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T HERE have been some most interesting happenings in trade union and Socialist circles which may lead to others. Probably the...
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M ODERN commercial vehicles, even those of reasonably large load capacity, now penetrate into the by-ways to an extent which...
New Petrol-electric System A FRENCH research body has developed a petrol electric vehicle called the " Symetric-Paris," which...
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Whitson for Whitson! That urban traffic can upset urbanity. That when up-keep costs keep up, profits keep down. Of a man who...
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1 T is believed that the Minister of Transport is considering two or three substantial amendments to the Transport Bill. If he...
WpIETHER the period from May 1 WY to July 31 was reasonably and fairly to be taken as the period covered by the Coronation, was...
es £470,451 A LOSS of £470,451 was incurred by rx Ulster Transport Authority in the year ended September 30 last. Net operating...
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Big Disparity in Fares J WO appeals lodged by the Railway Executive against grants of licences by the Western Licensing...
T H E North Western Licensing I Authority, it was alleged on Tuesday, granted tours facilities to Ribble Motor Services, Ltd.,...
W HEN Mr, F. G. Miller, of Acocks Green, Birmingham, 27, appealed against the refusal of the West Midland Licensing Authority...
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MR. R. BURTON has been elected chairman of the East Lancashire branch of the Transport Managers' Club. The president is MR. W....
A CCORDING to "The Financial Times," the Government does not necessarily wish to limit trade union representation on the...
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AA UCH of the west end of I.ondon IV' will be barred to coaches not operating under road service licences during Coronation...
A LEADING motor manufacturer rt has been advertising through J. W. Vickers and Co., Ltd., Box 85, 7-8, Great Winchester Street,...
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T HE Chancellor of the Exchequer has been asked by the Municipal Passenger Transport Association, the Passenger Vehicle...
F ARES charged by Lowestoft corporation since it started operation in 1903 may be increased by id. if a recommendation to that...
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'THEFTS from British Road Services I vehicles have been reduced by 75 per cent. since Mr. Archibald Henderson, a member of the...
Crawford Maclean, representing Messrs. J. and H. Caskie, of Bowmore, when the Scottish Licensing Authority rejected an...
Eastbourne Tranrport Department celebrates its golden jubilee in April. T. Wall and Sons, Ltd., paid more than £7,400 last...
A N appeal to all road users to co-operate in a campaign to cut accidents by 10 per cent. during Coronation year was broadcast...
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T HE first of a fleet of 1-ton electric tractors designed and built with the co-operation of British Railways by Scott Electric...
A BILL to amend the Road Transport Lighting Acts, 1927 and 1945, has been presented to Parliament. It proposes that the...
by Coras Iompair Eireann on February 2. They are expected to yield an extra £585,000 a year. This, however, will be...
n URING November last, commer cial-vehicle exports reached 9,650 units, valued at £6.2m., figures which showed a slight...
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B ARRING accidents, nothing will stop the Transport Bill from taking on its final legislative form within the next few months....
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G ONE are, the days when an operator chose a make of vehicle for his fleet because he liked the colour of the upholstery fitted...
A N all-Bedford fleet at 51 vehicles is t 'I maintained by George C. Cross, Ltd., Iron Bridge, Uxbridge Road, Southall,...
" S TURDINESS of construction is essential in the vehicles run by my company," stated Mr. K. 0. A. Ammentorp, a director of...
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S INCE 1858, Thomas Bantock and Co., Low Level Station, Wolverhampton, has been a railway carting agent for the Great Western...
1-1 . A USTIN 5-ton tippers and long wheelbase lorries have been used by three Midland concerns since 1939. The...
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O UT of a fleet of 77 vehicles, The Metal Agencies Co., Ltd., Avon Works, Winterstoke Road, Bristol, 3, operates 42 Commer QX...
A Wokingham Pantechnicon Measured with a Stick to Meet Customer's Special Need W HEN a 1,050-cubic-ft. body had to be built on...
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Says Ralph Cropper, M.Sc.(Econ.), BA., A.M.Inst.T. R OAD transport operators can easily overlook the importance of the clauses...
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T HERE is a tense atmosphere among the commercial-vehicle exhibitors at the Brussels Salon. The heavy-vehicle manufacturers...
