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More tankers for Purle

25th April 1969, Page 41
25th April 1969
Page 41
Page 41, 25th April 1969 — More tankers for Purle
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Three additional B-licensed vehicles, all tankers, were granted to Purle Waste Disposal (Scotland) Ltd., of Glasgow, by the Scottish LA, Mr. A. B. Birnie, in Glasgow last week.

The company already operates seven dry waste vehicles on B licence with a permitted radius of 25 miles. In addition to seeking the three tankers, the company asked that their radius be extended to 100 miles.

For the applicants, Mr. John Henry said that Purle was receiving an increasing number of appeals for help from local authorities and industrial concerns to remove waste material. The company had experienced an increased demand for liquid waste removal and it was that fact which justified the application for three more vehicles. This was work which was unpopular with hauliers—as indicated by the large volume of work on offer. The increased radius was necessary because of the difficulty of finding dumping sites near built up areas.