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C ONVERSA.TIONS and meetings which have taken place during the past week indicate considerable progress towards the formation...
A GRICULTURISTS throughout the country -Elk-are alarmed at the increased taxation proposals of the Salter Conference....
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S OMEONE has pointed out in a recent A.E.C. Gazette a remark that bus drivers were being supplied with oatmeal water because...
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" Unanimity " shouted from the housetops by every railway journal. That the expression "whip hand" should give place to '...
That more attention might be paid to the placing of signposts before road junctions. Phonetics that failed I "Take the special...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, es a carriage is by the...
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The English Farmers' Union national executive is seriously taking up the question of the Salter Conference Report, but in...
At the autumn meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute—which was held, this year, jointly with the Institute of Metals—some...
A paper on vehicle springs will be read by Mr. C. Stirling, of Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd., before the Wolverhampton centre of the...
Six commercial vehicles were imported into the Irish Free State during July last, bringing up the total for the first seven...
Considerable anxiety is being manifested by the growers of early flowers and vegetables in the Isles of Scilly as to what...
The London and North Eastern Railway Co. has extended its road-motor collection and delivery system to cover a large area in...
Mr. L. M. Marshall, 10, Market Place, Evesham, 'Worcestershire, is acting as a consultant in connection with agricultural...
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ft will probably be news to many motor users that when they use a horsebox for the conveyance of cattle, instead of being...
In the absence of the chairman of the company, Kr. G. Wingate, Mr. H. G. Gilchrist, managing director, presided at the fifth...
We have been asked by Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., St. John's Works, East Bowling, Bradford, manufacturer of Hepolite pistons,...
The reports of an arrangement by which Canadian aluminium wire and cable to the value of 1250,000 will be exchanged for Russian...
The Iraq Petroleum Co. is planning to export 4,000,000 tons of 'oil annually from the Iraq oilfields, so soon as the pipe line...
Eliminating Inconvenience Through Floods. A report has been received from the sub committee appointed by Carmarthenshire Main...
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In a report to Glasgow Corporation's police committee, the chief constable says that it will be absolutely necessary to have an...
Swindon's town clerk has appealed to the Ministry of Transport against the refusal of Wilts County Council to accede to the...
For the year 'ended March 31st 1932, the total working expenses of the Salford tramways amounted to £326,522, as compared with...
The highways committee of SwiNnme Corporation recommends the purchase of an S.D. Freighter refuse collector at a cost of £620....
A NEW bonnet fastener with several interesting features is being marketed by Amal, Ltd., Holford Works, Perry Barr, Birmingham....
I N about two months' time A. E. Morrison and Sons, Ltd., Gartree Street, Leieester, expects to be making deliveries of its new...
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A Precis of the First Fully Considered Association Criticism of the Recommendations of the Rail and Road Transport Conference...
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A NE W + electric speedometer has re cently been introdneed by the British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Coventry. It consists of...
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A N improved Marelli vacuum-servo braking system has recently been developed by Feeny and Johnson, Ltd., 134, Ealing Road,...
A N extensive tour of England has just been completed by a Garner 3-ton six-wheeler, equipped as a mobile loudspeaker outfit,...
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ylETAlLS are to hand from Huds dersfield Corporation of the service given by a Karrier fire-tender which the authority has had...
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designed essentially FOR LOCAL DELIVERIES T.S. Motors, Ltd., Departs from Orthodoxy to Pro duce a Vehicle Which the Driver...
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DNT-DRIVE TROLLEY-BUS The Ingenious Gilford Frontwheel Drive and System of Building Body and Chassis Frame in One, Permit the...
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What the Addition of 3d. per Gallon Means to the Haulier, the Ancillary User, and the Coach and Bus Operator N EITHER an...
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An Interesting 30-seater 80 b.h.p. Vehicle of Light Weight and capable of High Speed. Designs for Larger Machines I N a recent...
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HAULIER and CARRIER " S.T .R.," Continuing His Chat with on Intending Haulier, Tells of Cases of Hauliers Chorging Top Prices...
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Further Trenchant Criticisms of the Report of the Rail-Road Conference. Its Effects on Household Removers A Comparison Between...
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A Ristuni of Recently Published Patent Specifications T HEpatent of L. P. Croset, " Vectis," Havelock Road, Shrewsbury,...
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A QUICK-COUPLING SIX-WHEELED LORRY The Carrirnore Detachable Semi-trailer Attached to a Bedford Chassis and Equipped with...
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T HE Salter Conference Report was the main topic of discussion at a meeting of the western regional area cf the Road Haulage...
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LATEST NEWS FROM THE TRAFFIC AREAS NOLONDON BUS STRIKE. T HE esee.utive committee of the Transport and General Workers' -...
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sioners have reserved their decision on the application of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to operate to the forecourt of...
AS an experiment, Cardiff Corporation proposes to issue monthly tickets at special rates for use throughout the municipal bus...
THE creditors' trustee, under a deed of assignment of a bus business to the creditors, was the defendant at Llanilar Police...
THE unusual situation of a bus com pany strenuously opposing an application to the Traffic Commissioners that it should...
EFFORTS are being made by the Transport and General Workers' Union to secure an increase in wages of Dundee Corporation's bus...
GLAMORGAN Count y Education Committee will consider tenders from bus owners for the conveyance, over defined periods, of...
NEWPORT tramways committee has received a report from the tramways manager (Mr. N. j. Young), in which he states that the...
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WE understand that W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., Falkirk, has offered to purchase the issued shares of the Aberdeen Suburban...
LEEDS Corporation has equipped one of its double-deck buses with a microphone and loudspeaker, so that when the conductor is...
THE licensing committee of Blyth Cor poration -has received a letter from United Automobile Services, Ltd., enclosing a copy of...
THE transport committee of Wallasey Corporation is to consider the suggestion for a through bus service to New Brighton, via...
THE Accrington municipal-transport authority has decided that the free travelling facilities granted to members of the police...
THE transport committee of Glasgow Corporation is to make arrangements for the official opening of the new motorbus garage at...
SWINDON Corporation is applying to the Southern Traffic Commissioners for permission to operate buses outside its boundaries...
WE have been notified that Red and White Services, Ltd., in association with the Great Western Express Co., Ltd., has revised...
THE Western Traffic Commissioners have granted permission to Gloucester Corporation to continue the operation of one-man buses...
AN unusual case was raised at Leeds vilhen a man was summoned for refusing to pay his fare. He had apparently purchased a...
IT is understood that negotiations are proceeding between United Automobile Services, Ltd., and Messrs. Walters andJohnson, who...
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man (Carm.) Urban District Council to bus proprietors to introduce penny fares. The South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., waz the...
Lionelly Electric Traction Co., Ltd., and the Great Western Railway Co. under which the Traction Co.'s new trolley-buses will...
THERE has been a great deal of oppo sition in Yorkshire to the curtailment of rural services by the Traffic Commissioners, and...
MASHAM (Yorkshire) Urban Dis trict Council has forbidden United Automobile Services, Ltd., to use the Market Place as a bus...
A N A.E.C. oil-engined double-deck bus has been put into experimental service by the Devon General Omnibus Co., Ltd., On the...
THE name of Hillmans Saloon Coaches has been changed to Edward Hillman's Saloon Coaches, Ltd.
IT is understood that the special com mittee of York City Council, appointed to investigate the municipal transport...
Northern, OPERATORS of excursions and tours to the Lake District and parts of Lancashire from Windermere and Ambleside, will...