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Cision On Trailer Weights Deferred Pplications By R.a.h....
Darlin g ton, to bring its ices into line with the wei g ht of the era, were adjourned by the Northern nsin g Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, oarlin g ton on Monday. Er. Hanlon......
Ake — Over Licence Refused Ennymoor Haula G E Company...
has recently taken over a bankrupt ness, was on Friday refused an applim for an A licence to Operate the cle taken over from the bankrupt he Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. ).......
Sunter Bros. Refused Heavy Tractor
QUNTER BROS. LTD., of North aIlerton, unsuccessfully applied to the Northern Licensin g Authority at Darlin g ton on Friday to vary its A licence by the addition of a 141-ton......
No Evidenc E—no Grant
E VEN a small modification needed .1—+ ade q uate evidence, said the North Western deputy Licensin g Authority, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, when he refused an application by Mr. J.......