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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
The Restriction of Noise.
New regulations relating to traffic noises and to the report of the Conference on Road Traffic Noises and Priority of Traffic at Cross Roads can be obtained from H.M. Stationery Office or through any bookaeller.
The new regulations make it an offence for any person to use, or permit to be used, a motorcar or a trailer drawn by a motorcar, which causes any excessive noise as a result of any defect in design or construction, or lack of repair, or faulty adjustment. It is also an Offence under the regulations to use a vehicle or trailer which makes an excessive noise due to the faulty packing or adjustment of the load. It is providedthat temporary or • accidental causes which could not have been prevented by the exercise of due diligence and care shall not constitute an offence. Also that where a person other than the driver is responsible for the maintenance or loading, the driver shall not be held liable unless he could have prevented the noise.
As regards the' cross-roads danger, the Minister has addressed a letter to all highway authorities drawing attention to the recommendations of the Conference, but he has emphasized that the driver on the main road should not be absolved in any degree front the responsibility of exercising proper caution, and the use of the ordinary crossroads sign on main routes will not be discontinued.
Harriers on Brewery Work.
Davenport's " C.-B.," Ltd., a wellknown concern of direct beer distributors, of Birmingham, is obtaining good service from a fleet of Harrier vehicles. The company operates 70 commercial motors and made its first acquaintance with Harrier products less than 18 months ago, when it purchased, through the maker's Birmingham depot, a GWY-type three-tonner. This vehicle was purchased as an experiment, but it gave such good results under service conditions that the company purchased a further nine vehicles before the close of 1928.
The bodywork of these machines, which are of 2-ton, 3-ton and 4-ton capacity, is of the covered-top opensided type, specially constructed for the user by Whitehouse and Co., Ltd., of Bi rmingham.
In a recent letter to the Birmingham depot of the maker the *company expressed its appreciation of the efficiettcy of the Harrier fleet which, it mentioned, had already run a total mileage of 77,270, the average petrol consumption working out at. a gallon for 7.4 miles run. These vehieles are engaged solely on door-to-door deliveries. The R.A.S.E. Tractor Trials.
The Committee (Implement) of the Royal Agricultural Society of England has reported that the regulations and entry forms for the agriculturaltractor trials, to be held in the summer and autumn of 1930, have been considered in detail and, with amendments, approved. The arrangements made by General Law, of the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Oxford University, for the use of land fur the tests have been discussed.
The trials will consist of two parts ; tests of a scientific and practical nature, not open to the public, and a demonatration for all. The machines can be manufactured in any country, and there is no restriction as to weight or horse-power. Not more than two of any one make or model may be entered:
The classes include direct haulage tractors with internal-combustion or steam engines or electric motors.; cableploughing sets ; self-propelled ploughing or cultivating machinery not necessarily suitable for general haulage, and special machines not covered by these classes but which are self-propelled and capable of field operations.
Vorras of entry can be obtained from the Secretary, Royal Agricultural Society of England, 16, Bedford Square, London, W.0.1.
Sternal Dividend., The proprietors of the well-known brands of motor oils sold under the trade name of Sternal have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum on the preferred ordinary shares of the company in respect of the year ending June 30th. We are informed that the turnover for the present year is in excess of that for the past year, and that the company continues to make steady headway.
The Royal Commission on Transport.
At a meeting 'of the Royal Commission on 'Transport, which was held on June 14th at the House of Lords under the chairmanship of Sir Arthur Griffith-Boscawen, the town clerks of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Salisbury gave evidence on behalf of the Association of Municipal Corporations. After alluding to the strength and composition of the association's membership, mention was made of the fact that 98 municipalboroughs were tramway operators and 69 buS operators.
When the Conimission met on the following day, Mr. W. J. Hadfield, the • city engineer of Sheffield, and Mr. P. Wilkinson, engineer to the Willesden Urban District Council, gave evidence on behalf of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. Mr. Hadfield said that counts taken before 1914 at 60 points showed an average daily traffic of 1,967 tons, whereas a census taken in 1928 at 115 points on first-class roads showed an average of 10,011 tons, an increase of 409 per cent. The percentage of heavy motors had increased from 19.T to 55.6, whilst light motors, including pleasure cars and vans up to 21tons, had increased from 21.7 per cent. to 37.3 per cent, of the total traffic.
