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The difficulties of subcontracting in the haulage industry were pointed out before the West Midland Licensing Authority, at York House, Birmingham, on Monday.
C. Butlin and W. Poole, the executors of J. Butlin, of 12, Francis Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, were applying to add one vehicle of 2i tons to those under their existing B licence, with a radius of 25 miles, to replace two horses. Mr. G. R. Griffiths said the applicants had 14 horses in commission and were disposing of two. They had three lorries, with a radius of, operation of 25 miles.
Mr. C. Butlin, the applicant, said be had had much difficulty in subcontracting work outside a 15-mile radius. Delay was often caused and his customers became dissatisfied.
The application was granted, but was limited to a radius of 15 miles. That was the usual radius, said the Authority, when horses were being replaced, and he could see no reason for its extension.
Clydeside Producer-gas Company.
Among the latest applicants for a factory site at Hilliugton Industrial Estate, near Glasgow, is the British Gazogenes Co., a new undertaking sponsored by the Duke of Montrose and Sir Alexander MacEwen, chairman of the Highland Transport Co. This company proposes to equip motor vehicles. agricultural tractors, fishing boats and small stationary power plants with the French Gohin-Poulenc producer-gas system.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from February 25 to March 4 inclusive:—DocKs: King George V. 8; Royal Albert, 7; Royal Victoria, 5; Surrey Commercial, 6; West India, 4; South-West India, 2; Tilbury, 11; Tilbury Stage, 3; Millwall, 5; London, 2. WHARVES: Hay's, 6; Mark Brown's, 1; Tilbury Jetty, 3.
The Mechanical Horse as a Tower Wagon.
The latest use for the Scammell mechanical horse is as the basis of a tower wagon, and the outfit is described in a brochure which has recently been issued by Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Watford West, Herts. A low-loading chassis is used to give a well-platform length of 12 ft., and pressed channels section side members, with heavy-duty tubular and channel cross-members, form a stable base for the ladder.
. The tower gives a platform height of 20 ft. from the ground and is mounted directly on to the main frame, being reinforced with transverse angle-iron bearers. The telescopic ladder is on three sections and is operated by hand ropes or a low-geared winch.
Four steadying jacks are provided, which enable the ladder to be used quite safely when the mechanical horse part of the outfit is removed. The
platform of the well is made to the full legal width of 7 ft. 6 ins, to give adequate room for men operating the ladder and for carrying equipment. The weight of the trailer is approximately 1 ton 11 cwt.
Invincible Policies in Leeds.
Invincible Policies, Ltd., has opened a branch office at 25, North British Building, East Parade, Leeds.
Prosecuted for Dropping Mud.
Mud which became wedged in the twin wheels of a lorry and dropped on to the road resulted in the appearance of a Falkirk contractor and one of his drivers at Hawick Police Court last
week. Prosecutor said there was a duty upon drivers to see that the highway was not soiled. Bailie Hislop said he would admonish accused, and that the case would warn other drivers.
Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton, announces that, after exhaustive tests of oil engines installed in the LN5 4-5ton chassis, it has decided tq, offer the Perkins P6 six-cylindered engine as an alternative to the normal petrol unit for this model, as well as for the PLNF5 24-26-seater passenger chassis.
Prices, including electric starter, are as follow :—
LN5 10-ft. 6-in. wheelbase normal-control chassis, 4549; LN5 10-ft. 6-in. wheelbase forward-control chassis. 4563; LN5 13-It. 9-in wheelbase normal-control chassis, 1559; LN5 13-ft. 9-in. wheelbase lorward-control chassis, 4573; PLNP5 forward-control chassis, 4629.
It is anticipated that the Commer LN5 drop-sided lorry, embodying the P6 power unit, will scale under 50 cwt. unladen, and thus fall into the 30 m.p.h. 230-taxation class.
If required, the Perkins Leopard II four-cylinderecl oil engine can still be supplied on LN5 and PLNF5 models.