T HIS week BRS Parcels Ltd. announced the opening of three
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new branches, Glasgow, Norwich, and Bridgwater, while major extensions have also been made to existing premises at Lancaster, Reading and Canterbury.
The new Glasgow branch is the largest road parcels depot in Scotland and is situated on a seven-acre site at Lawmoor Road, Dixon's Blazes, Glasgow C5, close to the centre of the city. The covered depot itself occupies an area of approximately 120,000 sq. ft. with warehouse, service station, and administrative offices.
A double-sided parcels platform, 662 ft. long, runs the entire length of the building. A continuous conveyor belt flush with the wood-block floor covers 450 ft. of the platform and provides what BRS claims to be the most up-to-date method of handling mixed parcels traffic, Over 100 vehicles and 200 trailers will be operated from the branch, and there is room for further expansion. The warehouse, which has a capacity of over 20,000 sq. ft., is linked to the parcels platform area.
In the service station full servicing, washing and complete maintenance facilities, covering major overhaul and repairs, are provided.
The branch will provide an improved collection and delivery service for parcels and smalls in the Glasgow area. The original depot, a one time foundry, at Portman Street, is now closed. The new branch opened at Burton Road, Norwich, occupies a site of 41 acres. A covered building of some 43,000 sq. ft. houses the depot operations and includes a double-sided platform 340 ft. long and 45 ft. wide, while. provision has also been made for a warehouse of approximately 8,000 sq. ft. The branch at present operates over 50 vehicles and 30 trailers. A modern service station, together with vehicle wash, is also provided.
The area office is also sited at the new Norwich address and the premises from which collections and deliveries were separately handled in the past has been closed.
Bridgwater's new depot, at Parrett Way, is an addition to the BRS Parcels network. It has been opened to meet the increasing demand for parcels services in the South-west and will handle traffic in an area roughly bounded by Bridgwater, Minehead, Taunton, Wellington and Weston-super-Mare. A double-sided platform 108 ft. long by 50 ft. wide is contained within a covered building of approximately 12,000 sq. ft. Twelve collection and delivery vehicles are operated and provision has been made for further extensions in anticipation of further increases in traffic flows. The service station includes an inspection pit and vehicle wash.
Branches at Reading, Lancaster and Canterbury, have also been enlarged recently to deal with the ever-increasing traffic flows passing through the depots.