Personal Pars.
The Mihister of Transport, Mr. Herbert Morrison, M.P., has appointed Mr. George R. Strauss, M.P., to be his parliamentary private secretary.
We reproduce on this' page a portrait of Mr. A. H. Hawkins, who is the managing director of the East Surrey Traction Co., Ltd., a post which he has occupied since the inception of the company in 1911. Under his able guidance the company has established a thriving passenger-transport business and it now operates a large number of buses on regular routes, in addition to undertaking excursion trips during the Mr. Hawkins is also Chairman of Antccar Services Lid., of Tunbridge Wells, whilst he is a director of the Laited Automobile Services, .Ltd., the headquarters of Which are_ at York.
r. Hawkins is a member of the Institute of Transport.
Mr. A. E. Millard, of Newcastle, who has been elected president of the Furniture Warehousemen and Removers' Association, is a director of Robson and Son, Ltd., of Newcastle, and has charge of that concern's extensive removal business, which he was responsible for inaugurating nearly 25
yeas ago. Since that time he has built up a large andefficient fleet, and some years back introduced one of the first tractor-lorries into the district. This is a Leyland with a huge pantechlliCon attachment, and it is engaged on a regular service between Tyneside and London. Nine years ago he was given a seat on the board of Robson and Son, Ltd.
At a recent meeting of the tramways committee of the Nottingham Corporation, which in future. will be known as the passenger, transport committee, Mr.
C. Goodsark, of Manchester, was appointed to the newly created post of rolling-stock superintendent. There were 81) applicants, and the list was re(bleed to five, these being interviewed. Mr. Goodsark, who is 35 years old, received his training at the Loughborough works of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. He at present, occupies the position of chief technical assistant in the rolling-stock branch of the Manchester Corporation, but he will take up his new appointment in the course of the next three months.
We are informed by the Secretary of the Listitute of Transport that Sir Josiah Stamp, G.B.E., D.Sc., ..has agreed to accept the office of president of the Institute in succession to Air Vim-Marshal Sir Sefton Braneker, K.C.B., A.F.C., whose year of office expires on September 30th.
We note that Mr. S. E. Garcke's name appears amongst the vice-presidents.
Mr. J. Petrie, whose portrait is reproduced on this page, is the general manager of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., which controls a vast network of bus services from its headquarters at Chester-le-Street. Mr. Petrie has been associated with the passenger-transport industry since 1919, when he held the position of chief assistant engineer to the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd. Three years later he was engineer to the Sociedad de Autobuses de Madrid, whilst in the following year he migrated to Shanghai, where he became engineer and manager of the China General Omnibus Co. Three years later he returned to England and took over the general managership of the company with which he is now actively connected. Mr. Petrie is a member of the Institute of Transport.
Aid Required for Developing a Goods Fleet.
We know of an influential group of road-transport experts which is offered a large tonnage for haulage at good rates providing the necessary vehicles, plant and personnel can be made available, but financial assistance is required to develop the scheme. Any letters from interested inquirers will be forwarded to the. right quarter if addressed " Tonnage," care of the Editor.
Albions on Railway Service.
The two Albion vellieles which aro shown in an illustration on this page form part of a fleet of 20 2-ton vehicles of this make which is used by the London and North-Eastern Railway Co., most of them being engaged in the collection and delivery of goods in city and .suburban districts. The two vehicles which are illustrated are shown. at High Street Station, Glasgow. They are platform lorries, and it will be seen that below the platforms dumping pads are slung,. these consisting of cork covered by pleated rope. These are used to facilitate the safe discharge of casks and other articles.
Each lorry is equipped with two loose rails which are used for unloading casks and other heavy packages which must be lowered from the lorry to the street level, and the use of the pads at the ends of the skids affords a greater degree of safety in the handling of such goods than is usually possible.
London's Busy Ambulance Service.
The London County Council has compiled statistics relating to the working of the London ambulance service (luring the year ended March 31st last. The total number of calls received during the year was 42,879, which is the highest figure for any year since the service was inaugurated in 1915. Hitherto the quickest average time taken to reach cases was 6.8 minutes, and that was in the year 1926-27, when the number of calls received was 39,575. For the year 1928-29, notwithstanding the increased number of calls, the average time taken to reach eases was 6.7 minutes, whilst the average time which elapsed between the receipt of calls and the arrival of patients at hospitals was 14.2 minutes, as compared with 14.6 minutes in the previous year.
