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O NE thing should be understood immediately about the report of the Road Haulage Association's licensing study group (see page...
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BY THE HAWK WHO "leaked" the very important vv report of the R.1-LA. licensing study group (page 62)? More important, why'?...
kilEANS of reducing the time consumed LV1 in loading and unloading of vehicles were closely examined in the course of a paper...
O N January 1 next year, the subscription rates for Road Haulage Association membership will be increased; the national council...
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of the Bbwater Organization in Great Britain, 231 were eligible, on the strength of their driving records, to enter the...
T HE newly elected national council of the R.H.A. at its first meeting last week re-elected Mr. D. 0. Good as chairman for the...
A ' increase of more than 60 per cent during the first quarter of 1963 compared with the same period last year in the number of...
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IN Tuesday Lord Robens, chairman of the National Coal Board, opened te first Coal Handling Exhibition to be :Id in London. It...
B ECAUSE of the large entry for the first Northern Ireland contest in the Lorry Driver of the Year competition. the starting...
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HE National Benzole Driver of the Year Competition has been won by a iver from the Shell Haven depot at anford-le-Hope,...
A N interesting sequel to the paper "Road Safety delivered to the T.R.T.A.'s national conference last autumn by the then...
A FTER DARK road deaths in . 1— k Birmingham during the . five-month winter period of that city's dipped-headlamp campaign...
k PROTEST was made in the Lords "I this week at the lack of factual eviince from the Government explaining s decision to...
T HE possibility of trailers behind buses to carry luggage which could not go on the vehicles themselves was mentioned in the...
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R URAL bus services would be " very much improved ", promised the Prime Minister last week. It was a q uestion of the cost of...
T HE Transport Tribunal has partially allowed two appeals by General Haulage Co. (Lemington) Ltd., a g ainst the revocation and...
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THE West Midland Traffic Commis" sioners intimated at Birmingham on Monday that there was force in the contention that Scots...
nNE of the reasons put forward for an application for a B licence at Manchester last Monday was that the operator concerned...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT Government is at last dimly "['HE that the problem of C licences is an urgent one, said Mr....
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A NEW approach to the problem of dealing with the wide variations in numbers of passengers carried in buses at different times...
From our Industrial Correspondent WHITSUN bus services throughout VY Kent and parts of East Sussex are threatened with chaos by...
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T HE possibility of having 60 standing and 30 seated passengers in Edinburgh Corporation's experimental 36-ft.long standee...
has been re-elected as president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. This will be his second. term of office and...
WE regret to record the deaths of Mr. W H. W. Downie, Mr. Thomas Sunter and Mr. Harold J. Tuffnell. Mr. H. W. Downie, general...
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L IQUID nitrogen refrigeration equipment made by the Linde Co. division of Union Carbide Corporation of America has been...
THE refrigerated body on the Morris 7-tonner illustrated below was built by Appleyard of Leeds Ltd., and incorporates two...
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and a satisfactory order book, are recorded for All Wheel Drive Ltd. in the annual report of Vickers Ltd.; Vickers bought a 60...
of A.E.C. Reliance 36 - ft. buses and coaches are vehicles for three prominent independent operators in Lancashire. Ribblesdale...
P ATENT No. 913,838 shows a valve for a hydraulic brake operating system that automatically cuts off the supply of fluid to the...
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on Show BY A. J. P. WILDING A WIDE range of vehicle servicing and maintenance equipment is being shown at the U.S. Trade...
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House last week as a result of Dr. Beeching's speech at the R.H.A.'s annual dinner, because the Doctor certainly put the...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. A N operator who is prepared to pay over £2,000 for a 14-ton-gross four-wheeled goods chassis...
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WRITES Institutions have a habit outliving their inspiration' A PART from comments in the technical journals, scarcely a...
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A LTHOUGH the Morris Exhibition at Longbridge follows closely on the Austin Show (The Commercial Motor, May 10) the displays...
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Proposed by 11.1-LA ;tudy Group T HE issuing of carriers' licences on a basis of payload instead of unladen weight; the...
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C LOSE finishes marked the largest classes in last Sunday's round of the Lorry Driver of the Year contest at Newcastle upon...
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I N a holiday resort such as Southport there is always plenty for the visitor to do. But the attractions of the town are...
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More on Machinery Carriers 1 HE exchange of letters published in your columns between Mr. P. F. Wood and Mr. A. Marenbon...
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T HE added responsibility in connection with the provision and maintenance of a fleet of staff cars which many transport...