cision on Trailer Weights Deferred PPLICATIONS by R.A.H. Transporters Ltd.,
Page 39
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Darlington, to bring its ices into line with the weight of the era, were adjourned by the Northern nsing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, oarlington on Monday.
Er. Hanlon said that if heavier trailers been used they had been used unlawi and should be stopped at once. If had not been used, they should still be used until the result of an appeal
■ re the Court of Appeal was decided. he objectors were A. Stevens and Co. ulage) Ltd., of Great Ayton; Siddle Cook Ltd., of Consett, and Sunter tilers Ltd., of Northallerton, who ,cted because R.A.H. Transporters Id then be able to carry long loads, ,hich the objectors specialized. he Court of Appeal is to consider an .tal by the objectors against a decision the Transport Tribunal, allowing .H. Transporters certain weights of ers. Previously R.A.H. Transporters won an appeal against an earlier sion by the Licensing Authority.