American Equipment
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on Show BY A. J. P. WILDING AWIDE range of vehicle servicing and maintenance equipment is being shown at the U.S. Trade Center, 57 St. James's Street, London, S.W.I, at an exhibition which opened on Tuesday, May 21, and closes next Friday, May 31. A total of 27 American equipment manufacturers arc represented, five of them by an American exporting company and 16 in association with their U.K. agents. Of these, 10 are showing their product& in the U.K. for the first Lime; four of them have no U.K. representatives.
The U.S. Trade Center in London was the first of a number set up throughout the world during the past two years to develop and promote American exports. Exhibitions of American products are held from time to time and a similar show to the current one was recently staged in Frankfurt.
Many of the exhibits are not currently available on the British market and this applies particularly to items which have been brought over from the U.S. and Frankfurt by the American firms, In many cases, however, the British concessionnaires or agents have added to the display various items which they already market here. An example of this is E. P. Harms (Concessionaires) Ltd., who represent Albertson and Co. Inc. and Marquette Manufacturing Co., who are both exhibiting. Albertson is showing a range of air-operated hand tools and valve-seat facing equipment and Marquette various items of welding equipment, including the Tigwelder which is said to incorporate a new process of arc welding. In both cases Barrus is adding to the display with equipment already offered in this country.
The four concerns not currently represented in the U.K. are EIectrotone Laboratories Inc., Lincoln Engineering Co., Singer Products Co. Inc. and Spray Products Corporation. EIectrotone Laboratories is showing a range of miniature and other types of battery charger, whilst Lincoln Engineering is featuring a range of lubrication and engine tune-up equipment, including retractable hose reels and the Model 104006 Quick-Check Tune-Up Center. The model VFT-I0 Inland Radiator Shop being shown by Singer Products is a selfcontained unit with comprehensive equipment designed to facilitate cleaning, testing and repairing all types of radiators and the Spray Products Corporation is showing a range of chemical products for use in the motor industry, including fire extinguishers, de-icers and starting fluids.
Two exhibitors already very well known in the U.K. are Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. and Suntester Ltd. The parent companies of both these concerns— Ingersoll-Rand International and Sun Electric Corporation respectively—are taking part in the exhibition. The two concerns are showing equipment already marketed by their U.K. subsidiaries— Ingersoll-Rand air arid electric service tools, including its ImpactooI and Impacutter, whilst Sun is featuring its range of electronic testing and tuning equipment. Sun is also exhibiting brake-drum lathes, brake-shoe grinders and similar equipment made by the Amrnco Tools Co.. for which it is the export agent.
Vantool Inc. is another exhibitor of a brake-drum lathe, in this case the model 06F, arid of associated interest are tyre changers and wheel balancers shown by the John Bean Division of FMC Corp. and San-Mar Tool and Equipment Co. texport agents for Bishman Manufacturing Co.). The Vantool brake-drum lathe is displayed by Paul F. Moss Co. Inc., the concern's export agent, who is also featuring equipment made by four other American manufacturers. These are Absco Inc.. Craftmaster Profitrnaker Inc., The Reclaim° Co. and Storm-Vulcan Inc. Moss exhibits include the Absco Crankshaft welder Model SWM-2A, the Craft master Model 150 High Pressure Steam' Cleaner and a range of Craftmaster orbital sanders and accessories_ Reclaimo features Model 9 and Model 15 enginemounted lubricating oil refiners and Storm-Vulcan is exhibiting a Model 103 Journalmaster for building up by welding crankshaft journals and Model 85B Blockmaster block-milling machine.
Steam cleaners made by three other American companies besides Craftmaster are to be seen at the exhibition; Clayton Manufacturing Co., Malsbary Manufacturing Co. and The Valsan Co. Inc. Clayton is showing its model 900 OEP " Steamin' Demon" unit, -Malsbary its Models 100, 150 and 250 cleaners, whilst Valsan is featuring its 1VIodeI 100 ElectroMagic unit. Valsan is also displaying two car-washing units.
For Overhauls Machine tools designed specifically to be used for engine overhaul are featured by the Cedar Rapids Engineering Co., which is showing a range of equipment including machines for connecting rod reconditioning, mainand camshaftbearing reboring, valve refacing and gudgeniVpin fitting. The concern is 'also showing valve-guide servicing tools. The Hang Manufacturing COrpdration is another concern exhibiting machine tools of use in vehicle overhaul workshops. These include a range of grinders and fixtures as well as a unit designed for sharpening tools, such as milling cutters and routers.
Of particular interest in the exhibits of Hall-Toledo Incorporated, is the Model EJ Eccentric Valve Seat Grinder which, as its name implies, operates on an eccentric principle. This tool is shown with various accessories and other HallToledo equipment on view includes the Model ME valve inserter, the Model OT valve-guide servicing tool and the Model VAVO Vacuum Gauge.
To Lift Vehicles
Pendleton Tools Industries International features the Penint Model 60 End Lift which is an air-operated vehicle lift designed to raise either end of a vehicle and hold it at a convenient working height. The PenintBody Man also shown by the concern is designed to raise a vehicle in a similar way but will also act as a tension brace for straightening frames and bodies. Pendleton is also showing a range of shock absorbers and various items of engine test and tune-up equipment. Another concern showing instruments for use on testing engine ignition systems is Snap-On Tools Corporation with its Model MT-615B Snap-On Anal-O-Scope. Other test equipment shown includes an ignition analyser, a regulator tester and vacuum and fuel pump gauges. Socket wrench sets are also shown, together with an airoperated impact wrench.
Hand Tools A wide range of hand tools is displayed by Thor Power Tool Company. Included are air-operated impact wrenches and hammers, electric drills, sanders, polishers and disc trimmers. Also showing a wide range of its products is Union Carbide International. In this case the display includes such things as anti-freeze, de-icing fluids, polishes and upholstery cleaners.
Electra International Inc. was not present at the Exhibition on the opening day, but is expected to be represented there before it closes. The concern will be showing a range of Lectra "fuel ignitors" which are designed to perform the same work as sparking plugs but using a different method of spark generation. Transistorized ignition systems are also to be featured.
As can be seen, virtually all aspects of repair are covered by the exhibits on view. As pointed out earlier, many are already available in the U.K. and, where they are not, equivalent equipment is, in most cases, available from British manu facturers. Nevertheless, a visit to the Exhibition will be well worth while for vehicle maintenance engineers. Admission is free and it is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, including Saturday, May 25. Orders for the equipment shown can be placed.
At the opening day of the Exhibition it was announced that the Singer Products Co. Inc., had appointed a U.K. agent— J. W.. Lawrence Ltd., Crusader Works, Abbey Lane, Leicester.