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Dr NC IONAL Carriers have gained a four year £11/2m contract for the ibution of BMW car parts from Bracknell to about 250...
THE FREIGHT Transport Association, Costs and Rates report for the three months to 1 March 1980 shows a higher level of increase...
IN ITS ANNUAL report for 1979 the Road Haulage Association shows a balance of £425,405. This is a surplus over 1978 of...
Buckinghamshire (North) Class A, A. Bignall, GPO; Class B, C. Morgan, GPO; Class C, D. J. Green, Whitbread London Ltd; Class...
Cooke, GPO, Liverpool, Class C, A. Clarke, Shell UK Oil; Class D. R. Anderson, Shell UK Oil; Class E, J. Millar, Bowater Scott;...
The answers published last week were the correct answers for May 3 and not May 10 as stated The correct answers for May 10 and...
NATIONAL Freight Corporation announced a profit for 9 of Um on a turnover of £432m. The result is an ovement over 1978 when the...
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THE GOVERNMENT has kept its promise to allow local education authorities to carry fare-paying adults on school buses which have...
KEN ROGERS, newly-elected National Chairman of the Road Haulage Association, speaking at a meeting of the Institute of Traffic...
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HE USE of 'sleeper cabs' for lorry rivers could be seriously undermined the drinking and driving laws were ) be extended to...
AS HAPPENS so often, it all depends on your point of view. Either the Labour Party made a gallant, but futile attempt to alter...
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A NS VVER: in this day and age, not enough. There have been big changes in the last few years. For one thing, there's a lot...
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4N APPEAL by Mr Trevor Beacock, trading as M & R Haulage las been dismissed by the Transport Tribunal. The appeal was igainst a...
THE ROAD TRANSPORT Industry Training Board is to ask the Secretary of State for Employment to approve the 1980/81 levy at 1 per...
A SEDDON Atkinson 400 eight-wheeler operated by Cheshire County Council is recouping rate-payers' money in addition to carrying...
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SUGGESTIONS that local authorities are doing very little to use their statutory powers to control lorries on environmental...
BAOD has entered into an insurance agreement with effect from April 1 last Bassett Insurance Brokers are the Association's...
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DFDS and Prins Ferries have reached an agreement to operate a joint ro-ro freight service between Harwich and Hamburg. Sailings...
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A SELF-CONTAINED, bolt-on, tail-lift assembly of established Swedish design is now to be manufactured in Britain by a new...
AN addition has been made to the Eberspacher heavyweight diesel heater range. The D12L has a 12 kw output (41379 BTU) and the...
BECAUSE of the complication of the air ventilator half way down th door shut pillar, Locomotors of Andover have developed a ner...
SERVICING costs for all Toyota commercial vehicles sold in the United Kingdom have been cut with the introduction of new...
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IEDWOOD Industrial Products .td. of Clevedon, Avon, who )rovide an energy conservation onsultancy service, have ecently added...
RENAULT is now offering a sleeper cab version of its new 16-tons gvw chassis cab, the GF151. The new cab can be . specified on...
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FACED by criticism from both friend and foe, the Government is to look again at what standards should apply to express bus...
The annual conference a the CPT takes place this yea at Edinburgh from the 30t September/ 2nd October. Th programme this year...
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The off-raod market expanding, and this Sulzer conversion has the added bonus of using standard VW components. An exclusive...
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BATTERIES 1 DRY BATTERIES, that is primary cells, as used in torches, transistor radios, etc., are not used on motor vehicles...
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AFTER READING the news item "Road Wreckers" (CM, March 8), I completely agree with Mr Buckton's statements to Sir Arthur...
AS USUAL with his law articles (CM, March 29), Les Oldridge was spot-on in his comments, with particular reference to the...
THERE WAS a four per cent decline in goods vehicle accidents between 1969 and 1977, against a 21 per cent drop in car...
WITH REFERENCE TO - Staying Alive in the Workshop", (CM, April 12), it may help your readers to know that the St John Ambulance...
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A °lain man's guide to turbocharged and charge cooled engin PROBABLY the most vital factor of any transport operation today,...
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Transport Minister Norman Fowler and his Department should to Sir Arthur. ALL THROUGH the summer, every reference to the heavy...
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This year demand will never reach that of 1979, writes a finance expert Hugh Alclous partner in Robson Rhodes, chautered...
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David Lloyd Jones will be retiring as chairman of United Transport Company Ltd. He has accepted the office of president. Mr...
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• is our concern THIS YEAR, CM celebrates its 75th anniversary. We plan to mark this occasion with a number of special events...
I ntertruck Ltd Articulated fleet maintenance programme. Planning an effective maintenance system for a fleet of articulated...
DAF Trucks Intermodal transport. Designing vehicles, and the infrastructure for the use of intermodal transport. The thesis...
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Renault Trucks& Buses UK Ltd CV 2005AD To consider the design and development of the commercial vehicle in the next 25 years....
for use in conjunction with the proposed scheme to ensure adequate control. The scheme should be adaptable to all types of...
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Each entry must be accompanied by an official entry form and six copies of the entry. They should be typewritten to 50...
The author should consider the warehousing and distribution functions as an extension of the production line, and design a...
Rolls-Royce Engines Engine development in the Eighties. The development of the diesel engine, its components, the case for and...
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By the Hawk Ball point fairground Worn-out ball-point pens may be scrap to you but they are big money to Bill MacKenzie...
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'Major General Metcalfe looked at e changing roe anc 'attitudes of management engineers at ne RTE conference last week...
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a period of deep recession, characterised by stagnant produc-. tion, rising unemployment, low investment and uncompetitive...
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Roger Kemp. the development manager of Lucas Electric Vehicles put the case for electrics FOR 60 YEARS, from 1910 to the...