Goods for United Glass Ltd., and their subsidiary companies as required; wines from the London area to the licensee's Oldham warehouse; goods to and from the licensee's Oldham warehouse within 80 miles. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) Greenore Ferry Services Ltd.. Preston, new B lie.. 2 art. 050; 2 art. els. (70. Collection and delivery as required of goods which have been or are to be conveyed on vessels operated by the Greenore Ferry Services Ltd.
J. Stirland (Notts) Ltd., St. Helens. new B lie.. 1 art. RAI. Goods for (faired Glass Ltd.. and Ravenshead Glass Ltd., within G.B.
H. Walmersie) Jar.. Blackburn, B var., add 1 veh. (30.
F. and R. Hughes, Runcorn. B var., add 2 veh. (550. Aerie, produce within 55 miles from June to October inclusive each year.
H. Taylor and Sorts. Wigan. B var.. add 1 veh. (340: 2 art. (1210. (If granted. Contract A lie. will be surrendered.)
APPLICATIONS (May 13, 1965) Johnson's (Air Freight) Ltd.. Birmingham. new B fic., 4 veh. (W. Air freight for customers for whom applicants act as shipping and 'forwarding agents. within 6(1 miles of Birmingham Airport and to and from other airports in England and Wales.
J. S. Webb (Holdings) Ltd., Stourbridge. new B he.. 3 veh. (90; 2 Ms. (10. Building mats, and manufactured goods for J. S. Webb (Smethwiek) Ltd., and associated companies, within 100 miles.
A. T. Hasiticrn and Son. Sutton Coldfield, new B lie.' 1 veh. (410. Goods for Vono Ltd.. Grovewood Products Lid.. Portuay Ltd., and Revo Ltd., as required.
S.D. Supplies and Haulage Ltd., Tamworth. new
B lic., 3 T. (1330. Road-making mats. for Warwickshire Quarries Ltd., and Man-Abell Quarries Ltd. within 75 miles; solid fuel and goods tor Smith Bros. (Tamworth) Ltd.. within 150 miles.
County Borough of Walsall Medical Officer of Health. Bloxwich. new It lie., 1 veh. (40, 1 trl. (It). Furniture and effects of prospective or existing Council tenants; furniture and effects on behalf of Children's Dept.. or voluntary organization with similar functions, within 5 miles.
Turnbull Transport Services Lid., Birmingham, B var., add 2 veh. (includes containers (van or flan to he acquired). Collection and delivery Within 45 miles; goods which have been or are to be carried on licensee's and associated companies' trunk vehicles.
S. Brown and SOD. Coventry. B var.. add I veh. (41). Building mats. and domestic fuels as required: agrie, gnods for Morton's (Coventry) Lid.. and Rider Betts and ,Sons Ltd.. within 15D miles; other goods within IS, miles.
C18 Edwards (PoutriJaa) Lid., Hereford, B var add 2 veh. (710. Re-delivery of goods for Lever's Feeds Ltd., within 40 miles.
F. Powell, Hereford. B var.. add 1 T. (410. Road-making mats. (excluding concrete), sand and gravel for Belmont Sand and Gravel Co. Ltd., Within 70 miles.
APPLICATIONS (May 11, 1965) Patten Bros., Horton, Som. A var., add I T. (4I1). Mainly agric. produce and requisites, normally within 120 miles. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) Pickfords Ltd., Plymouth, A var.. add 1 veh. (30. Furniture and effects GB. (Veh. at present specified in A lie, which will be surrendered if application granted.)
H. E. Rygor, Bradford-on-Avon. B var„ add
3 T. Mt I2c). Demolition, excavated, and building mats., within 60 miles. (If granted I veh. on C lic, will be surrendered.) Amey's Aggregates Ltd., Lechlade, Glos. B var.. add 1 T. (610. Sand, gravel and concreting aggregates for the Coln Gravel Co. Ltd., as reauired. with return loads of excavated mats. and rubble for the purpose of Pit rehabilitation by the Coln Gravel Co. Ltd. or any pit owned by the Amey Group Ltd.
Seymour Bros. and Baker. Mark. Som. Contract A lie. 1 art. (5t 14c). Goods of John Wainwright and Co. Ltd.
K. G. Peck, Wells, Soni, Contract A lie., 1 T. (440. Goods of Foster 'Yeoman Ltd., as required. R. F. W. Cook. Wells. Som, Contract A var., add I T. (fit 13c). Goods on behalf of Foster Yeoman Ltd.
APPLICATIONS (May 12, 1965) J. L. Lovell, Pondlanfraith (Mon.), new A tic., 1 veh. (80. Mainly steel and flooring mats, normally within 150 T. B. Langdon and V. `11. Thomas., Ystalyfera (Giant.). new A lic., I veh. (6t) (including cont. Pigeon 20, Racing pigeons for competition and training between South and West Wales and points north of Thurso. through and particularly in the County of Brecon. Hay-on-Wye and Talganh; and all appropriate work in connection with organized pigeon races, providing pigeon fanciers with raining facilities according to the weather and all that relates to the pigeon club.
