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Stamps Gets Four On Contract Renewed
LTHOUGH convicted a number of r times in the past few years for offences concerning the condition of the company's vehicles, L. M. and j. S. Stamps, of Kidderminster, were......
In Brief West Yorkshire Application Refused : The...
Commissioners have refused the application of the West Yorkshire Road Car Co. Ltd. to increase fares on 124 routes. The company claimed at the Leeds hearing that the recent pay......
Tribunal Heard 111 Appeals
D URING 1963, a total of 123 new road haulage appeals was lodged with the Transport Tribunal (compared with 107 in 1962, 78 in 1961); of these 25 were withdrawn. The actual......
Long-steel Trailer Shortage Conceded
A FTER a day-long hearing at New castle upon Tyne last Friday, the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, granted short-term licences to Econofreight Transport Ltd.......