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Durability, braking and cold starting tests round the Arctic Circle. New FJs beat sub-zero challenge. Our new FJs are g oin g...
Easy work for the F1 The two test FJs left Helsinki on 2 4 th January and arrived at Rovaniemi, the centre of the lo gg in g...
Leave a truck out in the Arctic ni g ht with the temperature droppin g to -2 5 °F, and you mi g ht expect a bit of startin g...
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The most significant fact to emerge from recent consideration of the proposed transport manager's licence is that the holder...
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• A test track for use in developing and evaluating its products is to be built by Fodens Ltd. of Sandbach. This is being done...
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• The author of articles detailing the deficiencies of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority—resembling in many ways...
• The Road Transport Industry Training Board's regional meeting to be held in London on April 29 has been so heavily booked...
from our political correspondent • After a quick review of the position at the Ministry of Transport, new Minister Mr. Richard...
• The National Board for Prices and Incomes is due to publish today, Friday, its report or the pay of municipal bus employees....
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• Deep sympathy with Mr. Marsh "in the legacy he has inherited from Mrs. Castle" was expressed on Saturday by Mr. Peter Walker....
• Strong and wide-ranging criticisms of the Transport Bill are made by the national chairman, Mr. P. H. R. Turner, and the...
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• There is little hope that there will be any scheduling at speeds of more than 40 mph before 1972. Mr. K. H. Jackson, TGWU...
• Last Saturday night the committee of the "National Transport Action Group" decided to postpone the nation-wide stoppage by...
by Paul Moody • "No change" seemed to be the message conveyed in the speech made by Mr. Richard Marsh, the new Minister of...
• The National Carbonising Company Ltd. has announced that its road haulage, plant hire and engineering companies have been...
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by our political correspondent • The Commons Committee considering the Transport Bill passed the controversial quantity...
from our industrial correspondent • Mrs. Barbara Castle, Minister of Employment and Productivity, was urged this week to...
by lain Sherriff • Mr. Richard Marsh, Minister of Transport. was expected this week to lay before Parliament regulations which...
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'normal user' tribunal told • A Chatteris haulage contractor operated outside his authorized area and then asked the Eastern...
• The Northern Licensing Authority was being asked to licence facilities for traffic of which the majority would emanate...
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No objection to interim licences • The proposals for the new method of licensing have been described on numerous occasions as...
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• Transport Minister Mr. Marsh was given a blunt "don't cross us" warning on April 18 by the Scottish TUC in Aberdeen when it...
• An operator's garage was described as "dirty and dark with no maintenance equipment" by a vehicle examiner at a Section 174...
• An appeal by C. W. Langford and Son, due to have been heard by the Transport Tribunal in London on Wednesday was withdrawn....
• Wilsons Fuel and Haulage (Hadfield) was granted a short-term A licence in Manchester last week so that the carriage of...
Ashton-under-Lyne Corporation will increase all fares within the borough by 1d from May 12—the 3d minimum rising to 4d—and...
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Sir Robert Adeane, W. M. Dravers and Group Captain H. S. L. Dundas have been appointed to the board of the British Electric...
his group directorships as from April 30. He has agreed to act as consultant to the British Leyland board and will advise Sir...
APPLICATIONS April 19 1988 F. Wardell, (Haulage) Ltd., Lymm. A var., add. 3 art 1276. G. C. Evans, Fairboume, New B tic.. 2 T...
APPLICATIONS April 22 1968 Roundabout Haulage Ltd., Pakenham New A lic.. 2 art 1226. General goods: England. E. N. Canis,...
APPLICATIONS April 18 1968 Newbridge Transport Ltd., Birmingham. A var.. add. 6 art (636. Foundry goods. timber and timber...
APPLICATIONS April 18 1988 P. K. Perry, Christchurch. B var., add. 1 T 14.16. Building mats., excavated mats, and top soil...
APPLICATIONS April 17 1968 C. Lee, Brandon. New B lie.. 1 T (416. Road and building and site excavation mats. within 25 miles....