Stephens and Chambers. Brecon, A var., add 4 T. (240. Fertilizers as required.
IL G. Pridd1e Ltd., Bridgend (Glam.), A var., add I veh. (51). Provisions and fruit, S. Wales Traffic Area and Bristol.
The Transport Holding Company. IIMS (Parcels) Ltd.. Cardiff, A var., add 1 art. (610. Parcels and smalls. South Wales Traffic Area and scheduled Trunk services.
H. Ashcroft and Son. Cardiff. new B lie., 3 veh. (40. Fish within a radius of 413 miles of Cardiff. (Veils. at present specified in C lie.) T. Blight and Son. Milford Haven (Wm.), new R lie., I T. (40. Sand, stone and building 'mats. within 35 miles of Neyland.
H. G. Jackson. Nelson (Glam.). new B lie.. 1 veh. (MO. Furniture and household effects any distance and all goods within a radius of 50 miles of the Post Office at New Tredegar (Mon.): 1 veh. (310: milk for Conways Dairies Ltd.. within 40 miles of Treharris. Goods for Hoovers Ltd.. within 30 miles radius of Treharris Post O(11ce; 1
arr. (60. All goods within 50 miles of the Railway. Station at Talybont-on-Usk (Brec.). (If granted,
C lic, will be surrendered.) K. 1. Newman, Newport (Mon.). new B tic,.
1 veh. (30. Household furniture within 50 miles.
Egel Mani Hire, Pontardawe ((lam.). new B tic,, 1 art. (80. Contractors' plant within 25 miles.
J. Simmonds, Pontypool. (Mon.), new B lic., 1 T. (410, Coal and coke within 25 miles.
L. Harkins, Pontypridd (Glam.), new B 2 T. (70. Carriage of spoil (soil anti debris) and shale within a radius of 30 miles of base. (1 veh. 3(4. now specified in C lie.) Merriman and Morgan. Sadgeston (Pem.), new B lie.. 2 T. (810. A.eric. produce and requisites within 150 miles; building mats. within 50 miles. (Vehs. at present specified in C tic.)
W. F. Hall, Fishguard (Pem.). B var.. add 2 veh. (130. Animal feeding stuffs and fertilizers from Liverpool, Bristol. Avonmouth for disinflation in the County of Pembroke; Potatoes [Man Pembrokeshire for delivery within 250 miles.
D. H. Thomas, Newcastle Emlvn (Carm.). B var.. add 1 veh. (80 (including livestock cont. 20. All goods within 25 miles and livestock any distance, South Wales Sand and Gravel Co. Ltd., Swaasea.
A var., add 1 T. (450. All goods within 100 miles.
APPLICATIONS may 13, 1965) A. Hardy. Spitallields Market. new A lie., 3 veh. (130. Fruit and vegetables, within 150 miles, goods for Johnson and Johnson (Great Britain) Ltd. arid Zaeh Cartwright ltd., any distance.
J. H. Marshall, Harrow, Middx, new A tic.. 1 T (70. Scrap steel. London to South Wales. R. Butcher (London) Ltd., Smithfield Market, A var., add 2 veh. (7t).
E. J. Griffiths, Walthamstow, E17. new B tic.. 1 veh. Oita. Non-ferrous metals for B. Goldsmith and Co. Ltd.' London, NW!. and Handsworth. Birmingham, Wimbledon Metal Co., G. A. Eaves and Whim's Cross Metal Co., new and secondhand machinery for Whipps Cross Metal Co., steel and steel products for Wolverhampton and Birchley Rolling Mills Ltd., Wolverhampton, within 250 miles.
Ridge Transport Co. Ltd., London, NW10, new B lie., I veh. (at 14c). Goods for Eastman Chemical International AG Switzerland to and from the warehouses of NMT (Trading) Ltd. (parent cornnanY of the applicant), within 100 miles.
St. Magnus Shipping Ltd., London. SE1, new B lie.. 2 veh. (7)0. Goods collected from Tilbury and London group of docks for storage in applicant's warehouse at Bankside. SEL G. Bayley Ltd., London, E13, B var., add 2 veh. (7(t). G.g.. within 50 miles, goods as directed by MacDonald Deadman Ltd., any distance, Pinchin. Johnson and Associates Ltd., within 225 miles and Lewis Metals Ltd.. within 75 miles.
D. R. Childs, Ilford, Essex, B var., add 2 T. (80.
Lea Valley Wharf (Ponders End) Ltd., Enfield. B var., add 1 art. CIO. Timber, plywood, veneers, machined timber parts, furniture and maintenance mars. for associated comnartics. within 60 miles. CONTRACTIONS: add., additional; agric, agricultural; art., articulated unit; e., ewe.; g.g., general goods; GB., Great Britain; int, indivisible ; lie., licence ; low.ldr., low-loader; mats., materials ; N.U., normal user ; S.T., special type ; c, tons; T., tipper; tn., trailer; var., variation ; wh., wheels.