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B.r.s. Opens New Parcels Branch New British Road Services...
. anch at Marsh Barton Trading , Exeter, is now in full operation le old depot at Polsloe Bridge has 1. With a platform 160 ft. long and wide that can accommodate 32 es at one......
Hauliers Find Traffic Wardens Reasonable
TRAFFIC wardens appointed to administer parking meter schemes "tended to be officious at first, but after a time settled down to carry out their functions in a reasonable manner......
Examination Changes And Successes
A N amendment to the Graduatcship examination has been announced by the Institute of Transport Commencing with the November, 1963, examination a candidate who passes well in two......
Foreign Share In West German Haulage A N Increasing Pro...
freight on West German highways is being hauled by non-German carriers, says the Institute of German Industry. From 1958 to 1962 the total business by German motor transport,......