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N EXT Monday the Road Haulage Wages Council have to try to reach . agreement on wage differentials. At present the driver of a...
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▪ AULIERS are becoming increasingly resent ▪ ful of the favours that have been shown to the railways by the Government. What...
Delaying 9in. Bus Riders w Ho would suffer if More drastic restrictions were to be imposed upon car parking in London? In "...
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A FURTHER claim for a substantial increase in pay for the 100,000 employees of provincial bus companies was submitted to the...
A LL Perkins oil engines will operate satisfactorily without modifica tion on a 50 - 50 mixture of dery and petrol. The lowest...
IT is understood that British Road I Services are seeking business involving the direct delivery or collection of loads to and...
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IN an appeal decision issued on Monday, the Minister of Transport has I made it clear that he would not normally consider it...
Services had lost Hull-Glasgow traffic to Hull and Glasgow Road Carriers, Ltd., Hull, on the question of • rates was made by...
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T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority on Monday granted a B licence to Mr. M. H. Easterby, racehorse trainer and horse dealer,...
MR. R. B. DUMMELT has joined the board of the British Petroleum Co., Ltd. MR. E. J. KING has become traffic manager of...
[WITHOUT calling on the respondents, IT the Transport Tribunal in London, on Monday, dismissed a Suffolk haulier's appeal...
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THE Transport . Tribunal in London on Tuesday allowed an appeal by Joseph Robson (West Farm), Ltd., Newborn, Newcastle upon...
I F a full-time haulier with an A-licence trunk fleet could justify the authorization of a collection and delivery vehicle, he...
hauliers were all troubled by collection and delivery. Mr. Lindsay said he was satisfied there was a prima facie case. The...
Not Suffic ient O PPOS1NG an adjournment to enable British Road Services to inquire into allegations of damage .and delay, Mr....
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S UBSTANTIAL fare increases on express services are being sought by a number of operators in the Western Traffic Area. They...
I F higher fares were not levied, a 2W. rate would he needed to meet the increased costs. Mr. G. Bak ewell, Derby's borough...
F ARE increases were last week granted by the Yorkshire and East Midland Traffic Commissioners to East Midland Motor Services....
E think that this is a ease that should never have been brought. said Mr. Harold Williams, Q.C., deputy chairman of Middlesex...
Mr. L.. 0. Burleigh, transport officer of Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., had succeeded Mr. M. F. Barnard as chairman of...
B US services could not he cut further and there appeared to be no more ways of economizing. There had been Little saving from...
1 NCREASES in fares on country services are now proposed by Bristol Tramway's and Carriage Co., Ltd. The company and Bristol...
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A " appeal for fairer treatmen t . for road haulage by the Government was made by Mr. L R. Robson, chairman of the Southern...
saloons (Cresta, Velox and Wyvern from 1952 onwards) into Dormobile estate cars may be carried out by Martin Walter, Ltd.,...
Forth Bridge: Work on the Forth road bridge will begin in the spring of next year. 19S8 Show: In 1958 there will be a...
S ECTION 17 of the Road Traffic Act, 1956, which comes into operation on March 1, removes certain anomalies in relation to the...
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1 fuel situation were expected to be 0 Government statements on the made this week. On Wednesday afternoon the Minister of...
DY the use of a new Morris mobile photographic darkroom, which can be connected with the publishing office by telephone line, a...
I N view of the illegal operation of so-called private parties by unlicensed operators in the area, the applicants were...
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for 1956 were lower than those for 1955. During 1956, the number of commercial vehicles produced was 298,609, the figure for...
NY official inquiry into allegations that Darlaston police had unfairly obtained a statement from a lorry driver would be...
N EW safety precautions covering the delivery of petroleum spirit from a tanker into a storage tank come into force on July 1....
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" ri A PROSECUTION without merit." was how Sheriff Christie at Dundee described a charge brought against Dundee Town Council...
A COACH driver who claimed loss of I — I income because his driving licence was wrongfully detained by the local licensing...
A FTER reserving decision in order to view the area as a whole, on applications by a number of Liverpool excursion and tour...
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" I AM sure that we shall manage to do better, than the 50 per cent. ration now allocated to long-distance coaches, but I...
T HE Government are ready to listen to representations from the British commercial vehicle industry on changes in the...
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le Foot-work By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. Standrive Two-pedal Control Gives Good Results when Tested on a 6-cwt. Van: Marked...
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A BREAKDOWN tender built up by t Williams Motor Co., Ltd., Manchester, from parts of a wrecked vehicle now forms the latest...
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Sheffield Cement Company's Emphasis on Thorough Maintenance: Load Factor 01 75 Per Cent. Claimed for Fleet of 44 Vehicles:...
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Tyre Spreader. for One-hand Use A * SPREADER for dealing with most sizes of tyre has been produced by Thomas Meld rum, Ltd.,...
ri A NEW depot on the Farnham NEW Estate, Farnham, Surrey, has been opened by E. 1, Baker and Co. (Dorking), Ltd., High St.,...
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W TH continually rising maintenance costs, serious consideration was now being given in Britain to exhaust brakes as . standard...
A LTHOUGH the gas turbine as envisaged for road use possesses many advantages over the conventional piston engine, it does not...
Oil Explorers • C OSTING £11,000, six air-conditioned caravans especially designed for use in a tropical climate have been...
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HE Government were taking no chances with the debate on the increase in the speed limit en heavy goods vehicles . ont 20 m.p.h....
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T WENTY-ONE years of operation have brought little change in the conditions under which West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., and...
L AST Friday new premises of Ross Garages. Ltd., one of the leading South Wales hauliers, at Penarth Road, Cardiff, were...
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S EVERAL special refrigeration vehicles, with bodies designed to . transport perishables at a minimum temperature of 0 F., have...
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W 1TH characteristic euphoria, ' road transport operators will cling until the last moment to the hope that there will be no...
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I HAVE been interested to read in The Commercial Motor of commercial-vehicle users employing petrol and other alternative fuels...
A DETACHABLE stake and rack superstructure is now available on the range of semi-trailers producedby the York Trailer Co.,...
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A T an emergency meeting of the sub-committee of the national organizing committee of the Lorry Driver of. the Year...
T HE railways last week withdrew their opposition to an application by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for a new stage service...
I NCLUDING the vehicles of the British Transport Commission, 89.7 per cent, of the lorries and vans in Great Britain on...
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A VITAL factor in the successful operation of longdistance haulage is the maintenance of high weekly mileages. The greater the...
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A HARD-WEARING aluminiumfn. alloy floor intended chiefly for vehicles is disclosed in patent No. 764,471. (The British...