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A T noon today the Minister of Transport, Mrs. Barbara Castle, will open the 23rd Commercial Motor Show; for the next 10 days...
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A NNOUNCED by the Primrose Mini Axle Co. Ltd. is a new twin-steer conversion for tractive units, called the Offset. The design...
N E ARLY 700 delegates from Britain fr Nand the Continent were present in London's Hilton Hotel yesterday for the third annual...
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new branches, Glasgow, Norwich, and Bridgwater, while major extensions have also been made to existing premises at Lancaster,...
C ONTAINING not only a series of illustrated reviews of design progress as evidenced by Show exhibits but also a report of...
THE enterprise shown by a small Kent engi neering firm, British Twin Discs Ltd., of Knight Road, Strood, may win it export...
SAMUEL Taylor (Hay's Wharf) Ltd., the London hauliers, this week moved to a new depot at Pooles Lane, Ripple Road, Dagenham,...
THE Sindicato Nacional de Transportes y Comunicaciones has issued a list of Spanish hauliers engaged in international...
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VERY (staff) recruit should be regarded as a capital investment and no one invests capital in a project without nurturing it to...
REctriuri and anti-theft measures will be the main topics at the monthly meeting of the Transport Managers Club,...
A SERIES of six weekend courses in transport management, each lasting from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, has been...
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By JOHN DARKER, AMBIM N EARLY 3,000 delegates from almost 100 countries attended the fifth world meeting of the International...
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C. P. Kennedy last week took over the appointment of training officer of Pickfords Removal and Travel Service. Aged 31, he was...
G REAT strides have been made this year to bring Leyland dealers closer together -in their activities concerning parts...
EXPRESS DAIRY FINALISTS IN ACTION AT the finals of the Express Dairy Co. Ltd. Driver of the Year competition on Sunday, no...
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B USMEN'S union leaders decided last week not to withdraw from the joint negotiating machinery as a protest against the...
E TTLEMORB Parish Council, Oxford, is to issue forms on which passengers can record delays and failures in the bus service...
DURING the year ended March 31 1966 there were three strikes by the employees of Coras Iompair Eireann which are estimated to...
WORK is to start soon on improving a " section of the Exeter-Leeds trunk road (A38) between Beare Cottages and a point...
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A MEETING to review facilities for transport education and training was held at London University last week. It was convened by...
E AST Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd., one of the smaller companies in the BET group, may face further expansion within the next...
T HE Ulster Transport Authority's "parcels by bus" service is stepping up its competitive pace and offering package deals for...
R EPEAT orders for Daimler Fleetline chassis placed by Halifax Corporation Transport include another two 33 ft. chassis to be...
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months it must be a record, says haulier. N East Grinstead Magistrates Court on Monday D. Heron (Transport) Ltd., and Mr. D....
A HAULIER admitted at a public inquiry in Birmingham on Tuesday that he had filled in his own approximate figures of the...
4417 is the railways' hope of a real break ' through into the transport of general merchandise, with slices of the cake which...
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A NORTH DEVON builder failed in his application to the Western deputy Licensing Authority at Exeter this week for a B licence...
TIHE RHA has drawn attention to poor documentation in the completion of carnets. Cases of incomplete entries appear to be...
A LEADING Yorkshire coal merchant, Mr. Patrick Cooper, of Pocklington, has closed his coal depot in the busy market town of...
MJ. PRITCHARD and Son Ltd., of Mill ' Street, Hereford, who had applied to the West Midland Licensing Authority for four B...
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A LAST-MINUTE decision has been made by Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd. to offer a 15-ton gross version of the 13:four and to...
Y ORK announce the establishment of a new factory at Pontyclun, Cardiff. It will be a branch of York Trailer Company's new...
THE conventional methods of overcoming the waxing problem by modifying the fuel characteristics—for example by undercutting or...
T HE stability of a normal four-wheel truck when cornering on wet roads appears to be helped by the use of twin tyres, says a...
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C OMPARED with the simple trailers used by Sud Aviation to move the French-built components of Concorde, the King Concorde...
TWO new items on stands of Automotive Products Group companies at the Commer. cial Motor Show are Lockheed cam-operatec drum...
