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Economics of Transport
I N the preface to the second edition of . The Economics of Inland Transport by A. M. Milne and J. C. Laight (Pitman --30s.) it is claimed that this book meets real need for a dispassionate survey of the problems and principles involved in the nation's transport system. In this General Election year, when so many claims of doubtful validity will no doubt ae made on a political level as to the needs of transport, the availability of this book would be especially valuable to serious students of the subject. For those not versed in economics generally some of the contents may prove heavy going, but there is nevertheless a real need for operators normally engrossed in day-today problems to take the opportunity which this book provides to assess their industry in the wider context of national economics. The eight chapters include, amongst other subjects, the function, development, control, costs, and organization of transport.
A useful appendix which has been extended in this second edition is the bibliography of suggestions for further reading which, of itself, provides a useful summary. S.B.
Legal Guide Revised
THE 14th edition of "Road Transport Law" is now available from Rifle Books Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London. S.E.1, price 21s. (by post 21s. 9d.).
Compared with the previous edition published in 1961 the number of pages has been increased from 142 to 154, although the layout and contents generally remain the same. The three main changes which have been incorporated are the Construction and Use Regulations, 1963, the Special Types Order, 1963, and the relevant parts of the 1962 Road Traffic Act.
As the legislation affecting the construction, equipment and use of motor vehicles becomes more and more
complex a simple exposition of current regulations is indispensable to all those concerned with the operation of road transport and this excellent book has long been recognized as a standard work on the subject. Its prime purpose is as a reference book to solve particular legal problems for which reason a comprehensive index is of equal importance to the contents if the layman is to make the maximum use of such a book. Presumably with this object in mind, the index in this new edition has been extended, but the book might be made even more valuable if cross-referencing in the index was further increased.
For the more experienced user the prefacing of sections with the titles and cost of the relevant Acts or Regulations is another valuable feature, with corresponding references in the subsequent description. S.B.
Textbook for Students
ARECENT publication by Butterworth and Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 88 Kingsway, London, W.C.2, is "The Elements of Transport ", by L. A. Schumer, price £1 7s. 6d. (by post £1 8s. 9d.).
Primarily intended as a textbook for students, this book was originally published in Australia, in which country the author has considerable experience in road transport operation as well as being a member of the Institute 'of Transport and Australian accountancing societies. Because the first edition had a substantial readership in this country the book nas been recommended by the Institute for students taking this subject in their graduateship examination.
This 215-page second edition includes 18 chapters covering a wide range of aspects of transport. After dealing with the functions and essentials of transport the several forms—rail, water, road and air—are dealt with individually followed by a chapter on ownership—state or private. Later chapters deal with costs. competition and regulations. Any addition to books on this subject is welcome if only because of their relative scarcity, although this book can stand in its own right as a useful exposition of the subject. A word of warning must be added, however. Because of the Australian background of the author, U.K. readers might, on first reading at least, find some of the terms unusual, whilst references to regulations affecting construction and use of vehicles or other data, are not applicable in Britain. S.B.
Goods Transport Annual
THE 1964 edition of the "Goods Vehicle Yearbook" is now available from Modern Transport Publishing Co. Ltd., Terminal House, Shepperton, Middx, price 35s.
This new and enlarged edition contains 349 pages and claims to he a classified reference and guide for transport vehicle manufacturers, operators and users. New chapters added this year include milestones in road transport history, operating notes, and overseas road transport associations.
Of the existing features, that devoted to goods vehicle law has been extended and is divided into seven sections, namely construction, use, special types, employment regulations, records, and licensing both formal and practical.
The major portion of this enlarged yearbook consists of a detailed reference and guide of associations, manufacturers, vehicles and trailers, followed by 146 pages in which are listed goods vehicle operators. These are divided into the nationalized undertakings, private hauliers and ancillary transport fleets, and listed alphabetically.
Although it is still necessary to limit fleet particulars to those of 10 vehicles or more, lists of fleet operators have been extended in this edition. They undoubtedly form the unique attraction of this yearbook. One of the many omissions in road transport statistics available to the public is just such information. Though by no means complete, comprehensive lists of operators are now being built up in this reference book.