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MOTOR IRA Licences • !THERE will be few goods vehicle operators who did not welcome I the announcement (as reported in last...
The next seven days May 20-27. Fri. Start of three-day Institute of Road Trans port Engineers' fifteenth Annual Conference,...
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T HE Traders Road Transport Association has embarked on a scheme for full-time administration in Scotland, centred on new...
international hauliers and freight agents is being formed by Thoresen Car Ferries Ltd. The first meeting will he held at the...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT NAEMBER associations of IRU are to be requested to prepare statistics of traffic al accidents in...
A DEMARCATION dispute (" who I - 1 carries what ") affecting Cand Alicence holders produced a legal tangle before the Lords of...
This Fodor and York three-axled semi-trailer outfit is undergoing extensive road testing with the owners of the tractive unit,...
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'THE British Railways Board in their annual report and accounts, released this week, described 1964 as "another year of...
Road Haulage Association, Mr. Cyril Robinson, together wall_ 50 subarea members, is to visit transport installations in...
ETILLOWING the RHA's decision to -1 . postpone—at Government request—its recommended rates increase of five per cent for a...
T WO interesting examples of mobile equipment have made their debut at the International Construction Equipment Exhibition at...
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A CANOPIED vehicle with sidemounted loading platforms that can traverse the full length of the body is one of a number of...
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A T the first meeting of the new national council of the Road Haulage Association in London last week, Mr. A. R. Butt (Morris...
BY JOHN DARKER T HE Government's White Paper on steel will not be turned into legislation for some time and the final pattern...
T HE issued share capital of Crow Carrying Co. Ltd. of Harts Lane, Barking, Essex, has been acquired by Transport Development...
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IN the first quarter of this year there was a slight improvement in the number of reported cases of thefts of and from...
L ARGER rear lights, stop lights and L. compulsory "flashers" were forecast this week by Mr. Stephen Swingler, Parliamentary...
IT was for "those concerned" to explain I the pay increase for road haulage workers in relation to the policy set out in the...
I turned down a suggestion that he should give a general direction to the Railways Board not to close further goods depots...
insurance of individual drivers instead of vehicles, said the Minister of Transport in the Commons this week. Mr. Kenneth Lomas...
Tartan's Rail Ropes: Considerable longterm opportunities, which will he exploited to the full, are foreseen by Tartan Arrow...
THE Government wants the Transport I Holding Company to pursue "an active policy of expansion" and they will acquire other...
representations to obtain a 20-ton two-axle weight limit within the EEC, although the Commission's proposed figure is 16 tons....
MEXT week's issue of " The Commercial I NI Motor" will be a greatly enlarged one, with much of its contents devoted to...
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Transport Co. Ltd., has been elected chairman of the company in succession to Mr. R. W. Birch, who has resigned from the board...
T HE. f011owing have been admitted to the institute of Road Transport Engineers as ordinary members: Mr. W. Cooper (Ministry of...
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'TWO more municipal transport under-1takings are to introduce Daimler Fleet line double-deckers. Aberdeen, which already...
service of Reading Corporation Transport at such an alarming rate that one bus in every three is being put out of service. This...
staff are features of a new bus station at Chorley, Lanes, officially opened last week by Mr. C. R. Hodgson. chairman of the...
THEIR 15s. 'THREE of the five claims for improved I. wages and conditions demanded by company busmen have been conceded by the...
VV and excellent comfort, the Corporation would rekindle enthusiasm for public transport and make it a real relaxation to...
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THE hearing of three applications by Gillard Tours Ltd.. Normington, was continued before the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners...
Lead to Section 178 Inquiry C AMERAMEN from 1 1 V recording a Ministry of Transport road check at London Colney in January...
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A N appellant before the Transport Tribunal last week admitted that transport facilities were available but " the next day or...
A ' application for a 25-vehicle switch from B to A licence by C. W. G. Wintle Ltd., Bristol, was granted at Bristol on Monday...
Q the same day, also at Bristol. applications from four hauliers for Contract A licences to haul goods for Stowlield Quarries...
A SWINDON company director said at Devizes on Friday that a letterhead of his firm, showing a reproduction of a van, was a...
has dismissed appeals by Western National Omnibus Co. Ltd. and Southern National Omnibus Co, Ltd. against a decision of the...
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Requests in Six Areas NORTHERN APPLICATIONS (May 12. 1965) R. Milne. South Shields. new A tic., 1 vets. (50: Steel for...
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This cutaway drawing shows the general arrangement of the standard general-purpose tank semitrailer to be offered from stock by...
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QPEAKERS at the 21st Anniversary %-- 7 Luncheon held by the Institute of Road Transport Engineers in London on Tuesday stressed...
of January 15 stating that Michelin had modified the load 'rating of the D.20 type X tyre to allow it to be used in the UK on...
Type 56 standard axle, the West German TUV (Technischer Uberwachungs Verein) has passed York axles for operation in Germany....
THE Wellworthy-Ricardo axial-piston compressor, produced by Wellworthy Ltd.. Lymington, Hants, is quiet in operation but the...
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By A. J. P. Wilding AMIMechE, AM1RTE VV ITH all the vivid effects of a special performance of Son et Lumierestereophonic...
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Safe Slinging This diagram shows right and wrong "triangulation' of slinging, as described in the text. MHILST...
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and Publications Information on Security Devices A N illustrated leaflet which sets out details of Waso gear shift locks and...
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From Very Good to Generally Poor BY P. A. C. BROCKINGTON A LTHOUGH there were some good I - I drivers at the Birmingham LDOY...
Honours Shared on Merseyside By Ashley Taylor THERE is no provision for sorting out 1 an overall best performance from the...
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cwt.: 1, E. Crones (Thomas Scott and Sons (Bakers) Ltd.), Austin, I 79 penalty points; 2, R. Burgess (Metal Box Co. Ltd.),...
A Good First Effort By George Kirkley 'THE Torquay round of the LDOY I competition on ,Sunday was the first at this centre—so...
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T O cover 1,500 miles in five days in trucks through a strange country is no sinecure. It is even worse when the roads are not...
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VIEW By The Hawk "As you were driving, Smith, I should say it's probably a sigh of relief!" Driving Analyzed Last week, in an...
It's A Pity Warwickshire's Chief Con stable, Mr. R. B. Matthews, writing in his monthly accident bulletin, states that...
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By P. A. C. BROCKINGTON, AMI Mech E T IIE availability of diesel fuels containing a smoke-depressant additive is a serious...
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In the United Kingdom 24-hour transits "anywhere to anywhere" should be the rule rather than the exception BY JOHN DARKER M...
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L IKE the Greek hero entering the labyrinth Mr. Tom Fraser may have found it reassuring to take a lifeline linking him to...
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mage Building By S. Buckley Assoc Inst T N recent months the transport industry of this country has received much publicity...
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City Storage Co. Maulaget LW. Cap. £100. Subs.: L. H. Lewis and F. A. Dean, 6 Surrey Street. London. WC2. Sec.: F. A. Dean....
Economic Terms and their Relevance to Transport 2. COSTS THE economist's concept of costs is a complicated one. First he...