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Revision Of C.m.r. Convention Postponed T He E.c.e....
Transport has decided to defer the consideration of possible amendments to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (C.M.R.) until the g......
More Training Courses For Removers
'THE Institute of the Furniture Ware' housing and Removing Industry is sponsoring two more trainin g courses in February. The 1965 School for Office Staffs will be held at......
Freightliner Routes
E XPRESS frei g ht trains, includin g liner trains, are now to be known as " Freightliners ". This was confirmed by Mr. S. E. Raymond, vice-chairman, British Railways Board, in......
Union Still Against Liner Plans
TH ERE was another setback for Dr. Beechin g last week when the 24-man executive committee of the National Union of Railwaymen decided, at a special meetin g , to maintain its......