More Trolley-buses for Nottingham.
Such satisfactory results continue to attend the working of trolley-hoses in Nottingham that the responsible municipal eotumittee has decided considerably to extend this branch of passenger transport, it being determined to purchase more vehicles of the four and six-wheeled types. Before the order is placed the committee will visit several towns ahd cities in which such vehicles are in use.
Coach Traffic to the London Zoo.
Of recent years there has been a marked increase in the number of motor coach parties visiting the Zoological Gardens, particularly from the provinces. These parties frequently stay in the Gardens for a considerable time, with the result that serious traffic difficulties have arisen in Albert Road, where the parties are at present set down and picked up, and where the vehicles often stand for protracted periods.
To overcome the difficulties, the Minister of Transport has now made arrangements which are to be tried out for an experimental period of three months. Motor coaches must set down their passengers on the south side of Albert Road in line with the party wall of Nos. 2122, with the fronts of the vehieles facing west, When ready to leave the parties must be loaded in the Outer Circle of Regent's Park. The vehicles must proceed to the loading area in the Outer Circle by way of the North Gate of the park, and, when loaded, must leave by Gloucester Gate, and while proceeding between these two points they will be subject to a. speed restriction of 4 m.p.h.
For the benefit of coach proprietors and drivers, arrangements have been made with the Commissioners of Crown Lands and R.M. Office of Works whereby, on payment of 2s. 6d., vehicles can wait in Cumberland Market.
Nitralloy Steel Parts.
It will probably interest some of our readers to know Where they can obtain parts made from the new Nitralloy steel. The Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd.; Ewer Street, London, S.E.1, has been appointed a licensee for Len-don and district for the nitration (ease-hardening by nitrogen) of this steel. For this purpose a complete plant has been installed and such parts as cylinder liners, crankshafts, etc., can be supplied to suit the requirements of purchasers.
A New Coach-service Publication.
The first number of the "Road Travel AlphaBetiCal Guide of Great Britain" has been published, namely, that for June. The price is 6d. per copy. It is published by Road Travel Publications, Ltd., Albior..'House, 59, New Oxford Street, Lonnon. •W.C.1. We understand that the guide is to
appear monthly. We are informed that details for inclusion are supplied by the coach operators concerned.
At present the sales of copies is to be effected through booking agents, but other media may he used later. Details given in the guide relate to certain iong-distance coach services, no reference being made to urban bus services. Fares are given and places of departure, together with the names DE the companies working the routes in question. The first half of the guide deals with services to and from London. The other part gives details of certain cross-country routes in Great Britain. Departure times are scheduled and, in some cases, those of arrival. A directory of London booking agents is included, as is a, small one of agents in the south of England. London theatres and some cinemas are listed and there is a threepage feature dealing with the foreign embassies and consulates for the benefit of visitors to London.
Market Produce Delivered by L.M. S. Road Motors. .
A charge of is. 4d. per (rain, with a minimum of Is. per consignment, is being made by the L.M.S. Railway Company for the delivery of produce from Covent Garden Market to fruiterers and greengrocers in the Harrow and Wat ford area. The motor vehicles leave the market at about 9 a.m, each day.
Blyth Seeks M. of T's Opinion.
The licensing authority at Blyth is to seek the opinion of the Ministry of Transport in reference to the advisability of having the entrance and exit doors of buses on the same side of the vehicle.
London Licence Statistics.
Reporting on licensing matters for the ..year ended-December 31St last, the Louden County Council states that during the year 2,294 offences were reported, as Compared with 1,676 in the previous year, and,. in accordance with the provisions of the Roads Act, 1920, the penalties received were credited to the Road Fund.
During the year 757 persons to whom the council issued licences to drive had convictions for road offences endorsed 011 their licences ; 168 of these endorsements .(compared with 216 in the previous year) were in respect of drunkenness while incharge of motor vehicles.