APPLICATIONS April 17 1988 A. K. Jackson, Crowle. New 13 lie.. 1 veh. (4t 9d. Agric. produce and requisites within 100 miles....
g.g., general goods; GB.. Great Britain; id., indivisible; lic., licence; low-ldr., low-loader: mats., materials; N.U.. normal...
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p assenger loss AND CENTRAL BUSES CARRIED MORE IN 1967 • The outstanding feature of London Transport's operations in 1967 was a...
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SR PTA CONFERENCE HEARS ABOUT INTERDEPENDENCE • How does industry—and especially the transport industry—regard the...
• Leaders of 33,000 London Transport busmen have not given up hope of getting Government approval for their £1-a-week pay and...
from our industrial correspondent • The National Joint Council for the Omnibus Industry has reached agreement in principle for...
• Unofficial consultations have begun between the Ministry of Transport and the local authorities which fall in the first four...
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• The annual report of the Public Transport Association, recently published, covers issues ranging from the Transport Bill to...
• Mr. Jack Wingrove of Jack Wingrove Ltd., and Mr. R. G. Spencer of Spencer's Coaches, have lodged an official protest with the...
• The Public Transport Association is to hold its annual conference in Harrogate on May 21,22 and 23 this year. Mr. L....
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• Portbury is more than desirable socially: it is an economic necessity. This was the opinion expressed by Mr. B. H. Fish,...
• Four small chassis-mounted rams are used to raise the container of the latest demountable-body system just announced by James...
• The third list of recipients of the Queen's • Award to Industry, which recognizes out • standing achievement by British...
• Mr. Peter Walker, Shadow Transport Minister, on Friday opened the new factory of Northern Trailer Co. Ltd., at...
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for training are equipped to help • To increase the flexibility of its training schemes, the Road Transport Industry Training...
• Introduction of aluminium box van semitrailers by Econofreight of Stockton-onTees has allowed the company to reduce the...
• A test centre designed and equipped to Ministry of Transport standards, at which a full test with written report will be...
• Mr. R. R. Jackson, the South Wales Licensing Authority, opened Trailer Week in Wales last Monday. The event, sponsored by...
• Holders of over 99 per cent of the Ordinary shares in the Eagle Engineering Co. Ltd. have accepted the offer for the purchase...
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IT WAS 1966 all over again at the British Coach Rally at Brighton at the weekend. Whyte's (Edgware) Ltd. repeated its success...
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*power was peaceful! "I am now a fully paid-up member of what is perhaps the most oppressed minority left in the world, the...
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Two MotoMeter commercial vehicle tyre pressure gauges were sent to me recently from HeIla Automobile Equipment Ltd., of...
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Special lamps on breakdown vehicles PROVIDING certain conditions are complied with, Regulation 45 and 45A of the Road Vehicle...
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by Handyman Vehicle recovery: tricks, trucks and tactics (13) • So far I have dealt with reasonably straightforward jobs....
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Continental shows plus the important ones from Eastern Europe, the Belgrade Show is truly international by A. J. P. Wilding...
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The Transportation Engineering Conference, organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers in association with Traffic...
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Penny for the Guy SPARE a thought for the licensing system, pre-war model. Nobody is prepared to say a good word for it. Even...
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UNTIL recently the level of roadworthiness to which commercial vehicles were maintained largely depended on the policy—or lack...
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operated screw-type ram would be preferable to the conventional type for elevating a tipper body? What is your view, and can...
A In a test carried out in a Bedford KD 5-tonner fitted with Bedford 300 Cu. in. diesel engine, four-speed gearbox and 5.43 to...
A While the first objective in revising successive editions of the Tables is to keep them up to date with current trends, the...
A Each conference is to be limited to 40 delegates for whom employers may claim the appropriate safety training grants...
A We assume you are referring to the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 1967, No. 1753,...
A The first Freightliner service to the Continent started last month March) running from London to Harwich and then via...
A With headquarters at 2 Park Street, London, W1 this organization is responsible for preparing and publishing voluntary and...
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What to read statistics, economics and planning ADVICE on reading to assist examination preparation in the field of statistics...