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How good or bad is the condition in which new commercial vehicles are received by operators? It is always easy to exaggerate a...
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I - GwwsciviU merger mootedfrom our industrial correspondent • Following talks last week between officials of the Transport...
r n certain ty says RHA • The 1969 Road Haulage Association report published on Wednesday returns to the theme of its...
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Perkins company has announced a iuty version of the 6.354 5.8-litre vhich is known as the 6.354.2 and has me output and torque...
from a special correspondent • For those who attended the International Road Transport Union's annual meetings in Prague—from...
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• Seven new Ford box vans are being supplied by Blox Services Ltd. to itssubsidiarycompany, Burn Transit Ltd., which operates...
• The idea of height limits for loaded goods vehicles was turned down by the Government this week. Mr. Carmichael, answering...
• Of the 99 recipients of the Queen's Award to industry. 1969. announced on Her Majesty's actual birthday last Monday, five are...
• The Davies and Robson seminar on costing, fleet utilization and contract hire or purchase of vehicles to be held at the...
• Solly Davis and his son, Ronald Davis, both directors of the London haulage company Charles Poulter Ltd., and 20 other men...
Noise test • The MoT is considering whether a noise test can be included in the annual examination of h.g.v., Mr. Bob Brown,...
• A Ministerial announcement will be made soon concerning a reduction in drivers' hours, Mr. Carmichael told the Commons this...
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vs igineer intenance of vehicles should not be ijor pre-occupation of a commercial operator but, largely because of recent...
• This year the Don Safety Trophy, presented annually by Small and Parkes Ltd. for the vehicle which, in the opinion of an...
• The Road Haulage Association has asked Mrs. Barbara Castle to withhold approval of the recent levy proposal of the Road...
ues of waiting vehicles at Vittoria 3irkenhead, have been eliminated by aption system introduced by the Blue Line Ltd. Loading...
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• A two-day conference last week considered some of the likely changes in distribution methods in the 1970s. The organizers,...
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Engineering staff could be trained to read way a vehicle was driven—this was the theme of a lecture to the IRTE by Mr. F. Moon...
new airfreight operation has been estabA by United Transport Overseas Ltd. in unction with Rheinunion. part of the rian...
by David Lowe Preventing load movement BRITISH-MADE car components worth £30m are exported annually to Fiat of Italy. Most of...
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• "A year of achievement" is the claim made by London Transport for its operations in 1968, according to the Board's annual...
• A Lords' demand this week that all buses should be relieved of fuel tax was made by Lord Teviot, who asked for "Action, not...
• Sales of Ford buses and coaches are at record levels and orders for 1969 already total £2.8m. The biggest increases are in...
• Stockport and Blackpool corporations have been granted fares increases by the North Western Traffic Commissioners. Last...
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4 storm has broken out on Tyneside wing the first meeting of the local Paser Transport Authority on Monday. At the ting Ald....
Delivery to Liverpool City Transport of the irtaking's first Bristol buses since Bristol Imercial Vehicles Ltd. has been able...
• Aid. Harry Sharp, chairman of 'Manchester City transport committee, was appointed chairman of SELNEC PTA at its first meeting...
• Mr. Marsh names • • MoT members • • Ministerial appointments to the Passenger • • Transport Authorities were announced by •...
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defeated from our Parliamentary correspondent • Tory MPs last week joined with the Government in defeating a Labour backbench...
• The problem of catching up with commercial vehicle tax-dodgers who moved about the country was spotlighted by a Government...
• The National Freight Corporation and the National Bus Company should be compelled to go to the Minister of Transport for...
• In the House of Commons Select Committee for the Transport (London) Bill this week the Tories were defeated—by nine votes to...
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• Local councils must accept responsibility themselves for the running of their transport fleets, the South Wales Licensing...
• No decision was given by the Transport Tribunal at the appeal of Pude Waste Disposal {South Eastern} Ltd. in London on...
• A Nottinghamshire operator unsuccessfully applied to the North Western Traffic Commissioners in Manchester on Monday for a...
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f the haulier did not mend his ways. r the new licensing system he would rapidly find himself in serious ulties and this was...
Mr. J. Else, West Midland LA, said he Id only give a warning to Mr. P. L. Taylor, ng as Taylor's Haulage, Lichfield, because is...
• All the vehicles licensed to Latham Warehousing Ltd., Stratford Road (Birmingham) Transport Ltd., Sparkhill Motor Haulage...
• Three additional B-licensed vehicles, all tankers, were granted to Purle Waste Disposal (Scotland) Ltd., of Glasgow, by the...
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jubilee by Ashley Taylor • Achievement of the company's golden jubilee by the Seddon organization has provided the celebration...
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.roducing its newly developed porteighing device, the Davall Gear Co. aims to have overcome most of the ns hitherto associated...
ictically all concerns in the Spanish vehicle industry are currently exhibiting Barcelona International Motor Exhibihich opened...
• A scheme has been launched by the Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd. designed primarily to help operators of commercial vehicles who...
Next week's issue of Commercial Motor will be a big special number devoted to British Commercial Vehicles for World Markets. As...
• A tractive unit plated for operation at 16 tons gross combination weight is now being marketed by Rootes Motors Ltd. The...
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• A reconditioned engine exchange scheme for its V6 140 (Val) and V8 185 (Vale) power units is announced by the Cummins Engine...
Combustibles and spontaneous heating Safe and unsafe storage (3) by Handyman • Quite often one finds a corner of a transport...
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by the Hawk return to Leyland of Jim Slater will come as a great surprise to some folk, believed that when he parted company...
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A REFRESHING change was the keynote of the 15th British Coach Rally at Brighton last week-end. Several established patterns...
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Row A traffic engineer emphasizes the common interest of public transport and traffic engineering, examines the practical...
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IT NEEDED nothing more than the sight of classic Italian architecture bathed in warm spring sunshine to explain the national...
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nty-one years is no great span of in the life of a company, but for an fidual vehicle type it is a rare longevity. 3y, April...
najor order from Yugoslavia for approxiely 600 Land-Rover station wagons will finalized in Belgrade this week, the , er Company...
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Asking for more PERHAPS the weekend before a Budget in which the Chancellor of the Exchequer increased taxation on road...
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review of problems now facing operators and users of commercial vehicles. vehicle weighing and overloading problow facing the...
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trailer in the • is interesting to observe the continuing ,r use of road-trains on the Continent; particularly the case in...
one is allowed to ■ an ex-Government 4x6 Scammell rery Tractor with rear-wheel braking on the public highway on trade plates...
and the Government are encouraging the extension of one-man bus operation, are any grants being made available for the...
resuft of a driver giving a misleading signal, ln the resulting court case previous test cases were quoted. Could you give me...
on a bus built to the new MoT standards will qualify for the 25 per cent discount? I have particularly in mind equipment such...
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UNCLUTTERED by tradition and unhampered by precedent, there are great opportunities for the preparation of a realistic...