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Locomotors T45 cab

24th May 1980, Page 22
24th May 1980
Page 22
Page 22, 24th May 1980 — Locomotors T45 cab
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BECAUSE of the complication of the air ventilator half way down th door shut pillar, Locomotors of Andover have developed a ner construction technique on their T45 "Nightrider" sleeper cab. Th conversion, which was on show at the IRTE exhibition last weekend has been engineered from the rear of the side windows, rather thai from the door shut pillar.

It incorporates a single bunk trimmed in brush nylon, to matcl the interior trim. The complete roof lining is replaced along with th sound absorbing roof insulation. Curtains all round the cab and flush fitting roof light are standard.

Access to the cab tilt mechanism is made through a flush fittim side flap. The 'integrity of the roof gutter and cant rail is maintainei with fully welded steel sections.