During the year there was an increase of 64,452 in ' the number of licences issued, which is ennivalent to A:312,752. For 1927 394,223 vehicle licences were granted, and 439,955 last year. Drivers' licences issued last year numbered 243,910, as compared with
125,190 issued during the-ppoyious year. Over 48,500 new motor -vehicles were ragistered in Louden during 1928.
Leeds to Insist on First-aid Outfits for Ruses.
It has been decided by the watch committee of the Leeds Corporation that the specification inrespect of the licensing of motorbuses to ply for hire within the city be amended so as to provide (a) that vehicles shall be umuipped with an ambulance first-aid mita of a type satisfactory to the chief com4table, and (b) that long-distanceservice vehicles provided with lavatory accommodation shall he fitted with a szlitable_ tank, Willcox-Fiske Greases.
It is not always sufficiently recognized that the lubrication value of a grease is to a great extent dependent upon the foundation upon which it is built, or, in other words, the base from which the grease is produced. The well-known Willcox-Fiske greases produced by W.'n. Willcox and Co., Ltd., 22438, Southwark Street, London, 8.E.1, are refined from a pure petroleum base and are claimed to be free from leading or filling matter. An interesting descriptive folder, which gives details of the Willeox-Fiske range of greases, is available upon application to the address which we have given.
London Coneessionnaires for A.J.S. The proprietors of the Palace Garage, Eceleston Bridge, Victoria, London, S.W.I., have secured the London .concession for the new A.J.S. motor-coach and lorry chassis, which are constructed by A. J. Stevens and Co. (1914), Ltd., Wolverhampton.
York's Passenger-traffic Experiment. The tramways and motors committee of the York Corporation reports that it has been experimenting since January 10th with a system of fares including penny stages and that the experiment has failed. It is true that shortage of time worked in local factories and the extremely cold weather in February have caused the transport services to be used less, but the figures cannot he wholly accounted for on these grounds. Not only have the total receipts for the four months fallen from • 123,500 to £22,229 for all services—tramcars, motorbuses and trolley-buses—but the total number of passengers has fallen from 3,059,368 to 3,048,218 in spite of a considerably larger mileage. On tramways alone the number of passengers has fallen about 100,000. It is with / regret that the committee redommends that the penny stages be abolished and that the twopenny universal fare be brought into operation.
,Where Oto Vulcanizers are
. ---Obtainable.
We have been askecl. by Oto Motor Products to point out that the business of this firm will, from July 1st, be conducted from more central and convenient premises at 13, Bast Parade, Leeds. .
The firm specialize in Oto patent vulcanizers, foot pumps,spares for commercial vehicles, etc., and are well known in the West Riding of Yorkshire. They desire to handle one or two other sound lines..
More Buses for Bury.
Bury Town Council is instructing its tramways committee to purchase four single-deck motorbuses • at a cost of £5,500 and gives it permission, as and when required, 'to make additional purchases of such vehicles at a cost not to exceed £7,500. Application is being made to the Minister of Transport for permission to borrow £3,000 towards the cost of the vehicles. In the past two months the tramways committee has been authorized to purchase 12 buses.
An Aberystwyth-London Service.
A weekly Aberystwyth-London coach service is to be commenced at the end of June by the proprietors of the Lion Garage, Aberystwyth. The vehicles will leave Aberystwyth every Friday at 8.30 a.m., and the journey will be by way of Builth Wells, Worcester and Oxford.
From London journeys will commence at 8.39 aim. on Saturdays. The
fare for the single journey is 20s., whilst period-return tickets are available at 35s..each.. The seats in the coaches must be booked in advance.
Torquay -to Issuie No More New Licences.
The watch committee of the Tcirmiay Corporation has decided that for the licensing year ending April 30th, 1930, the committee will not consider any further applications for licences to ply foi .hire in the borough in respect of motor coaches, unless 'Stich 'applications be made for the -:renewal of existing licences. or for the licensing of new vehicles to replace old maabines., The effect of this -decision is that no • further new licences will be granted until after April 30th, 1930.
We learn with regret of the death of Mr. U. D. Colver, one of the representatives of Beckett, Laycock and Watkinson, Ltd., who met with a motor Reeldent which ended fatally. Mr. Colver was well known in the motor and coachbuilding trades. Warrington Bus Profits.
