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0 NE of the most troublesome thorns in the flesh of road operators was removed last week by the Minister of Transport, when he...
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A FTER visiting every international motor show that has been held in Germany since 1926 we have come to the conclusion that in...
T HE adoption or development of classes of material different from those at present employed in the construction of motor...
Breakdowns Must Not IN London it is already Result in Protracted A required by law that a Obstruction . . . broken down...
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Of Anthony being hoist. That police action is often heavy-footed as well as high-handed. That this is not entirely the fault...
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Proposals for a conference on " Transport and the Prosperity of Lancashire," to be held in Manchester in June, were discussed...
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The Lothians shale-oil areas will be visited by the delegates attending the conference on shale and cannel coal, to be held in...
THE CANCELLATION CLAUSE. A LTHOUGH this clause has LAbecorae a regular feature of goods-in-transit insurance it is still the...
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'This case is not an isolated one of wrong-doing, but of continual use after prohibition," said Mr. F. G. Bradford in appearing...
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The difficulties of subcontracting in the haulage industry were pointed out before the West Midland Licensing Authority, at...
N OT only as a director of the concern, but also as master of ceremonies, Captain W. F. Strickland, M.P., attended the opening...
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At Aberdeen, last week, Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, granted the application by Mr. Charlea...
A SELBY haulier, Mr. Harry r‘Campy, appealed to the Appeal Tribunal last week against the Yorkshire Licensing Authority's...
Southend Corporation is buying seven A.E.C. Regent oil-engined double-deckers. Surrey County Council has authorized the...
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The British Standards Institution, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.', has recently published a new British Standard for the•...
A New Sourer for Rough Country Work—Many Examples of Luxury Bodies P ARTICIPATION in the commercialvehicle section of the...
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Fitting Oversize_ Tyres How Operators May Ensure Safety and Avoid False Economy. Some of the Technicalities Associated With a...
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WHETHER the packing of goods for VT transport should be a factor under the licensing system was raised in the final submission...
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CHEAP RATES BY BLUFF A Haulier Tries to Evolve a Scheme for Rate-cutting Whilst Keeping Outside Minimum Figures for Weekly...
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ROYAL PATRONAGE AT C.M.U.A. LUNCHEON. The principal guest at the C.M.U.A. 's annual luncheon on Wednesday, April 6, will be...
A SUGGESTION that the C.M.U.A. should submit a memorandum to the Home Office concerning the endorsement and suspension of...
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The carnival-dance arranged by the Leicester Sub-area of the C.M.U.A. at Leicester last week, attracted some 350 people. . This...
ROME straight talking characterized sJa speech by Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, at a meeting of the...
I S it a fact that the large operator has such advantages in respect of buying facilities that he can, as the outcome, cut the...
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At the annual general meeting of the North London Sub-area of A.R.O., held on Monday, Mr. R. W. Sewi11, national director of...
A P ticulaily Us4111 Adaptation of a Standard-type Van for Laundry Purposes, Allowing Maximum Bulk Capacity TC those in the...
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Rcappearance of the N5 Heavy-duty Model with Forward Control and a Choice of Wheelbase Lengths. Modernized Chassis, Enhanced...
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The International Exhibition in Germany Proves to be Even More Comprehensive Than Usual. It Occupies Ten Halls Although Few New...
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How Space May be Economized and Goods Displayed to the Best Advantage in Bodies for Mobile Shops W HEN a travelling shop is...
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krnong Exhibitors at THE PARIS TB \ETOR S HOW A Good Range of Tractors of All Classes at an Important International Event,...
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MENDERS are invited by the following (latest -1dates given in parenthesesl:— Beaten and Isleworth B.C., for sand, ballast,...
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'ME intimated in our issue for last VV. week that the number of new commercial vehicles registered in December, 1937, showed a...
WATERLOO BRIDGE GRANT QUERIED. I N the House of Commons Sir William Davison asked why the Minister of Transport had agreed to...
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SHOULD THE FALMOUTH REPORT BE IMPLEMENTED? i52791 The report of the Falmouth Committee on the coal and oil process in this...
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A Recent Entrant into the Popular Battery-electric Field, Midland Vehides, Ltd., Has Just Added a Larger Model to Its Range For...
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TNTIMATION has been given that lthe question of whether Glasgow Corporation should continue the practice of permitting children...
R ATEPAYERS of Northampton have again to thank the corporation's transport undertaking for a rate relief of £2,000, allocated...
L AST week, a sub-committee of Dundee Corporation transport committee visited the works of a local body-building concern with a...
S PEAKING on Liverpool's passenger transport undertaking, Mr. Arthur M. Morris. a ratepayers' candidate in a by-election, said...
r- I N March 6, London Transport will X./effect the biggest conversion from tram to trolleybus yet made in one day. The new...
IN connection with the Edinburgh 1 bus-stance controversy the Grassmarket Development Association has brought the claims of...
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T HE ownership of the spare wheel of a bus was disputed by two claimants in an unusual lost-property case at Stirling Police...
T HE importance of drivers returning their badges to the Traffic Commissioners if the driving licence is not renewed was...
T HE taxi-fares controversy has now reached Manchester Watch Committee, and here, after an initial discussion, the subject...
-F-HE scheme proposed by Halifax 1 Corporation, for the construction of a bus station at Cross Fields, has been sanctioned by...
("ON VERSION of a number of Dundee Corporation buses to oil fuel is recommended in a report by Mr. William .Aitken, city...
A PPEALS lodged by more than a dozen coach-excursion operators in Leeds, concerning the starting point for the majority of...
S (III JECT to the consent of the authorities and the company concerned being obtained, Wolverhampton Transport Committee will...
H AVING considered the financial position of the transport undertaking, Portsmouth Corporation transport committee states that...
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other units of high power, a starter motor operated by compressed air is shown in patent No. 478,313, by R. Coffman, 4,733,...