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New National Committee On Wages And Conditionsp
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT r - FHE new claim for a " substantial " pay rise which the Road Haula g e Wa g es I. Council is to bear next Friday is likely to be the last to......
. . . And Settle Disputes Round The Table, Urges R.h.a....
THE necessity of having trade unions for employees and trade associations for employers was appreciated by all sensible thinking people. So far as road transport was concerned......
New Class 0 F Tir Carnet
VV ITH effect from February 1, 6-volets TIR carnets will no lon g er be effective and will be replaced by a new type of carnet consistin g of 4 volets. This decision has been......
Costs Spiral Still Threatens Rates
From a Special Correspondent D ESP1TE increases in haulage rates on September 1 last year and again in November following the addition Of 6d. a gallon to the fuel tax (making a......