LIVERPOOL RESULTS Class A—up to En ft. and from 20'
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cwt.: 1, E. Crones (Thomas Scott and Sons (Bakers) Ltd.), Austin, I 79 penalty points; 2, R. Burgess (Metal Box Co. Ltd.), Commer, 174. Only two entrants.
Class B—t6-19 ft; 1, E. A. Pingney (Thomas Scott and Sons (Bakers) Lid.). Austin, 9141 2, K. Brocklehuna (Broadhurst and Co. (Gadbrook) Ltd.), Commer. 99: 3, J. Frith (Broadhurst and Co. (Gadbrook) Ltd.). Commer, 1734.
Class C-19-22 D.: 1. J. Kendrick .(Paraffin Distributing Co. Lid.). I3MC, 511; 2, F. A. Harrison (Paraffin Distributing Co. Ltd:), RMC, 624; 3, D. Williams (Shell-Mrs and BP Ltd.), Dennis Delta, 113.
Class D-22-25 ft.: I, J. Stott (Lewis's Ltd.), Dennis, 884; 2, R. Doran (Paraffin Distributing Co. Ltd.), BMC, 93; 3. J. Rawson (Eric Bemrose Ltd.). Leyland Comet, 94.
Class E (1)-0Ver 25 ft.. two axles: 1, M. Jones (Liverpool City Engineers Dept.), Dennis Paxit ill, 794; 2, T. Almond (ThrelsaLIS Cheaters Ltd.), AEC, 861; 3, R. R. Dean (British Oxygen , Co. Ltd.), Albion, 141.
Class If (2)—over 25 ft., more than two nx!es:
1, K. Cooke (Charrington-Hargreaves Ltd.), ERE, 128J; 2, D. Cook (Gulf Oil (GB). Ltd.), Scammell, 141J; 3, E. Hall (BF Transport Co. Ltd.). Foden, 276J.
Chins B fractiVe units under 4 tons, Bat or sided semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: 1. G., A. Ellis (Tetley Walker Breweries Ltd.), Bedford, • 1054; 2, P. Caulfield (North Western Gas Roan:I), Pordson, 116; 3. P. Seawright (Eric Bemrose Ltd.), Leyland Cornet, 1301.
Class F (21—artie tractive unit under 4 tons, box or tanker semi-trailer up to 38 it.: I. T. isteComish (Thomas Scott and Sons (Bakers) Ltd.), Ford, 107J; 2, A. Sprott (Petrofina (GB) Ltd.), AEC, 21211 3. E. B. Southall (Vaushall Motors Ltd.), Bedford. 255J.
Class G-ourtie tractive unit over 4 lens. fiat or sided semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: 1, J. McCann • (Liverpool. Warehousing Co. Ltd.), Leyland, 145+; 2. D. Orniesher (Eric Rernrose Ltd.), Scammell Handyman, 2941-; 3, J. Lee (Chivers Hartley .Ltd.), Leyland, 3481 Class 11—artie traelite emit over 4 tom, box or tanker semi-traiter: 1. W: Moore (Petrofina (GB) Ltd.). Atkinson, 267; 2, J. Quinn (Petrofina (GB) lid.), Atkinson, 394: 3. 0, Smith (E. S. Jones and Co. Ltd.). Atkinson. 400.
Team Award: Thomas Scott and Sons (Rakers) Ltd. (E. Gruncs, E. A. Pingucy. T. McComish).