A N additional model in the 500 Series has been announced by Dodge Bros. (Britain) Ltd. This carries the designation K1000 and...
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T HE new 12m. end-loading terminals at Wool wich Free Ferry were opened on Tuesday by Mr. Rex M. Whitton, Federal Highway...
THERE will be strong transport interest I again at the Export Services Exhibition this year, with good support from the...
F ORD is to • build a world spares centre on a 130-acre site at Daventry, Northants. It will eventually employ a staff of well...
BY HANDYMAN Q UITE a lot has been said and written on the subject of jack-knifing. Everyone should be aware that lack of...
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P ROT EC T I ON of the surrounding area when welding or brazing is provided in a simple and efficient form by Weld Rite heat...
M ARKETED in a 12-oz. aerosol pack, a chrome protector has been produced by the Veedol Oil Co. Ltd., which is claimed to...
HORTLY to be produced in the UK are Dusterloh air motor starters which have been designed for use in extreme climatic...
A RECENT addition to the range of Loctite materials produced by Douglas Kane (Sealants) Ltd. is known as Tube Seal and is a...
DOWERFUL anti-rust properties are in cluded in the characteristics of a new anti-freeze, produced by Stenor Ltd., which is...
ECENTLY introduced into this country by Lewis Berger (Great Britain) Ltd., the Omni-Fill machine enables the staff of a garage...
C LAIMED to chisel the heaviest deposits of ice, frost or snow from any windscreen, a new instant de-icer has been produced by...
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View BY THE HAWK Bunny Hops! NOTE with interest that jMidland Red are to institute a thorough-going traffic enquiry designed...
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In OUBTEDLY one of the most interting bus designs to be seen at Earls Court this month is the new Eastern Coach Works-bodied...
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—but will RHA members swallow it? BY JOHN DARKER, AMBIM I N recent months the Road Haulage Association has undergone severe...
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By ASHLEY TAYLOR AMIRTE, Assoc InstT F IRST-CLASS management and operational research were necessities for their industry...
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n o two-pea ten NYONE who thinks that the Commercial Motor Show opening at Earls Court today must be an ti-climax compared...
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In addition to the vehicle exhibits AEC is featuring a sectioned AV 505 diesel engine as in the Marshal and Swift; and outside...
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BY SIR JOHN HUNTER, CBE BS chairman of the Central Training Council ['RAINING consultant was recently called in by a firm...
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BY E. VAN DER HALL secretary, Van Deudekom-Timmerman NV. ['HERE has been an enormous growth during the past decade in the...
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BY D. THAW, AMIMechE, AMIMarE technical director, Eaton ENV Transmissions Ltd. ■ TY prudent author of a Paper attempting to...
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use of containers BY W. M. LANG director, General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. "HE film which you have just seen clearly shows...
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WOW that the pattern of haulage re quirements has settled down to some extent after the upheaval of the amended C. and U....
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TV 0 main patterns of current develop II V Ient in goods transport are well represented by the exhibits at this year's Show:...
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Challenger is the name of a new range of Scammell semi-trailers for general haulage, container traffic, and T.I.R. operation....
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ALEXANDER Stand 44 Walter Alexander and Co. (Coachbuilders) Ltd., Glasgow Road, Falkirk A COACH specially designed for the...
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A stand-by-stand report APPLEYARD Stand 28 Appleyard of Leeds. Ltd.. North Street, Leeds 7. BUILT for the Birkenhead Fire...
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A HARD fact of life is that continuing efficiency is largely taken for granted, particularly when it applies over a broad...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A THOUGH the controversy following publication of Ralph Nader's book "Unsafe at Any Speed" is...
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Bell of doom for small operators? I HAVE examined the extracts of the COMMERCIAL MOTOR Tables of Operating Costs in your issue...
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B ETWEEN two important events, one nearly over and the other barely started, the lines of communication may seem on the face of...
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T HE combination of the large number of variables of both chassis and body from which the prospective purchaser of a commercial...
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T HE industrial area of the Cumberland coast from Barrow in the south (administratively in the Furness region of Lancashire)...