H.P. Concession to Car Hirers
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rAR hirers who cater in a substantial
way for North American tourists are to be encouraged to earn more dollars by some relaxation in their favour of the hire-purchase restrictions on the purchase of cars. The minimum initial payment will be reduced and the period of payment will be extended.
Applications for licences to take advantage of these terms should be made to the Board of Trade, Horse Guards Avenue, London, S.W.1. The Board will normally consider applications only from those concerns which can show that 20 per cent. of their turnover is earned in dollars. No indication can be given of the extent of the concessions for these will vary with the circumstances of each application, The existing Order, the Hire Purchase (Control) Order, 1952, requires the down payment on cars to be at least one-third of the purchase price, and the balance to be paid in not more than 18 months.
AREPRESENTATIVE of "The Commercial Motor" who has tested Regent T.T. premier-grade petrol, which will be on sale on Sunday, reports greatly improved top-gear pulling, complete absence of pinking, and more rapid warming-up. The test vehicle was an Austin A40 which had covered 37,000 miles. The ignition was advanced, but otherwise the engine was not tuned to run on the higher-octane fuel. Before the test started, the sump was drained and replenished with Havoline 20 oil.
On short runs in London, with the engine never working at an efficient temperature, 200 miles were covered on 7i gallons of petrol, which affords a consumption return of approximately 27 m.p.g. There was no improvement in mileage per gallon as compared with Pool petrol, but motoring was far more pleasant. During the test, full use *as made of the low-speed pulling potentialities of the higher-octane fuel by changing up early and remaining in top gear as long as possible.
ACCUSATIONS ot operating unauthorized 4tours were made, last week, by ,Mr. H. Backhouse, against Happiway Tours, Ltd., Manchester, He was representing James Smith (Wigan), Ltd., which, with Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., Leeds, appealed against a decision of the North Western Licensing Authority permitting Happiway to continue tours from a number of Lancashire towns, and varying conditions attached to tours from Yorkshire towns.
Mr. Backhouse alleged that the respondent was picking-up passengers in Lancashire on coaches operating from Yorkshire, contrary to the terms of the licence. Mr. F. S. Marshall, for Wallace Arnold, said that objectors to the A30 Lancs-Yorks link of Happiway had been " stifled and gagged."
Mr. G. A. Macdonald, for the respondent, denied illegal working and said that the operations were an economic method of running. Recommendations to the Minister of Transport are to be made by Mr. W. Tudor Davies, who heard the case.
THE Eastern Licensing Authority has refused a licence to Broadlands Luxury Coaches, Thorpe St. Andrew, to run daily coaches from Weybournc anti-aircraft practice camp to Norwich, a service already provided by Mascot Coaches, Norwich.
Mascot and the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., opposed the application. It was stated that the applicants had submitted the lowest tender and had been granted the contract for the service, but the Authority saw no reason why it should not continue to be run by the existing operators.
RECORD bookings for tours for Coronation Year are expected by East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd. The company will run two seven-day tours, a six-day tour and a new fourday tour. The new addition is for the benefit of people who are able to take only a short holiday and cannot spare the week-end.
Tours will be run to Edinburgh and Dee-side, Bournemouth, Devon, the Wye Valley, North Wales and the Lake District. Seven-day Scottish tours will cost £17 17s., six-day tours £15 10s. and four-day tours £9 15s.
HAVING deferred his decision since last September, the Western Licensing Authority has grunted permission to Western Engineering and Motor Services, Ltd., Clevedon, to run tours from Easter—October. The company acquired Westbury Luxury Coaches, Bristol, early last year and applied in April to operate tours. The Railway Executive and the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., objected vigorously.