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6,000 Arctic miles—

26th April 1968, Page 6
26th April 1968
Page 6
Page 6, 26th April 1968 — 6,000 Arctic miles—
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Easy work for the F1

The two test FJs left Helsinki on 24th January and arrived at Rovaniemi, the centre of the logging area on the Arctic Circle, two days later. From then on they really went through the hoop. Our testers weren't kid-glove men. They pushed their FJs along at speeds up to 45-50 mph.—laden and unladen, day in, day out. Through hard-packed snow and over narrow roads solid with rutted ice. Roads like troughs with deep, snow-filled dykes on either side. A real ordeal by ice. Stopping, starting, slogging for 6,000 miles each. The FJs came through it all with flying colours. Handling and stability—great. Traction—tenacious. Engine, transmission and mechanics —utterly dependable.