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Leave Haulage Alone Mr. Good
A HAULIER with a fleet of, say, 50 t A, vehicles engaged in long-distance work will find be has paid something like £50,000 a year and perhaps more in licence duties and fuel......
No Compromise On Traders' Freedom
T HE Traders Road Transport Association took no sides in political affairs, but was prepared to fight, without compromise, any restriction of C-licence freedom. This unequivocal......
Driver Bears Accident Damages A Company
going a result of an insurance comny 1-1 -going into liquidation and his employer disappearing, a lorry driver faced a claim for damages at Manchester County Court last week. In......
Extension Of Vehicle Observer Corps
LTh. A VEHICLE observer corps covering the Medway towns—including the Isle of Sheppey—came into operation on Monday. This move is part of the plan to develop the network of......
U.t.a.'s High Losses
THE Ulster Transport Authority had a 1 trading loss of £514,520 in the year ending September 30 last—compared with £306,736 for the year 1961-62. Loan repayment and interest......
In Brief
Devon Trading Take-over : The Devon Trading Co. Ltd. has acquired for cash and shares the whole share capital of Blatchfords Packers and Removers Ltd., the Exeter concern which......