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" The wheels of wealth wilt be slowed by all difficulties 67 transport a whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Seattle Crozier.
"The Commercial Motor" Overhauling Articles.
We still have reprints of the interesting series of overhauling articles dealing with the following chassis:— roam (5-ton), Maudslay (4-ton and 5-ton), Orwell (all types), Efallford (4, 5, 6-ton), the Tilling-Stevens (T.S.3), Halley (35 h.p.), Caledon :(4-ton), Atkinson .(5-ton), Napier (3545-cwt.), Palladium (two models). Sentinel (4-ton and 6-ton), Vulcan (30-cwt. and 2-ban), Halley (sixcylinder), Bristol (4-ton), aKarrier (KA),Ford (Model T. engine and transmission), E.W.D.
To Sell Public Works Plant.
Barford and Perkins, Ltd„ Peterborough, advises us of an arrangement with its associated concern, Aveling and Porter, Ltd„ of Rochester, whereby the home sales of all new Aveling and Earford public works plant will he handled by a joint company bearing the name of Aveling and Barford and Perkins (Sales), Ltd., Aldwych House, London, W.C.2. The main objects of this arrangement are to reduce prices and to give even better service to the company's customers.
Operating Costs: A Correction to the • Tables.
Owing to a typographical error which appeared in Table TT of our Tables of Operating Costs, published in our issue dated January 8th, certain incorrect figures were given in the table setting out the total cost of operation per week (various mileages) for petrol vehicles of different capacities. For a vehicle doing 200 miles per week, the figures should have been as follow, reading from left to right :—.E7 28. ; IT 12s.; IS 1(1s.; £10 7s.; £11 ; £12 4s. ; 113 2s.; £13 16s.
A Northumberland Registration.
The registration is announced, as a private company with a eaaital of £10,000, of the County Motor Services, Ltd., to acquire the businesses of Messrs. Gordon and Sons and County Motor Services, both of Choppington, Northumberland, who work long-distance services between Tyneside and Glasgow. Edinburgh and other Scottish centres. The permanent directors are Messrs. R. Gordon, T. Gordon, J. Gordon, W. G. Gordon, IL Ea Gordon, J. Cl. Armstrong and E. Capstaff, with Mr. T. Gordon RS secretary to the company.
British Standard Specifications for Asphalt Surfacing.
A series of seven British Standard Specifications for asphalt-road surfacing has recently been issued by the British Engineering Standards Association, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. These have been based upon information prepared by the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers and the County Surveyors' Society in consultation with the Asphalt Roads
c20 Association and the Ministry of Transport.
They deal with the thicknesses to which the material is to be laid, the gauges of the various constituents, the proportions in which they are to be mixed, methods of mixing, transportation and laying. The specifications are numbered 342 to 845 inclusive, and the complete set may be obtained at 14s. 641., or separately, from the Publications Department, British Engineering Standards Association, 23, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
Halifax Bus Intentions.
Halifax Corporation is promoting a Bill to enable it to run buses along its tramway system within and beyond the borough on roads in the Borough of Brighouse, the urban districts cf Grettland, Hebden Bridge, Luddeurlenfoot, Midgley, Soutaowram, Sowerby, Stainland and the rural district of Todmorden. It is also seeking to amend the Corporation Act so as to enable the corporation to appeal to the Minister of Transport in the ClISC of refusal at consent by the county council or other road authority, or the local authority, to the running of bnaes . on main or district roads.
Leyland Double-deckers for Peter . borough.
The Peterborough Electric Traction Co., Ltd., has recently put into service some Leyland double-deck buses, which are said to • be the first' built specially to: the designs of the British Electrical Federation, the parent company of the • concern, The vehicles are 54, seaters, 26 passengers . being accommodated in the lower deck and 28 in the upper saloon. The vehicles have been purchased for use on town routes, but are equally suitable for country journeys. The Peterborough Electric Traction Co.,Ltd, has been operating motor services for a number of years • and its present Rea totals nearly 60 buses. The bodies of the new buses are Hall Lewis products. Canadian-American Motorbus Combine,
Amalgamation of bus services in eastern Canada and adjacent territory. in the United States appears to be the order of the day. News has reached the Montreal Tourist Bureau that the International Auto Bus Co., With a capital • of $7,000,000 (al.,460,000), operating • over a wide territory, from Montreal to Waahington and from Boston so far west as Niagara Falls, is in process of formation: • a
• Enll details are not yet available, but Alderman Theodore Morgan, president of the bureau, states that the new companywill comprise an amalgamation of Practically all the • bus lines in the eastern United States. -
Concurrently with this development in international passenger transportation comes the news that an amalgamation of practically all the bus lines operating within a radius' of 60 miles of Montreal-is in progress. The company, known as the Provincial Transport Co., has, it is stated, purchased. the fleets of 31. owners ; it has a capital of over $1,500,000 (1200,000).
