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Alvesen Faces Blacking
IRISTIAN Salvesen lorries the Aberdeen depot could blacked by drivers if empts to sell or rel-locate are made. rhe firm intends to close the 30t at the end of next month, )n......
Open Door For 0 Licensing
IN A BID to gather more evidence from small operators, the Foster Committee on 0 licensing is to set up a series of meetings up and down the country. This latest step by the......
Litiotorways Mean Profit
1DUSTRY and commerce is Lying some £500 million a !ar from the motorway and unk road network built ming this decade, says the ritish Road Federation. A BRF report published 1day......
Ulsterbus Bombing
BUS services in Londonderry were disrupted this week when a firebomb attack destroyed 18 buses and damaged another 19 at the town's depot. Damage is estimated at around £500,000......