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jUatiee Your editorial comments (CM February 3) on the views expressed by the Freight Transport Association exhibit an amount of "rough justice" indeed, considering the......
Weft !mini
The fourth training centre mentioned in the two pages devoted to bulk liquid interests (CM January 27) is now in action at this address. The Hazfreight course is being well......
We refer to your leader (CM February 3). As an operator of goods vehicles and an extensive user of hauliers' services, we must challenge your recommendation to the Committee of......
9k Black Aid White, Gem
So different regulations affect drivers on UK roads when their loads are destined for abroad (CM news February 3). What a load of olde English rubbish. Whether vehicles are......
Vag* Um
Steve Gray's penetrating insight into Thatcham's influence on Vehicle Accident Repair Costs (CM, January 27) is marred by the assertion that average labour charges are now £6......
Your report (CM February the Freight Transport Association's submission ti Committee of Inquiry into 0-licensing was indeed foreseeable. I wrote to the Committel Inquiry on......