A Co-operative Society's Coaching • Progress.
At the January meeting of the Plymouth Co-operative Society certain developments in the motor-coaching department of the society were referred to. It was mentioned that the society had decided to purchase seven Leyland Lioness chassis, in addition to those sanctioned at a previous monthly meeting, and five of these will be equipped with bodies built by London Lorries, Ltd., each incorporating a patent head, whilst the other two bodies will be built in the society's own works.
Buses or Trains at Chester?
.At a meeting of Chester electors called to discuss whether the corporation should be permitted to discontinue the tramway services and to inaugurate motorbus communications within a ten-mile radius of Chester Town Hall, these clauses in the Corporation Bill were outvoted. It was decided that a poll of the city should be taken on the question of substituting bus services for the tram system.
The Mika Refuse Collector to be John A. Smee ton, Ltd., 15, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, has asked us to point out that the Kula refusecollecting vehicle will not only be marketed by this company in England but also in all the British Colonies and Dependencies, and that the vehicles will be built by the company in England,using British material and labour.
The double-helix conveyor blades are actually welded to the interior wall of the revolving colander and, consequently, revolve with it, and there is no space in which rubbish can lodge.
The equipment can be mounted on any British-made, standard, low loadline chassis.
The Pembroke Ferry Service.
There is now every prospect of the ferry service which the Pembroke County Council proposes to institute between Hobbs Point (Pembroke Dock)
and Neyland being established. The object of the service is to provide facili
ties for motor vehicles, which will avoid the need for making long detours which are now necessary by vehicles passing between the north and south divisions of Pembrokeshire. Apptoach roads are to be built at each end of the ferry and a pontoon bridge 150 ft. long Is also Included in the scheme.
A provisional Order to carry out the work had been applied for by the Pembroke County Council and the Ministry of Transport fixed January 15th as the last date upon which objections to the scheme couldbe Made. As no objee-• tions were forthcoming by that date, the
• county council will obtain the order , which it seeks.
A great increase in traffic between the north and south divisions of the county is anticipated to result from the ferry facilities, which will, of course, be of great value to through traffic.
Carrimore Trailers in Demand.
During a recent week Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., received a number of orders for Carrimore trailers and amongst the most interesting were those received from Messrs. Vialit for 10 tarspraying trailers' and from -Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., for four tankcarrying trailers. In addition, the company also received an order for 10 pneumatic.-tyred trailers for shipment to South Africa. In each case the order is in the nature of a " repeat."
A Railway Application for 100 Bus . Licences.
The intention of the London and North-Eastern Railway Co. still further to enter the sphere of passenger transport by road in the north country was indicated recently, when they made application to the Newcastle Corporation Watch Committee (Traffic Section) for licences for 100 buses, with which it is proposed to work services from Newcastle to a large number of towrc and villages throughout 'Northumberland and Durham. After lengthy consideration the application was adjourned.
Tyres for London Cabs. Englebert Tyres, Ltd., informs us that it has secured a contract for low-pressure tyres to be fitted to the new luxury type cabs which will shortly be placed on the streets of London by the London General Cab Co., of Brixton. The company is also supplying this cab-operating concern with high-pressure tyres.
• The Approval Deposit System.
Readers are reminded that when buying goods advertised in the classified advertisement section of The Commercial Motor, the approval deposit system is a safeguard to both buyer and seller. Pull particulars appear in the Classified Advertisement Section of this journal.
Personal Pars.
Mr. A. F. Palmer Phillips, who has carried out the duties of sales manager for General Motors, Ltd., for a considerable period, is taking over similar duties with Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. This, of course, is a company allied to General Motors, Ltd.' and, for this reason, Mr. Palmer Phillips's advice and counsel will still he available to the company be is leaving. In view of this fact4 it is interesting to learn that Mr. Palmer Phillips has been appointed a director of General Motors, Ltd.
Mr. R. A. Davis, who has ably seconded Kr. Palmer Phillips during his period of sales managership, ja taking over his duties.
