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and Publications
"Mini-building" Range LATEST of the system-built structures produced by Marley .1-# Concrete Ltd. is a "mini-building" which is available in seven basic sizes. This is of dry construction in standard Marley units, allowing fast and economical erection, The two standard widths are 4 ft. 6 in. and 7 ft. 2 in. externally— these can be supplied in double or multiple form with a variety of window and door arrangements.
The external walls are treated with Sparlite, a natural stone finish, and the contemporary finish is furthered by cedar-wood facias and corner trims.
The building can be used for many purposes. It can be lined internally and offers a minimum of 6 ft. 6 in. headroom. The Marley erection service is available throughout Great Britain for contracts involving three or more buildings. For smaller orders easy erection instructions are provided.
Upholstery Fabrics—More Colours FIVE new colours have been addedto the "Cirrus 147" range of expanded vinyl-coated upholstery fabric manufactured by Bernard Wardle (Everflex) Ltd. These are golden wheat, cantelope, oxlip. slate and grotfo green, and the total number of colours now available in this range is 21. The new colours are also added to the range of Everflex vinyl-coated companion fah! les. Pattern cards of the whole of the "Cirrus 147" range are available from the maker's address in Caernarvon or from the London office at 26 Berners Street, W.I. Made by: Bernard Wardle (Everflex) Ltd., Caernarvon, N. Wales.
Standard Hydraulic Units RECENTLY produced by Keelavite Hydraulics Ltd. is a brochure entitled "Standard Hydraulic Units ". This lists the basic characteristics of the wide range of mediumand high-pressure equipment available from . concerns in the Keelavite Group for building into hydraulic systems. The pumps are classified by function and listed according to flow characteristic and port size.
Published by: Keelavite Hydrant:es Ltd., Allesiey, Warks.
Lighting-up Times N" available from the R.A.C. is a pocket-sized leaflet (when folded) entitled "Lighting-up Times for 1965 ". Times shown are for London and other principal cities in Britain. and also provided is a mileage chart which gives the distances between 44 main towns in England, Scotland and Wales. PublIshers: Royal Automobile Club, 88 Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. (Available from any R.A.C. office.)
Price: Free, B12
Protecting Books and Maps A STRONG, transparent, self-adhesive plastics film, called
Coverlon, designed to protect such items as books, reference sheets and maps from dirt and grease, is now available from Commercial Plastics Ltd. When this film is applied grease marks can be wiped from the surface with a damp cloth. Coverlon is easy to apply—if it is not correctly positioned at the first attempt it can be raised and replaced. Once pressed firmly into position, however, the film remains firmly fixed. When maps are covered with it, it is claimed that they can be continually folded without tearing and fraying along the fold marks.
Coverlon is available in yard-long rolls (13 in. wide) from normal stationery suppliers. It is also available in rolls 10 in., 13 in. and 20 in. wide in lengths of 25 and 75 yd. Made by: Commercial Plastics Ltd., Fablon Division, Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London, W.I. Price; 2s. 9d. (retail) for 13-in.-wide. yard-long roll.
Sealing and Gasketing Material NTOW available from Polypenco Ltd. is a new sealing and
gasketing material called Sealtite. This material, which has many applications, has been used extensively in America. Sealtite. a specially prepared extrusion of p.t.f.e., is supplied in t-in.-diameter half-round section in 12-ft. lengths on covered spools. It is chemically inert, non-toxic and heat-resistant and will seal against all acids, alkalis, solvents, gases and steam through a temperature range of -250°C to +250°C and at working pressures of more than 500 p.s.i. The makers .claim that the material can be used on any flanged joint or split casing. It is easy to use, being placed on one face of a joint flange with the ends overlapping and then bolted up. The Sealtite is compressed and forms a perfect seal —which can be broken cleanly, as desired, at any future date.
Made by: Polypenco Ltd., Gate House, Welwyn Garden City.
"This is Goodyear" THE booklet published by The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company (Gt. Britain) Ltd. entitled "This is Goodyear" has recently been revised and reprinted in modern style. It gives an overall impression of the wide field of activity of the Goodyear organization and traces the growth of the -company since its establishment in 1927. Details are given of the cornpany's many products. Copies are obtainable from Goodyear's Public Relations Division.
Published by: The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company (Gt. Britain) Ltd., Bushbury, Wolverhampton, Staffs.