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T HE discussion as to the correct position of the engine which has been taking place for some time in the correspondence...
T. Beale in your issue dated January 2, reminded Inc of the large number of p.s.v. operators whose double-deckers are nearly...
routes with low bridges, but please let us have highbridge double-deckers on " high-bridge " routes. Liverpool, 15. K. W....
I N " The Commercial Motor "dated December 19, there appeared an Albion advertisement illustrated by a van of that make...
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TYRE COSTS M Y article which appeared in the December 5 issue of "The Commercial Motor," in which I dealt with methods of...
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Q PENING the discussion on Mr. Alden's paper, reviewed last week, the editor of this journal said it was a practical...
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P ATENT No. 683,085, which deals with a new method of fabricating crankshafts, comes from Isthmian Metals Incorporated, Boston,...
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C ONTROVERSIES over the right of coach opera tors to run direct services for military camps for the benefit of members of the...
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T HE decision of the commercial-vehicle manufacturers to withdraw their annual support from what is considered by...
Is This the Biggest ? THERE have been many suggestions as to what is I the biggest pneumatic tyre in the world; this honour,...
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That Sweden is now storing liquid fuel in rock cavities. That it is planned to retain in this way 10m. barrels a year. That,...
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P LANS are being made by the Road Haulage Association to discover the size, character and location of the transport units which...
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D ECIARING that in all the circumstances, the limited service licensed was desirable in the public interest. the Minister of...
W HETHER a long-established operator had to produce the same proof of need as a newcomer, was a question raised in a recent...
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MR. H. A. DAVIS, chief buyer of Brown Brothers, Ltd., has completed 50 years' service with the company. ' MR. D. T. OArres has...
T HE value of British cars and commercial vehicles exported last year reached a record of nearly 1190m., the Society of Motor...
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: Case Fails Higher Speed Limit O VER 25 objectors appeared before the North Western Licensing Authority, at Manchester, on...
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D EPRESENTATIVES of the Lanca shire Aircraft Corporation, Ltd., and leading English and Scottish coach operators visited the...
A NEW grade of maintenance worker has been added to the scale existing under the present national agreement for rates of pay...
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T HE Transport Bill, as amended, did not reveal that any of the alterations proposed by the Association of British Chambers of...
A LTHOUGH the Road Haulage Association was disappointed that there would be no early relief from the 25-mile limit, the...
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r AR hirers who cater in a substantial way for North American tourists are to be encouraged to earn more dollars by some...
A WELL-EQUIPPED Commer mine 1 - 1 rescue vehicle has been put into service by the Scottish Division of the National Coal Board....
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N EWS that the accident statistics for 1952 reveal a welcome drop compared with those for 1951 is likely, if anything, to...
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F og a fraction of a second, i -WOndered what would happen next when the Foden 1 was driving, weighing almost 20 tons with full...
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The H ighlights of Maintenance Procedure Employed with Fleet of 1,000 Vehicles V /E1-11CLE maintenance,as interpreted by Mr. J....
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B RANDED fuels return on Sunday, and among those on sale will be Mobilgas and Mobil Diesel, products that were not marketed in...
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AARK1NG a complete change from 01 the types of bodywork hitherto produced by the concern, a new eightseat utility body for the...
A NEW stoplight switch which gives early warning of the drivers' intention to slow down or stop, is being produced by Mr. Clive...
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A S the writer of the letter entitled "Frontal Styles for Buses," published in your issue dated December 5, 1952, 1 would like...
'y V OUR issue dated January 16 contained a letter from OUR E. Walls, of Walls' Motor Tours, Ltd., Wigan, which was of great...
WHEN nationalization of long-distance road transport " became a fait accornpli, some of the best brains of the industry,...
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O UT of the cold war has , developed a warmer, more domestic conflict between road . _ and rail over the right to carry Ser,...
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By Our Legal Adviser I N many offences created by statute the law seeks to impose some measure of responsibility on some one...
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for Contract Hire T HERE is renewed interest in contract-A licences, under the terms of which a vehicle is operated for one...
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12 Operators Apply P ROPOSALS put forward by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., to the West Midland Licensing...
A NEW method of operating hot cathode fluorescent tubes has been on trial in a Reading trolleybus since July, 1950. Previously,...