The transport committee of the Lincoln City Council has appointed Mr. George Rock, general manager of the West Monmouthshire OMnibus Board, as transport manager for Lincoln, in succession to Mr. R. Hoggard, who has been appointed to a similar
post at Chesterfield. Mr. Rock is a • native of London and, previous to going to Monmouthshire,. he was -transport superintendent of the Reading Corporation Tramways.
We learn that Mr. A. R. Wallace, who was at one time the London sales representative for G. Davenport and Co., Ltd., and more recently general manager of Messrs. Etienne and Cie, has joined the staff of Davenport Accessories, Ltd., as sales manager.
A Bradford Transport Registration.
It is stated that the Hebble Bus Co., in conjunction with the Bradford firm of Messrs. J. W. North, road transport agents, are to register a new company, which is to be known as S. W. North, Ltd., Legrams Lane, Bradford. The share capital of the new concern will, it is said, be ;£14,000. Ministry Upholds Municipality's Action.
We have already referred in our columns to the appeal made by Mr. J; A. Halliday to the Ministry of Transport against a decision of the Mythohnroyd Urban District Council in refusing to grant him a licence to ply for hire between Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd. The Ministry held an inquiry into the matter in December and Mr. Hallid a y has now received official notification that his appeal has failed, which means that the action of the local council is upheld.
Trailer-making in South Wales.
We understand that Messrs. Chenard Walcker Tractors, 1047, Pall Mall, London, S.W.l, have now completed arrangements to. construct their trailers in this country in a works erected in South Wales. The trailers, which are made in a range of types, will be distributed under the trade name of "Halcyon." The firm will be in a position to give an output up to 30 per week and their works are equipped on modern lines.
A Report on American Production.
A report on production and other phases in the more important units of the American motor-vehicle industry has been prepared by the Department of Overseas -Trade, and United Kingdom concerns which are desirous of receiving a copy of it should communicate with the Department Of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, reference A X.7297 being quoted.
Municipal Bus Candidates in Belfast.
Three representatives of the bus interests were nominated to oppose " official " candidates in the Belfast municipal election this month. One of the bus candidates withdrew on account of the illness of his opponent and the -nomination papers of another were found to be out of order. One bus candidate remains in the field, Mr. Robert Bell, who will oppose the Lord Mayor of Belfast, the Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. Turner, in Shankill Ward. Mr. W. H. Alexander, the candidate for t li c aldermanship of Cromac Ward, is the Morris agent for Northern Ireland, and it is expected that if he be returned he will be sympathetic to the interests of the bus owners. Mr. W. J. Chambers, another Member of the motor trade, who has been returned unopposed, c2.2 is. according to our Belfast correspondent, also expected to be in sympathy with " bus in terests.
"Northern General" Expansion.
In connection with the extensive building programme which it is at present carrying out, the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., has just placed an order with W. Hall, Ltd., of Gateshead, for the erection of a large new garage and offices at South Shields. The building will cost about i10,000 and will house approximately 30 vehicles.
Insisting Upon Smaller Buses. United Automobile Services, Ltd., recently asked the Blyth Licensing Committee for permission to operate buses between Bebside, Bedlington and Morpeth, and between Blyth, Bebside, Bedlington and Ashington, via Bedlington Bridge. The applications were granted on the undertaking that the company would employ smaller buses for certain services.
Newcastle's Municipal Bus Intentions.
Further extensive municipal bus developments are foreshadowed at Newcastle, where the transport manager, Mr. -T. P. Easton, has just prepared a report dealing with the proposed opening up of a large number of bus routes within the city boundaries. The intention, it is gathered, is not to replace trams, but rather to provide
facilities over routes not now served, and-to meet the big need, which exists in certain areas, for connections between existing tramway temiei, SO AS to provide transport arrangements f o.r the new residential districts which have grown up to an appreciable extent in the course of the past few years.
Ford's Offer Refused.
In our issue for last week we men tioned that Mr. Henry Ford had made a proposal to the Egyptian Government for the construction of a long road in Egypt at his own 'expense, in exchange for which the Government was asked to permit Ford vehicles to enter Egypt free of duty. It would appear, however, that, after consideration, the Egyptian Government is not prepared to contemplate the proposal.
Testing a Safety Glass.
We are informed that the safety glass manufactured by the Xetal Safety Glass, Ltd., of Xetal Works, Stapleford, Notts, has now satisfactorily passed War Department tests and that members of the department have officially inspected the company's factory and the process of manufacture, as a result of which orders for safety glass have been received from the authorities.
