Operating Aspects •of PASSENGER TRANSPORT
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THE esee.utive committee of the Transport and General Workers' -Union decided on Monday night that it would not authorize the strike of operatives of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., proposed to commence to-day .(Friday).
The central committee of the busmen's section of the union recommended the acceptance of the company's amended proposals, which include the maintenance of standard rates of pay as at present. The new running schedules will be introduced gradually up to January 1st, 1933. Redundant staff will he carried bs the company, and will be absorbed with the introduction of the summer schedules. For long spread-over duty on Sundays an extra is. will be paid. The wages of the garage staffs will also remain unaltered.
The delegate conference adjourned until Wednesday night to permit the proposals to be considered by the branches and for the delegates to make a final decision on the evening prior to the proposals coming into force.
MORECAMBE Corporation's applica tion to the Ministry of Transport for a draft Order restoring coach stands on the Promenade has been heard by a Ministry inspector, Mr. C. G. Mitchell. The corporation was supported by the Morecambe District and Motor Coach Proprietors' Association and was opposed by ther county Police.
For the corporation, it was urged that every facility should be given to visitors to enjoy the amenities of the resort, and it was suggested that the Promenade stands were the most convenient in the town.
It was stated that the coaching business at Morecambe employed 200 men during the season, paying £600 a week in wages, £4,000 a year for Road Fund, licences, £2,000 to local rates, and £5,000 in petrol tax. Since coaches had been banned from the Promenade stands several operators had been put ant of business.
M.H.C.S.A. FIGHTING FOR INDEPENDENT OPERATORS. pit° 11A B LI never before has the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, Ltd., been more active than at present. This important organization has just issued to operators and every Member of Parliament a pamphlet dealing with some of the general points which thefassociation is combating in the interests of independent coach proprietors throughout the country. Operators are urged to support the association's action and to prepare particulars of their own cases for submission to their Members of Parliament,
local authorities, ratepayers' associations, chambers of commerce, etc.
The pamphlet outlines the appeal procedure as applied to London coach services and refers to the reports of the Amuiree Committee. The whole position of the appeal by the Westminster Coaching Services, Ltd. (reported in our issue dated September 9th) is explained and the procedure at the appeal of Grey
Coaches is outlined. It is also mentioned that the association is to test the legality of the Minister's policy:
Another pamphlet, entitled "An Indictment of the Road Traffic Act," which, like the other, is strongly worded, explains how the Act is being "unfairly administered," and sets out in plain terms the position of the independent operator.
SPEEDING UP LICENCE ISSUE. THE chairman of the Southern Traffic Commissioners, Sir Reginald Ford, hopes, at the sitting at Dorchester on September 27th-28th, to commence a. scheme to speed-up the issue of licences. In eases where licences are granted at a sitting, fees will be accepted in court, and the issue of the licences will receive prompt attention at the Commissioners' office. It is expected to avoid several days' delay.
REDUCE THE PETROL TAX.. A_ R.ESOLUTION calling the attention
of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Members of Parliament for Yorkshire to the serious position brought about by the increase in the price of petrol, and pressing for an immediate remission of the emergency tax on petrol imposed last September, was passed by a meeting of the Yorkshire Regional Fares Committee, on September 16th. The meeting was presided over by Major P. J. Chapple, general manager of the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd.
BOOKING AGENTS AT HASTINGS. IT was arranged to hold, yesterday,
the annual outing of the Booking Agents Association, when over 300 members agreed to attend. Twelve modern coaches were placed at their disposal by leading operators, many of whom joined the party. The destination wile Hastings, where dinner was served at the Queen's Hotel, and the Mayor of Hastings and Mr. Rowand Harker (chairman of the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners) were guests of honour.
Operators who accepted the invitation to join the party included :—Messrs. E. Monkman (Orange Luxury Coaches), J. H. Ewer (Grey-Green Coaches), L. A. Mitchell (Blue Belle Coaches), Corbett (Lon-don Coastal Coaches), R. Neal (Eclipse Coaches), C. C. Ash (Highways, Ltd.), W. H. Roberts (Underwood Express Coaches), A. E. Bradshaw (Bradshaw's Coaches), W. J. Coleman (Westminster Coaches), and a-. Stuart Smith (United Service Transport Co., Ltd.).
THE Essex Aviation Display is to be
held to-morrow at the aerodrome, at Naylands, near Romford, of Edward Hillman's Saloon Coaches, Ltd. Mr. Hillman is, of course, a pioneer of regular air services to coastal resorts and has a large fleet of coaches, principally of Gilford make. The event is to be attended by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of London, Sir Maurice and Lady Jenks, and the sheriffs. At Rumford they will he received by the Lord Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenant of Essex, and Mr. Hillman will entertain a distinguished company at lunch.
IT is reported that the Minister of Transport has agreed to meet to-day a deputation from Bootle Town Council to discuss the question of running buses through the borough, on the condition that only fares are mentioned. October 3rd is said to be the date suggested for Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to take over the services of MacShane's Motors, Ltd.