The accounts of the motorbus department of the Warrington Corporation have just been issued for the year ended March 31st last. They show that the total income amounted to £20,549 and the total expenditure to £13,170, the balance transferred to the net revenue account thus being 17,379, equivalent to an average of 6.601d. per bus-mile.
On the debit side traffic expenses accounted for £7,634, the cost of petrol £3,237, the cost of general repairs and maintenance 11,471 and general expenses MS_ The corporation rens 11 buses and they, are operated over three routes, having an aggregate mileage of 4.83. The gross profit recorded for the. year, i.e., £7,379, was reduced to 16,651 after meeting a charge for income tax.
During the past year, when an average of six buses was in use per day, the total mileage covered was 268,259, whilst the number of passengers carried was 4,478,687. The average number of miles run per day per bus was 116.789, each vehicle working on an average 16 hours per day.
'Tyre Salesman Required.
A well-known manufacturer of tyres for commercial vehicles requires a man thoroughly experienced in the sale of giant pneumatic tyrea. We understand that there are good prospects for a salesman who can meet the company's requirements. Applicants should address their letters: "Tyre Salesman," care of the Editor.
Novel Use for a Dennis Chassis.
Considerable bewilderment has been caused by the spectacle of a large craft on wheels proceeding at a moderate pace along the highways in the North Country. It is built as a show boat, and forms an advertising medium for the film "Show Boat." A few days ago it was on duty in the Manchester area. This vehicle is 29 ft. long and over 12 ft. high, and its basis is a Dennis chassis. A paddle-wheel at the rear revolves as
the vehicle pogresses. On the upper deck there is accommodation for 25 people, and at this point there is installed a steam-whistle organ. When the show boat traverses busy streets a banjo band of seven players in costume dispenses music from the upper deck.
Garner Works Activity.
The works of Garner Motors, Ltd., at Tyseley, are being kept very busy just now in executing orders for a number of important companies, including the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Peerless Cakes, Ltd., Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., and Messrs. Arkinstall Brothers. In addition, vehicles are being built for the War Office and for the Metropolitan Boroughs of Stepney and Camberwell, authorities which already own machines of Garner make.
Cardiff Bus Finances.
In the financial year ended March 31st last the bus undertaking of the Cardiff Corporation had an income of £140,885. The working expenses were £134,277, leaving a balance of 16,608. A sum of £12,000 has been paid for the goodwill, of bus undertakings which have been acquired during the year.
Tho Twin-Six Conversion for the Ford.
In our article entitled "Increasing the Pay-load," published on June 11th, we dealt with the Twin-Six conversion set as applied to the Ford 30-cwt. model and other makes of chassis, but the illustrations all applied to the Ford vehicle and not the make to which reference was made in the caption.
Messrs. P. C. Clark and Co., a concern which acts as automobile engineers and agents, advises us that it has removed to new premises at 18, Princeton Street, Red Lion Square, London,
A Welsh Plying-for-hire Case.
Our issue dated May 28th contained, on page 543, a summary of an interesting plying-for-hire case which . was heard at Swansea Police CourtIt may be remembered that the decision of the magistrate was reserved, but we are now informed that the court has found against Messrs. Griffiths and Son, who were alleged to have illegally plied for hire. A fine of 20s. and 63s, costs were imposed upon the firm. Other cases against Messrs. Griffiths and Son and other bus proprietors were adjourned.
Pyrene's New Factory.
Many of our readers will be aware that industrial developments of an important character are taking place along the Great West Road and, in this connection, mention can be made of the fact that work has just started, on a new factory which is beine' erected for the Pyrene Co., Ltd. The building has been designed by Messrs. Wallis Gilbert and Partners and it will have a frontage of 480 ft., built in white cementconcrete, enriched with faience work. The building will stand on a higher level than the road and will be well set back. The Pyrene Co., Ltd., has made considerable strides during recent years with the result that the available space at its existing factories in London has been found insufficient.
Blackpool Coach Stands.
The question of stands for motor coaches in the town has again been before the watch committee of the Blackpool Corporation. The committee has met representatives of the Blackpool Motor Char-à-bancs Owners Association and has accepted suggestions made on behalf of the associatien. It waT.S.decided that the whole question of stands for motor coaches should be considered at a special meeting of the watch committee to be held in October next.