Coach Owners Discuss a Plying-for-hire Case. .
Yesterday, January 21st, a meeting of Manchester and district motor coach owners was held at Manchester...to consider the recent decision of the High Court in the Griffin vl Grey Coaches, Ltd., plying-for-hire ease. The meeting was convened to put before owners their legal responsibilities, in consequence of this important ruling.
A few weeks ago one of the Manchester transport associations interviewed the chief constable, who intimated that until owners had had a reasonable opportunity for complying with the law, no prosecutions would be instituted: To and from Manchester and towns within a radius of about 20 miles there is a large number of services by vehicles which, through not being licensed in them, may only carry passengers who have booked, for the return journey. Serious concern is feat in motor coach circles at the effect of the decision in the case • of Griffin v. Grey Coaches, Ltd., and the meeting was held to review the, situation,. and, so far as possible, to safeguard the interests of 'owners. (Above) One of the latest van deliveries from the Guy works —a smart 30cwt. model with completely enclosed driving, cab.
West Riding Gives Consent.
West Riding County Highways Committee has giVen consent to the running of bus services on main roads in the urban district of Shipley, forming part of a 'route passing through that district into Bradford and terminating at Creengates in the city. The consent will remain in force for 12'months.
A GOod Start for Thornyerofts.
In the opening days of the wesent year Sohn I. Thornyeroft and Co,, Ltd., received a number of orders for various types of Motor vehicle. One of the most important of these was received from the War Office and was for 21 3-ton four-cylinder, rigid six-wheelers and two 3-ton six-cylinder vehicles -of the same type. The names of two railway companies also figure on the list of Concerns recently ordering Thornycroft chassis, these being the London and North Eastern Railway Co., which is buying 11 80-cwt. chassis, and the Great Western Railway Co., which has indented for, 12 bus chassis to carry 20-seater bodies.
The year also opened with a call for a number of Thornycroft chassis for shipment to India, Singapore, South America, China, South Africa and Norway.
. A Distinctive Sheet Van.
. One of the illustrations on this page is of a most attractive Dennis vehicle recently supplied to James Walker and Co., Ltd., of Woking. The chasfis is the maker's standard 8-tanner, having a wheelbase of 15 ft. 2 ins, and being equipped with 38-in. by 7-in, pneumatic tyres,' but to meet the requirements of the purchaser the hub caps are brass-plated, the bonnet is of planished steel, and the radiator top and bottom headers are of brass.
A eheet van body, 11 ft. 6 ins, long and 6 ft. wide is fitted, the panelled sides reaching to a height of 3 ft, 0 ins. Above this is a. rot-proof green canvas sheet supported on detachable hoopsticks. At the forward end a special steel bolster is fitted for carrying timber, . :
Complete weather protection is the feeture of the driver's cab. • A quarter of the windscreen is made to. fold, and sliding glass panes constitute the windows in the upper half of the door on the near Fide and the corresponding part Of the Off side. of -the fah, Triplex glass-being employed throughout. Provision has been made for affixing . an electric sign in the roof.
The particularly bold effect of the display on the panelling is largely secured by a well-devised colour scheme.
Of Interest to Coachbuilders' Draughtsmen.
We have just received particulars relating to the drawing competitions arranged for 1929 by the Worshipful Company of Coach Makers and Coach Harness Makers of London, the Institute of British Carriage and Automobile/ Manufacturers and the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. The competition of chief interest to those in the commercial-vehicle industry is No. 2, in which prizes of idO, f35 and p25 respectively are put up for a working drawing of a de luxe saloon coach, with or without sunshine roof, to carry not less than 16 or more than 20 persons, excluding driver. The vehicle forming the subject of the drawing must conform with the regulations of the
Ministry of Transport.
In competition O. 3 prizes are offered for a tinted or coloured drawing of any type of motor 'vehicle and, in this particular event, an important factor in allocating the awards will .13e novelty in the design of the body.
Drawings have to be delivered to the Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers, care of The Polytechnic, 309, Regent Street, London, W.I., not later than May -6th.
Trailers for Railways.
Mesers, Chenard-Waleker Tractora have recently received a large repeat circler from the London Midland and. Scottish Railway Co. for 11 ChenardWalcker tractors and 22 trailers. Of the latter 10 are 5-tonners, six 12-tonnets and the remainder 12-tonners with cranked frames, which are intended for fable-drum and heavy machinery transport. Another railway company which is buying trailers of this make is the Great Western Railway Co., which has ordered three of the 30-cwt. type.
