JACK JONES, retiring general secretary of the Transport and General
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Workers Union, was given a rousing send-off on Monday at a reception held for him at London's Royal Festival Hall. Gathered together in the Hall were over 2,500 guests including Prime Minister James Callaghan and general secretary of the Trades Union Congress, Len Murray.
Greetings on his impending retirement (Mr Jones officially retires next month) were r out to the audience from tr unions around the world.
Mr Jones, whose un membership recently top) the 2 million mark for the f time, was called by Mr C laghan "a born fighter and strial statesman."
nd he pointed out the VU "not only carried the our Party to victory in , but it has sustained us Dst miraculously during period of four years in :h, so well have we carried think many people often at that we have been in a rity the whole time."
reply to all the tributes him, Mr Jones said: "It been a wonderful exmce for me, a considerable lege to serve within this t army of labour and now o return to the ranks." '
I' THE occasion not only a the TGWU the chance hank Jack Jones for his lership over the last 10 it also allowed his sucor Moss Evans to be seen to say a few words.
Er Evans, who was elected he post last year, has 14 rs to run before his -ement.
egarded by most arvers to be to the left of Jones, Mr Evans has er made his opposition to Government's 10 per cent restraint policy a secret. itEvans has said he ild not accept any policy future pay restraint of 5 cent.
['he reason is that I don't assarity accept that, now ye got over the economic rip, a pay policy of the I suggested has a part to r within the trade union iement."
We must hold fast to our collective bargaining." _ ation to attain this just ety," said Mr Evans in speech.