A Licence for C.
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I F a full-time haulier with an A-licence trunk fleet could justify the authorization of a collection and delivery vehicle, he was entitled to art A licence, Mr: Edward Jones, on behalf of W. Hales. Ltd., Liverpool, told the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R. Lindsay, at Liverpool, on Tuesday. The company were applying to add a vehicle of 21 tons unladen and a trailer of 2I tons to their A licence.
The British Transport Commission; Mr, H. Parker, Bootle; Mr. T. W. Roberts, Bootle; J. Fielding (Liverpool), .Ltd.; Collingwood Haulage, Ltd., Lives:pool, and Merseyside Carriers objected.
Mr. Jones said the application was mainly for collection in the Liverpool area for five trunk vehicles carrying fruit and provisions to Yorkshire and the north-east coast. Traders had coin. plained about timing.
The company had made an alternative application for a B licence. The application for a trailer was on account of fuel rationing.
Mr. G. H. P. Beanies, for the British Transport Commission, said that they would not object to an A licence if the vehicle were given a normal user for collection and delivery in Liverpool.
For the other objectors, Mr. H. D. Mace said the B.T.C. were interested only in the trunk route, but the fruit