• -Opposing Trolley-bus flans.
The Warwick Town Council has decided to oppose in Parliament the Leamington and Warwick. Traction Bill, promoted by the Warwick and Leamington Tramway Co., under which .it seeks certain trolley-bus powers.
Safety Glass for Bus Windows.
At a meeting of the Accrington Town Council, a councillor suggested that, in ordering four new motorbuses, the corporation .should ask for a quotation for the buses to be fitted with safety glass. He pointed out that 00 per cent, of the injuries caused to passengers were
brought about by broken glass. The chairman of the tramways committee Promised to go into the matter.
A Comprehensive Service Station.
A new commercial-vehicle service depot and garage will be opened next month at Doncaster by Frank H. Dritson (Leeds), Ltd. This new depot is situated on the Great North Road, at the corner of Sprotborough Road.
The company is official distributor for Sanrer, Dennis, Bean and other commercial vehicles, and various chassis will be open to inspection in the showrooms. The spare-parts store will carry pat S for all popular makes, as well as accessories. Repairs, towing and salvage work will he specialities.
Gully Cleansing at Hastings.
The borough engineer of Hastings has recently bad under consideration the question of gully cleansing in the townjwith the object of dispensing with the present unsatisfactory method in use. In a report to the health committee of the corporation, he drew attention to the vehicles Made for this worle. by Dennis Bros., Ltd., the. -Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., and Garrett and Sons, Ltd.
Following a suggestion made in the report, members of the council visited Eastbourne, Maidstone, Layton and certain London boroughs to inspect the gully-emptiers in use in those places. Each of the surveyors concerned stated
that lie was satisfied iii every Way with the machines in use and after inspecting the appliances the Hastings • offieials expressed opinion that the machines are all of a high standard.
Following a consideration of the features of each type, and with a.special eye on local conditions, they favoured the purchase of a Yorkshire gullyemptier at a sum of 11,150, the machine to he provided with a patent street-washing and street-sprinkling apparatus, capable of throwing water over a width up to 62 ft., at an additional cost of 1100.
The borough engineer does not anticipate that any saving will be effected over the present cost of cleaning out gullies, but he stresses the point that the new appliance will enable them to be cleared more frequently and by means of a better and more modern method.
The Late Chairman of Sternol, Ltd.
We much regret to announce the death of the Pet.Ron. Lord Athlumney, the chairman of Sternol, Ltd., which took place recently. The late Lord Athlumney had occupied the position since the close of the war, ered he was extremely popular with the large staff of this wen-known and old-established oil company.
A Municipal Express Bus Service.
A tentative agreement . has been reached between sub-committees of the Accringten and Blackburn Corporations for the running by the former of an express bus service from Accrington to Blackburn. The -arrangement is subject, of course, to ratification by the respective town councils. It is hope] to start the service about the emend week in February.
Seeking Bus Powers.
It is announced that a Bill to -authorize the South Lancashire Tramways Co. to provide and run trolleybuses and motorbuses has been deposited for introduction into Parli.ament. The capital of the company, which, it is stated, will be known as the South Lancashire Transport Ca, is to remain at 11,450,000, with borrowing powers not exceeding £482,600.
Salford's New Bus Depot.
It is expected that the bus section of the new tram and motorbus depot, which is being built for the Salford Corporation in Eccles New Road, Weaste, will he completed during March. The building will be 400 ft Ring and 300 ft. wide, and so far 23 the bus department is concerned there will be two undergroimd fuel-. installations, each capable of accommodating 12,000 gallonsof -fuel and of delivering it at the rate of 30 gallons per Minute.
-Contracting for Maintenance Work.
The health committee of the Hastings Corporation recommends acceptance of the offer of Mr. J. Hollinesworth for the maintenance of its Do'clge, ambulance and its new disinfecting van and emergency ambulance. Mr. Hollingsworth is to arrange for the vehicles to be inspected daily and thoroughly examined once a week, as well as to carry out all necessary repairs and certain replacements, in addition to painting and varnishing each vehicle once a year. So far as the Dodge ambulance is eoneerned,lhe work will be carried out for 150 Per annum, and in the Case of the other vehicle for /45 per annum. Both contracts will remain in force -until December t1st, 193,3.