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. and a moving Irish story

26th December 1981
Page 7
Page 7, 26th December 1981 — . and a moving Irish story
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A DUBLIN remover once told r how he took into store an a and treasured grandfather cic which had as a pendulum ts. open-ended tubes containing mercury. He put them in his ov office for safe keeping, rernovi the tubes and standing them ir corner.

One morning he found thE the cleaner had done her wor The tubes were lying on the carpet in a pool of mercury. Desperately dividing it into tv puddles, he scooped them up each hand and then juggled ur he had what looked like two equal amounts. These he pour back into the tubes.

After the clock had been delivered to the new address ti dreaded happened: he met tl owner in the street. Escape w impossible.

"I don't know what you did my clock," the owner said, "bu can't thank you enough. It h never gone so well in all the years I have had it."